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1) AFTERCARE HR Club JOIN THE GROUP AND BECOME A MEMBER OF HR EXPERTS NETWORK AND ENHANCE YOUR EXPERIENCE Why the HR Club? The HR Club is a regular discussion meeting of personnel management experts working for foreign investors and Czech companies. CzechInvest‘s AfterCare Department seeks to develop favourable conditions for investors aftercare and improve the business environment. To this end CzechInvest supports this initiative and its development on an ongoing basis. What is the mission of the HR Club? -- Build an active network of human resources professionals in the key regions of the Czech Republic -- Support regular meetings and contacts -- Exchange and share information. Hold discussions over current issues -- Enhance professional know-how through practical experience -- Encourage proactive proposals concerning the issues to be addressed at the meetings -- Ensure that presentations and advice on the issues being discussed are provided by professionals -- Communicate the key issues to representatives of public authorities. All services are provided free of charge. “The HR Club is a welcome opportunity for all who believe that it is worthwhile to support common interests in the human resources field and who seek practical experience and like to enjoy pleasant company”. Milan Soldán, HR Manager Motorola Solutions CZ s.r.o. Contact us: CzechInvest Stepanska 15, 120 00 Praha 2, TEL: +420 296 342 485 E-MAIL: afc@czechinvest.org WEB: www.czechinvest.org