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1) Tourism Austria * * Invest with the World Champion www.investinaustria.at

2) Dynamic Business Location The Austrian business location stands out in international comparison. Companies profit from a good business environment, qualified employees and a modern infrastructure. Austria ranks among the most prosperous and innovative countries in the European Union, and has more effectively coped with the economically turbulent period prevailing since 2008 than most other European nations. The business location scores points thanks to its modern infrastructure, top-notch technologies, well-educated and highly-motivated employees, and also offers a high reliability of energy supplies in addition to political, social and economic stability. Moreover, Austria is the ideal base for ensuring market access to the dynamic markets of South East and Eastern Europe. The geographically tiny country of Austria is already the world champion in tourism. There is hardly any country in the world which can match the tourism revenue per capita generated in Austria. Austria is the seventh largest tourism market in European comparison. Despite this good positioning, we are continually working on creating an even more favorable business environment for companies. In this spirit we would like to welcome you to Austria. Reinhold Mitterlehner Vice Chancellor of the Republic of Austria and Federal Minister of Science, Research and Economy Contents Dynamic Business Location Austria: World Champion in Tourism Resource Paradise for Qualified Personnel Soothing the Soul A Growth Market Attracts International Investors Funding Programs Promote Investment 2 3 4 5 6 7 Editorial: April 2013; Owner& Publisher: Austrian Business Agency, Opernring 3, A-1010 Vienna; Editor-in-Chief: René Siegl; Associate Editors: Maria Hirzinger, Karin Schwind-Derdak; Printing: Digital Druck Donau 2

3) Austria: World Champion in Tourism Attractive tourism destination with high development potential Competition in the growth market of tourism is tough. Each year the World Economic Forum selects the best tourism destinations, and evaluates the attractiveness and development potential of 140 countries. Austria is among the beaming winners and has been ranked third in the world - and is still on the rise. This upward trend is also demonstrated by the hard facts. The country may be small, but Austria is a giant with respect to tourism. There is hardly any country in the world which can match Austria in terms of tourism receipts. Austria is the undisputed leader in the EU-15 with per capita foreign exchange receipts of EUR 1,752. On balance, Austria is the seventh largest tourism market in Europe and is eleventh worldwide. Famous around the world for its cultural offering and untouched natural environment, Austria equally lures tourists and tourism enterprises. 36.2 million visitors decided to enjoy high quality tourism in Austria, spending an average of EUR 96 per day. Tourism Champion Austria Top Ten Tourist Destinations Foreign exchange receipts per capita ikn 2012 (EU-15), in EUR Travel und Tourism Competitive Index Switzerland Germany Austria 1 Austria 2 1.752 Sweden 3 Spain Great Britain USA France Canada Sweden 1.275 Belgium/Luxembourg 4 1.044 Spain 5 928 Greece 6 829 Denmark 8 791 Portugal 7 791 Ireland 635 9 Netherlands Source: World Economic Forum, 2013 613 France Singapore 599 10 Source: Austrian National Tourist Office, WIFO 3

4) Resource Paradise for Qualified Personnel Outstanding tourism schools enjoy a global reputation The friendly service, the competent information at the information desk, the professional guided tours through Austria’s cultural and scenic treasures ensure that special vacation feeling with a sustainable effect. Austria has gained international recognition for its high educational level in the field of tourism. After all, the qualified and friendly staff is one of the most important factors underlying quality tourism. Key figures for 2012 Comprehensive educational offering. Not only six university courses of study and a private university but more than 40 study programs at universities of applied sciences and 28 schools in the field of tourism. Education Every tenth trainee in Austria works in the tourism sector. Some 11,300 junior cooks, specialized restaurant staff, hotel, catering and travel agency assistants, fitness trainers etc. take advantage of Austria’s well-grounded dual educational system, which uniquely fuses theory and practical training. Firms: Employees: Trainees: 89,311 191,606 11,304 MODUL University Vienna (MU Vienna) →www.modul.ac.at Vienna University of Economics and Business →www.wu.ac.at/sm Tourism Schools Salzburg →http://www.ts-salzburg.at/ Tourism Schools Tyrol →www.villablanka.com Other courses of study →www.abc.berufsbildendeschulen.at “Austria is the ideal holiday park country for Landal. It offers our guests everything they might desire.” Peter Bos Manager Development LandalGreenParks 4

5) Soothing the Soul All prerequisites are met in Austria for the further development of a high-quality tourism offering A tourist country with great potential for the future. Austria has all the ingredients to meet the demands placed on a tourist destination: a well-preserved environment with scenic beauty, natural resources, a well-managed cultural landscape, green meadows and mountain pastures, crystal-clear waters, good air quality and much more. These natural treasures combined with the most diverse possible cultural offering, the highest quality of life, the highest level of personal security and the fewest problems with pollution make Austria a tourism country boasting lucrative future potential. From the Alps to the steppe lake. Nine regions of superlatives offer a multifaceted, diversified and unique vacation experience. The country features a broad-based tourism offering, ranging from Alpine hut frolics to the Salzburg Festival. In addition to skiing and hiking, the most popular activities include visiting sights and naturally enjoying culinary delights. Vacationers in Austria can indulge in treats, from the hearty Brettljause and regional specialties to the world-famous Sacher cake. Most popular winter vacation activities in Austria Most popular summer vacation activities in Austria % of all vacationers in 2012 % of all vacationers in 2012 Hiking/Climbing Skiing 40 66 Relaxing Winter & snow 35 Relaxing 11 39 Nature holiday 30 Swimming 19 9 Hiking/Mountain biking 12 8 City breaks 12 9 Nature holiday Cycling/Mount. biking City breaks Shopping trip 8 Sightseeing 11 Shopping Cultural holidays Source: Austrian National Tourist Office, T-Mona 10 10 Source: Austrian National Tourist Office, T-Mona 5

6) A Growth Market Attracts International Investors Resort and city tourism are booming Numerous international investors already profit from the culture, scenery and highly qualified employees in Austria. The list of investors is a long one, ranging from Accor, Arabella, Sheraton, Best Western, Hilton, Le Meridien and Marriott to Rosenberger, Sofitel, Steigeneberger and Starwood Hotels. 50 percent growth. City tourism in Austria shows a disproportionately high growth rate. In the past ten years the number of arrivals has risen by more than 50 percent to 9.2 million (2012). In addition to city tourism, resort tourism is also in the midst of a strong upswing. The Motel One Group and LandalGreenParks are only two of the multinational companies which continually invest in Austria. “Austria has proven to be very attractive for Motel One, especially due to its stability and the traditionally strong hotel market. In particular, Vienna ranks among Europe’s top travel destinations along with destinations such as Berlin and London, and offers great potential for favorably priced accommodations at a high quality level.” Christian Lainer Development Director Motel One Group “Up until now LandalGreenParks has built six parks in Austria, but we aim to set up even more. If we compare the attractiveness of tourist destinations for Landal guests, we can say that Austria stands out above all thanks to the friendliness of the population, the comparatively reasonable prices, the big ski areas and the many activities in summer in addition to the diversity and charm of its countryside. There are very good reasons to explain why Austria is so popular among our guests.” LandalGreenParks 6

7) Funding Programs Promote Investment National and regional programs Austria attaches considerable importance to tourism, and the government provides support to the tourism industry on the basis of numerous funding programs, especially the Austrian Tourism Bank (Österreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank - ÖHT). Furthermore, non-business projects which are of particular importance to tourism are also promoted within the context of EU projects and grants supplied by the ERP Fund. The federal provinces also offer projectrelated assistance via interregional initiatives and tourism support through their own funding channels. Austrian Tourism Bank (ÖHT) Österreichische Hotel- und Tourismusbank Gesellschaft m.b.H. (ÖHT), the Austrian Tourism Bank, is a specialized financial institution focusing on the financing and promotion of investments in the field of tourism. As a rule the investment promotion activities are designed to finance projects up to the maximum amount of EUR 2 million. The service portfolio also encompasses support for company start-ups, partnerships and restructuring of financing for companies in the tourism sector. In 2012 the bank provided financial assistance for a total investment volume of about EUR 707 million, supporting 950 firms. ist eine Spezialbank zur Finanzierung und Förderung von Investitionen im Tourismus. →www.oeht.at ABA – Invest in Austria: Consulting free of charge for international investors in Austria ABA – Invest in Austria, the consulting company of the Republic of Austria, is the top choice of international investors aiming to establish a company in Austria. It offers you services starting with funding programs and market opportunities to tax regulations. 25 qualified employees puts its know-how at your disposal to provide you with unbureaucratic support, but at no cost to you. → www.investinaustria.at The promotion of tourism activities is a matter of particular concern to Austria. Numerous measures are designed to provide targeted and efficient support to innovative companies. The spectrum ranges from catalyst funding for projects and assistance for project-related infrastructure initiatives to special EU support programs. 7

8) ABA – Invest in Austria Opernring 3 A-1010 Vienna Tel.: +43-1-588 58-0 Fax: +43-1-586 86 59 E-mail: office@aba.gv.at Internet: www.investinaustria.at www.investinaustria.cn www.investinaustria.ru www.investinaustria.jp 8