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3) Investment Opportunities WHY JAMAICA? STRATEGIC ACCESS AND PROXIMITY • #1 transshipment port in the Caribbean region • Gateway to multiple destinations – Over 400 international flights weekly • Similar Time Zone to US markets • Efficient Access - One hour from Miami -Three hours from New York ROBUST SOFT AND HARD INFRASTRUCTURE • Extensive road network with world-class highways • Three international airports and multiple aerodromes • Seaport capable of handling 3.2 million TEU’s • Significant telecommunications infrastructure with built-in redundancy STABLE GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMY • Vibrant, stable and transparent democracy • Well established and Independent judiciary • Diversified and well developed capital markets • Transparent and investor friendly enabling environment EDUCATED AND COST COMPETITIVE WORKFORCE • 3rd largest English speaking country in the Americas • Substantive Training Infrastructure • Competitive Labour Costs • High level of Literacy

4) 4 2015 Investment Opportunities

5) WHY JAMAICA .…...………………………..………………..………………..…………… pg 1 Table of Contents JAMAICA – WHERE OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND …...……………..................….pg 5 ABOUT JAMPRO…………………………..................................................................... pg 6 GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA PROJECTS Energy Project................................................................................................................ Energy Distribution: Petroleum Company of Jamaica(Petcom)..........................................................pg 8 Logistics Project............................................................................................................. Industrial Park ................................................................................................................................................................pg 9 ICT Project...................................................................................................................... Communications: 24 MHz Mobile Spectrum License ............................................................................pg 10 Tourism Projects…………………………………………....…………….................... Top Forte .........................................................................................................................................................................pg 11 Laughing Waters, West .............................................................................................................................................pg 11 Seaside Lands .................................................................................................................................................................pg 11 Success Lands ................................................................................................................................................................pg 11 Gaming and Entertainment…………………………………………......................... Horse Racing ..................................................................................................................................................................pg 12 Agriculture Projects………………………………………………….......................... Cultivation ....................................................................................................................................................................... pg 13 Pasture Development .............................................................................................................................................. pg 14 PRIVATE PROJECTS ICT Project...................................................................................................................... Barnett Tech Park ....................................................................................................................................................... pg 16 Bioprist ............................................................................................................................................................................. pg 17 Tourism Projects……………………………………................................................... Green Castle Estate .................................................................................................................................................. pg 19 Somerset Falls .............................................................................................................................................................. pg 20 Rose Hall Estate .......................................................................................................................................................... pg 21 Seventh Harbour ........................................................................................................................................................ pg 22 Mount Pleasant ............................................................................................................................................................ pg 23 Shirley Lands................................................................................................................................................................... pg 24 Harmony Hall ............................................................................................................................................................... pg 25 Coral Springs ..................................................................................................................................................................pg 26 American Global MD .............................................................................................................................................. pg 27 Pristine Harbour............................................................................................................................................................ pg 28 Point.................................................................................................................................................................................... pg 29 Cotton Tree Bay .......................................................................................................................................................... pg 30 Green Island .................................................................................................................................................................. pg 31 Richmond Estate ......................................................................................................................................................... pg 32 Malcolm Bay .................................................................................................................................................................. pg 33 Paradise Cove .............................................................................................................................................................. pg 34 Breezes Montego Bay .............................................................................................................................................. pg 35 Oyster Bay ...................................................................................................................................................................... pg 36 Amaterra Bay ................................................................................................................................................................ pg 37 San San ............................................................................................................................................................................. pg 38 Agri Investment Projects……………..............…………………………..........…..... Caribbean Mariculture.............................................................................................................................................. pg 40 Cacoa de Jamaique .................................................................................................................................................... pg 41 Eden Gardens – Bio-Tech R&D Institute: Nutraceuticals .................................................................... pg 42 Alcoffarm Blue Mountain Coffee Farmlands .............................................................................................. pg 43 MAP OF TOURISM PROJECTS LOCATION……………………….........………….... pg 44 INCENTIVES……………………….....................................................................…….... pg 46

6) 6 2015 Investment Opportunities

7) Jamaica – WHERE OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND Jamaica is a vibrant emerging market with enormous possibilities for trade and inward investment. In 2014, Forbes Magazine ranked Jamaica 64 out of 146 nations in their Best Countries for Business Report making it the best country in the Caribbean region to do business and third in Latin America and the Caribbean. This achievement is testimony to Jamaica’s comparative advantages that have served to attract investors across a range of sectors and has seen Jamaica’s stock increase in existing and new sectors. Located in the Caribbean, Jamaica is the third largest island in the Greater Antilles and the largest English speaking island in the Caribbean. It is 146 miles long and 51 miles wide with a global personality and influence that radiates well beyond its size. Its population of nearly 3 million represents a harmonious and proud blend of races and cultures that is known for its creative and enterprising spirit. The island provides investors with opportunities in a diverse set of sectors such as Agriculture, Energy, Mining, Manufacturing, Tourism, Business Process Outsoucing (BPO), Financial Services, Film and the Creative Industries. Some highlights include: • Logistics – Already the region’s #1 transshipment port, Jamaica’s Logistic Hub Initiatives will provide investors with the ideal platform for enhancing their logistics capabilities and driving supply chain efficiencies within the region. • Tourism - with over 3 million visitors annually and growing, Jamaica’s global appeal has translated into visitor curiosity and ensured growth in numbers even throughout the global recession. • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – with over 14000 persons in the sector and global players such as Xerox, Teleperformance and Sutherland Global Services, Jamaica recognition as the ideal nearshore location is coming of age. • Agriculture – with an ideal climate, significant underground water resources, crops with distinct flavor profiles and thousands of acres available for development, Jamaica provides an ideal platform for agri-based industries. • Mining – Already known for its bauxite industry, Jamaica also has significant deposits of high quality limestone which provides the underpinnings for the creation of an industry rivalling bauxite. • Manufacturing – With a rich heritage of manufacturing, Jamaica provides a perfect platform for companies seeking strategic market access through trade agreements and geographic proximity. In essence, Jamaica has made significant strides in the diversification of its economy and investors have begun to take notice as is evidenced by the number of major transnational corporations (TNCs) investing in Jamaica. 2015 Investment Opportunities 7

8) - FACILITATING INVESTMENT IN JAMAICA The Jamaica Promotions Agency (JAMPRO), which is an agency under the direction of the Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce (MIIC), is charged with: • promoting and facilitating investments • promoting and facilitating trade • policy advocacy In the area of investments, the agency works closely with entrepreneurs from around the globe to enable them to tap into the wealth of investment opportunities available in the country. JAMPRO assists the investor from the onset through the provision of any due diligence information which is required for the completion of their analysis of the country. In this regard, no information request is considered “too small” and investors are encouraged to contact JAMPRO. Having decided to invest in Jamaica, JAMPRO further provides assistance through a facilitation unit which guides investors through the necessary processes and provides support in finding, accessing and leveraging resources to ensure expedient and successful start-up. This is achieved through a suite of services in partnership with key government Agencies and Ministries. These services include securing work permits, non-tourist visas, duty waiver concessions, incentives, appropriate permits/ licenses, customs clearances, fiscal incentives, and building and development approvals. 8 2015 Investment Opportunities Finally, the Agency also offers development support services after an investment project becomes operational. This serves to encourage continued growth and maximize the contribution of the investment to the investor and the national economy. JAMPRO promotes investments in a number of targeted sectors, which include the creative industries (film, music and entertainment), manufacturing , tourism, agri-business, information and communication technology, mining and professional services.


10) ENERGY & MINING Energy Distribution Petroleum Company of Jamaica(Petcom) The Government of Jamaica is seeking to privatize the Petroleum Company of Jamaica (PETCOM) to expand and develop the petroleum industry. PETCOM markets a variety of petroleum products, including fuels and lubricants, to the domestic and commercial transportation market segments. PROJECT FEATURES • • • 28 PETCOM service stations and fourteen (14) LPG filling plants island-wide Market share of 12% of the local retail petroleum industry Markets a variety of of petroleum products such as: 1. Industrial fuels and lubricants to the transportation sector 2. Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) to the domestic and and industrial markets 3. Asphault , heavy fuel and diesel oils to the industrial sector 10 2015 Investment Opportunities

11) LOGISTICS & INFRASTRUCTURE Industrial Park Port of Kingston There are approximately 80 hectares of land conveniently located in close proximity to Kingston Container Terminal (KCT) that are eminently suitable for providing a wide range of logistics activities for both the local and offshore markets. In total, this includes existing free zone sites, adjoining underutilized aerodrome, and unused terminal expansion lands. Together, these could be combined to develop and support on or near port logistics activities. This is in keeping with modern ports, in particular transshipment ports having evolved to include, logistics facilities and industrial parks or near-port facilities to enable a wide range of value-added services to be performed. A Preliminary feasibility study on a 10-acre phased development indicated: • The logistics activities will in their own right generate incremental cargo throughput over the port in the region of 40,000-50,000 TEUs/per annum in cargo volumes within three years. • Increased employment, based on the type of value added activities undertaken, could result in new jobs in the region of 2,400-3,000. • Local business and firms will be provided the opportunity to transition to (a) special economic zone (b) in many cases partner with international firms to provide value-added services (c) access new technology and knowledge transfer. • Stimulate business activities in the port ecosystem with spill over in the wider economy. • Facilities will utilise environmentally friendly technology – renewable energy solar panels as part of the buildings and energy efficient building technology. These are expected to reduce the carbon footprint while reducing the cost of energy. FACILITIES TO BE DEVELOPED WILL INCLUDE: • • • Warehousing, display, pick and pack, reconsolidation and distribution of cargo Sophisticated assembling, postponement, customization Light to advanced manufacturing 2015 Investment Opportunities 11

12) INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Communications 24 MHz Mobile Spectrum License The Government of Jamaica is committed to fostering increased competition and ensuring that Jamaicans have ubiquitous and affordable access to telecommunications. The Government has therefore made available for assignment, 24 MHz of spectrum in the 700 MHz Band as well as additional spectrum in the 1700/2100, 1800, 1900 MHz and 2.5/2.6Ghz Bands respectively for wireless broadband services and emerging “fourth-generation” (4G) cellular technologies, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) Advanced. The license fee payable would be for a term of 15 years. 12 2015 Investment Opportunities The sharing of telecommunications infrastructure is expected to reduce the cost of investment which will ultimately redound to the consumers of telecommunications services. It will afford new entrants the opportunity to accelerate service expansion, and, in addition to the cost savings, will limit the aesthetic deterioration of the country’s landscape and reduce the environmental footprint of the telecommunications sector.

13) TOURISM PROJECTS Available Sites Tourism Development Top Forte Laughing Waters, West LOCATION: OCHO RIOS, ST. ANN LOCATION: OCHO RIOS, ST. ANN Top Forte consists of 31 acres of prime beachfront lands suitable for a 5 or 6-star hotel/villa development. It is located in Ocho Rios, near Dunn’s River Falls, one of Jamaica’s most popular North Coast tourist destinations. This site is ideal high-end/boutique hotel.The property is located west of the world renowned Dunn’s River Falls, in the garden district of St. Ann, one of Jamaica’s most popular North Coast tourist destinations. Seaside Lands at Rose Hall Success Lands (UDC) LOCATION: ROSE HALL, ST. JAMES LOCATION: ST. JAMES This property is located on the seaside in front of the Montego Bay Convention Centre and is a total of 26 acres. The property is ideal for the development of a high end resort facility to complement the existing developments along this elegant corridor and the nearby Convention Centre. The Success property is located in the North Eastern region of the parish of St.James and is approximately 20.8 km East of Montego Bay’s Central Business District. It is just West of Iberostar, with a total of 70 acres North and 20 acres South of the highway. This property is ideally suited for a high end resort development. 2015 Investment Opportunities 13

14) GAMING & ENTERTAINMENT Horse Racing Caymanas Track Ltd. The Caymanas Park horse racing facility is owned by the Government of Jamaica (GoJ) through Caymanas Track Limited (CTL) which was formed to manage and control the Caymanas Park facility. This facility, which holds licenses from the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission, is currently the only entity responsible for the promotion of horse racing at Caymanas Park and the operation and running of pari-mutuel betting pools in Jamaica. With horseracing facility situated on 196 acres in St. Catherine, Jamaica, Caymanas Track Limited (CTL) Promotes approximately 900 ‘ON TRACK’ races each year with at least 13 major companies sponsoring 34 of these races. Furthermore, through its simulcast system, Caymanas Track Limited (CTL) offers approximately 10,500 ovserseas races per annum 14 2015 Investment Opportunities The Government of Jamaica, through the Ministry of Finance, has approved the privatization of Caymanas Track Limited (CTL) to introduce private sector capital for the development of a modern, world-class horse racing, entertainment and gaming complex.

15) AGRICULTURE PROJECTS Cultivation Agro Parks The establishment of Agro Parks will boost local food production and will position farmers to reap high yields and increase their earnings. The genesis behind the creation of Agro-Parks, by the Government of Jamaica is to deliberately increase the production of select Agricultural products that can be produced in high quantities. To-date eight of nine Agro Parks have been successfully implemented. The ninth agro park is to be implemented during the 2015 financial year and an additional twentyone Agro Parks are to be established over the next three years. PROJECT CONCEPT: The Agro Park concept promotes intensive and targeted agricultural production in specific defined spaces utilizing optimum and efficient practices to yield product outputs. The Agro Parks seek to integrate all facets of the agricultural value chain from pre-production to production, post harvesting and marketing. Products selected for production will not only have a high income potential but will also have a distinct brand quality, such as Jamaican Ginger. The immediate effects of this initiative are threefold as it will not only stem the country’s trade deficit and increase food security for the country, but will also raise the export capacity of these products. Jamaica’s unique value proposition in this regard is that there is a ready and large labour pool of persons previously aligned to sugar plantations/factories who are available for working in this sector. Of significance is the opportunity for high turnover for investors. KEY HIGHLIGHTS: • • • • 5,765 ha of land will be brought into production Potential for high yield production Capacity utilization support Reduction in imports of targeted crops 2015 Investment Opportunities 15

16) AGRICULTURE PROJECTS Pasture Development Minard Estate The Minard Estate cattle breeding station sits on over 1,600 acres of land just north of the town center of Brown’s Town in St. Ann. Owned by the Government of Jamaica, the management of the Estate falls under the portfolio of the Agro-Investment Corporation which oversees its operations. At present, the estate utilizes a little over 750 acres for pastures with the remainder in ruinate and fallow lands. of Minard. In the long term the project is seeking to increase the key performance indicators of weaner weight for female and male weaners respectively and to recover over 600 acres of pastures over a seven year development period. PROJECT FETAURES • PROJECT CONCEPT: The specific objective of this project is to refurbish 100 acres of pastures over a 24 month period.This initiative will be the catalyst to: • • • • • Carry 1,429 heads in PY7 A combination of improvement or complete refurbishment of 600 acres of pastures over seven years Accomplishing sales of an average 273.43 animals per annum or 1,914 over seven years. Install new fences and water supply systems Provide improved grazing for the bull, black and heifer herds The first phase of this project target is to re-establish 100 acres of pastures and to secure and install related infrastructure to accommodate the senior bulls and to provide an overall impact on the output and productivity 16 2015 Investment Opportunities • • One thousand six-hundred acres with a base herd of 763 heads of beef cattle as follows: 366 cows, 93 cow calves, 117 bull calves, 93 heifers 62 young bulls and 32 senior bulls. Currently 1,003 acres can easily be converted or maintained as pastures. Approximately 45% of these 1,003 acres can be considered fair to good with the remaining 55% in need of rehabilitation. KEY HIGHLIGHTS: The expected outputs are as follows: • • • • • 100 acres of pastures rehabilitated to improve on fodder bank to provide quality feed stock Average sale of 273.43 animals per annum Expand the total herd to 1,429 by PY7 Average annual net profits of J$5.24M Accumulated seven year net profit of approximately J$36.7M


18) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY Barnett Tech Park Location: Montego Bay, St. James The Barnett Tech Park involves ten lots over 48 acres as part of a large scale real estate development project on 400 acres of land, and operating under the Montego Bay South Master Plan. The Park will be part of a larger development to extend over 1,500 acres, representing the first of its kind in Jamaica and the Caribbean. VistaPrint, a US based company and leader in the global Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES)/ Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector, built a 100,000sq ft. facility on one lot from which it conducts its Jamaican operations. The developers have developed a 50,000 sq ft facility and are set to begin two further facilities. There are opportunities to purchase lots and/or lease space in in this park. PROPOSED FEATURES • • • Secure gated environment Custom-built facilities for ITES/BPO operations Infrastructure such as water, sewage and light is already in place and development approval has been obtained from the local authority. 18 2015 Investment Opportunities • • • Residential accommodation such as condominiums, town homes and apartments, as well as recreational facilities Facilities proposed for locating the Western Campus of the prestigious University of the West Indies (UWI) Provision of services such as banking/financial services, food service/restaurant, supermarket and pharmacy KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • 15 minutes from the Sangster International Airport 5 – 10 minutes from major hotels, restaurants, and other leisure activities Close to schools and universities

19) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY BIOPRIST Locations: Sandy Bay, Lucea, Montego Bay BIOPRIST Knowledge Parks has three ideal locations for BPO/ICT space. All locations are a combined total of 202,500 Sq. Ft. on 33 acres of land, situated along the Western end of the island in: All 3 parks can accommodate future expansion and are either ocean front or ocean view. PROPOSED PROJECT FEATURES Montego Bay, St. James – 50,000 Sq. Ft. of BPO space available by summer 2015 - provides employment opportunity for a workforce of up to 2,500 persons and a full run of 3 shifts. Four (4) miles from Sangster International Airport in Freeport, flanked by other BPO operations. • • Sandy Bay, Hanover – 87,650 Sq. Ft. of BPO office space - provides employment opportunity for up to 5,000 persons and a full run of 3 shifts. 15.7 miles from Sangster International Airport. • Lucea, Hanover – 60,308 Sq. Ft. of BPO office space - provides employment opportunity for up to 2,500 persons and a full run of 3 shifts. 27 miles from Sangster International Airport. • • • PCI compliant facilities Fully secured with perimeter fencing and close to regional and local Police headquarters Equipped with fibre optic networks Has 1-2 standby generators Can provide combined employment for no less than 10,000 personnel at full capacity running 3 shifts Food courts, banks, ATMs, utility bill payments and money outlet transfers are being reviewed for incorporation KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • 1 hour and 15 minutes travel time from Florida, USA within the same time zone Located in prime locations of Montego Bay and its suburbs 2015 Investment Opportunities 19


21) TOURISM Green Castle Estate Location: St. Mary This 2-mile beach front property is located in the parish of St. Mary on Jamaica’s Northeastern Coast and consists of 1,591 acres of lush hills, valleys and plains. It is ideal for a mixed development, featuring eco-tourism attractions. The property consists of valleys and hillside plateaus that rise from the Caribbean Sea to more than 500 feet in elevation. The “vision” for Green Castle is to create a luxury, low-impact, mixed-use residential resort that will be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. Of the 1,591 acres, an initial plan indicates that only 213 acres to a maximum of 400 acres is proposed to be developed. The vision for Green Castle, Inc., is to identify a master developer who will co-invest in the land as a joint venture partner. The preliminary development plan includes ten major components: PROJECT FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • Beach hotel of 200 rooms Luxury hotel of 150 rooms Beach casitas – 15 units Fractional residences – 75 units Hillside residences – 40 lots Estate residences – 75 lots Taino Indian Cultural Centre – 60 units Workforce housing – 60 units Equestrian centre Agricultural and horticulture leases (in place) KEY HIGHLIGHTS The Green Castle has: • • • Connectivity to the island’s Highway 2000 road network Close proximity to the Ian Fleming International Airport Beach front property spanning two miles on the coast of the Caribbean Sea 2015 Investment Opportunities 21

22) TOURISM Somerset Falls Location: Portland This National Geographic featured property boasts 112 acres of prime land and is situated in the lush parish of Portland on Jamaica’s North East end. This location is also 10 miles west of Port Antonio which is known to be a yachter’s haven with a modern marina, named in honour of Errol Flynn and a dry dock facility. PROJECT FEATURES • • The property includes a swimming pool, gazebos, rooms , restaurants and an exquisite waterfall, which is its main attraction. 13 acres of flat land on the beach. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • Close proximity to Errol Flynn Marina Recent high-end developments in Portland One Hour away from Ian Flemming International Airport located in St.Mary Ideal for Eco-Tourism 22 2015 Investment Opportunities

23) TOURISM Rose Hall Estate Location: Rose Hall, St. James Rose Hall Development is located on the Eastern side of Montego Bay and maintains a portfolio of over 3,500 prime acres of land with a master plan. Rose Hall is currently home to over 2,500 luxury hotel rooms on properties owned by Half Moon, Iberostar, Hyatt, Palmyra and Hilton. The Rose Hall Development project is envisioned to be a self-contained resort community. PROJECT FEATURES • • 250 acres of the land is prime oceanfront real estate property ideal for resort and commercial development. All oceanfront property is serviced by Rose Hall’s extensive private infrastructure, which includes potable water, advanced wastewater treatment and recycled irrigation water. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • • At the heart of the property is the historic Rose Hall Great House, a restored 18th century architectural masterpiece. Neighboring luxury residential communities feature golf course frontage with panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea. Home to three of the Caribbean’s most widely acclaimed golf courses, Rose Hall offers 54 holes of championship play designed by Rick Baril, Robert von Hagge and Robert Trent Jones Sr. The new Montego Bay Convention Center, adjacent to the Great House, complements the product offering with 56,000 sq. feet of exhibition space, and 12,000 sq. feet of private meeting rooms. The four-lane North Coast Highway provides easy transportation to the Sangster International Airport, located 7-12 miles away. 2015 Investment Opportunities 23

24) TOURISM Seventh Harbour Location: Kingston This is a planned 206-acre secure, self-contained, multifunctional recreational facility at the Gunboat Beach site in Palisadoes, the cusp of Kingston’s gateway. It is also adjacent to the Norman Manley International Airport. The project has been designed so that each of the major components can stand alone and independent of any other. Together, they make an exciting and bustling web of commercial activity that will revolutionize Palisadoes and indeed the Kingston Metropolitan Area (KMA). PROJECT FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • Entertainment, Restaurant and Gaming Centre Boat Tour Facility 200-Slip Marina, Marine Fuel Station and Harbour Mart Cruise Ship Pier Retail/Entertainment Complex Water Park 20,000 Capacity Entertainment Complex Fine Dining Restaurant Museum of Jamaican Music 350-Room Hotel with Conference and Gaming Centre 24 2015 Investment Opportunities KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Close proximity to Airport- Five Minutes to the Norman Manley International Airport. Close proximity to Port Royal ,a nominated World Heritage Site. Ideal access to Kingston’s vibrant and urban populace

25) TOURISM Mount Pleasant Location: Negril, Westmoreland Mount Pleasant is ideal for a spa/resort retreat. Located 7 miles from Negril and 45 miles from Montego Bay, it offers a panoramic view of the entire city of Montego Bay and the Caribbean Sea. PROJECT FEATURES • The concept includes one hundred (100),one to three bedrooms units, a restaurant, pool and a wellness spa KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • Ideal for persons seeking a quiet and rejuvenating time away from the hustle and bustle of urban living. Mount Pleasant is a 50 minute drive from Montego Bay Close proximity to Negril’s famed seven-mile white sand beach Great sunsets 2015 Investment Opportunities 25

26) TOURISM Shirley Lands Location: Mamee Bay, St. Ann Shirley lands in Mammee Bay, is located in the beautiful parish of St. Ann. PROJECT FEATURES • • • This property consists of 29.7 acres of land bordered by a beautiful stretch of white sand beach in Mammee Bay, just outside of Ocho Rios on Jamaica’s north coast. The property is ideal for a hotel development. Approval is in place for a resort of up to 354 resort hotel rooms. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Five to Ten minutes from Ocho Rios 90 minutes from Sangsters International Airport, Montego Bay Close proximity to Craft and Duty Free shops 26 2015 Investment Opportunities

27) TOURISM Harmony Hall Location: Trelawny Harmony Hall is a beautiful 40-acre beachfront property suitable for a 400-room hotel development. PROJECT FEATURES • • • The property is located on Jamaica’s famous North Coast, about 30 miles from the Sangsters International Airport, midway between Montego Bay and Ocho Rios. It is sandwiched between two other high-end tourist sites – Harmony Cove and Silver Sands. Infrastructure for water is in place. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • 35-40 minutes from Sangsters International Airport, Montego Bay Ideally positioned between Ocho Rios and Montego Bay 2015 Investment Opportunities 27

28) TOURISM Coral Springs Location: Trelawny Located in Trelawny on Jamaica’s North Coast, this property consists of 360 acres. PROJECT FEATURES • • • Bordered by beautiful beaches Ideal for subdivision into discreet parcels for varied tourism developments. Includes a small salt pond. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • 35-40 minutes from Sangsters International Airport, Montego Bay Ideally positioned between Ocho Rios and Montego Bay 28 2015 Investment Opportunities

29) TOURISM American Global MD Location: Montego Bay American Global MD (AGMD) is a consortium of U.S board-certified physician-investors who are intent on creating a five star accredited facility to serve the needs of their patients as an alternative to utilising U.S based facilitates. This group of investors are in active clinical practice in the United States and have a comprehensive plan covering a three phase implementation. PROJECT FEATURES • • • Phase One to provide 50-75 bed facility dedicated to elective surgical procedures Phase Two provide an additional 50-75 beds for critical care and medical specialties Phase Three entails additional 50-75 beds, teaching institute and student and faculty accomodations KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Prime site located and under negotiation Site located in mecca tourism destination of Montego Bay Jamaica favourably ranked as a destination for medical tourism 2015 Investment Opportunities 29

30) TOURISM Pristine Harbour Location: Montego Bay Located at the end of the Montego Bay Freeport peninsula, the site is 13.5 acres of ocean front lands. The upscale location boasts a unique city view of Montego Bay and its environs and is in close proximity to several hotel resorts. It embodies all the attributes for development of a World Class resort property. PROJECT FEATURES • • The site has approval for approximatley 334 rooms under a residential concept, to include a pool, tennis courts, service buildings, and a clubhouse, among other amenities. The approved concept can be converted into a hotel resort development with room for expansion. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • 20 minutes from the Sangsters International Airport Site offers tranquility, privacy and security 30 2015 Investment Opportunities

31) TOURISM Point Location: Point, Hanover This property borders the famous Dolphin Cove attraction and Hanover and it is in close proximity to the Grand Palladium Resort. PROJECT FEATURES • • • • KEY HIGHLIGHTS • Proximity to Airport – Approxinatley 1 hour and 15 minutes to the Sangsters International Airport in Montego Bay Consists of 729.3 acres of land Located on both sides of the Point leg of the North Coast Highway, approximately 6.5km East of Lucea. The section of the property on the Northern side of the Highway (app. 28 acres) is flat and is bordered by the Caribbean Sea. On the opposite side of the Highway the property rises gently for about 200 metres, after which mostly steep slopes are found. The interior of the property is rolling with several hillocks and waterways, and offers a panoramic view of the coastline. The property is suitable for high-end residential and or tourism development. 2015 Investment Opportunities 31

32) TOURISM Cotton Tree Bay Location: Westmoreland Cotton Tree Bay is just a short drive outside of the casual, laidback resort town of Negril, famous for its seven mile beach strip.The highway between Montego Bay and Negril gives easy access to the property, which takes up about 200 acres. PROPOSED PROPERTY FEATURES • • • • The property boasts two miles of waterfront starting at the Eastern point of Green Island Bay in the parish of Hanover and continuing East along the Northern coastline. This desirable location has many possibilities, and is ideally suited for a marina, resort and/or residential development, villas, hotels, spa facilities, exclusive residential homes and riding stables. Its extensive coastline could offer various water sports from sailing, snorkeling and scuba diving to spear-fishing. The turquoise water offers local flora, fauna and marine life. Grooming and development of its beaches will bring out Cotton Tree Bay’s optimum pristine beauty. 32 2015 Investment Opportunities KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • Cotton Tree Bay is a 50-minute drive from Montego Bay Great Sunsets Beach on property and nearby access to Negril’s famed seven-mile white sand beach Idyllic and secluded getaway

33) TOURISM Green Island Location: Hanover This is a 500 acres mixed development opportunity divided into two areas separated by the main road in Green Island, Hanover. PROJECT FEATURES • • 175 acres of beachfront property earmarked for small to medium sized subdivisions of 5 -30 acres ideal for high-end condominiums and tourism developments, respectively 350 acres of the opposite side of the road is suitable for housing and community development project KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • Proximity to Airport – Approxinatley 1 hour and 15 minutes to the Sangsters International Airport in Montego Bay Nearby access to Negril’s famed seven-mile white sand beach 2015 Investment Opportunities 33

34) TOURISM Richmond Estate Location: St. Ann Richmond Estate Beach is an exclusive Island property located on the North Coast of Jamaica in the parish of St. Ann. PROJECT FEATURES • • • It consists of 13.27 acres and the land hosts a large central park bordered by two white sand beaches. Richmond Estate Beach is ideal for hotels, high-end development projects, orprivate villas. The property is situated in a premier location. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Prime location on the North Coast Highway 2 bays each with white sand beaches 50 minutes from the Sangster International Airport 34 2015 Investment Opportunities

35) TOURISM Malcolm Bay Location: St. Elizabeth Covering 1,000 acres of plains on Jamaica’s South Coast, this vast property features a number of coves and a breathtakingly pristine white sand beach that extends for miles along its expanse. PROPOSED PROJECT FEATURES • • Suitable for pioneer integrated resort investment with hotels/villas, upscale condominiums and sports facility. Beautiful white sand beach KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Close proximity to the famous Treasure Beach Attracion Ecological tourism along the Black and YS rivers, and in the Great Morass has been developed in recent years Close proximity to Black River; Jamaica’s longest river 2015 Investment Opportunities 35

36) TOURISM Paradise Cove Location: Westmoreland Paradise Park is one of the few remaining white sand beach developments in the Western section of Bluefields Bay, in Westmoreland, near Negril. The shoreline requires some rehabilitation and extension. PROPOSED PROJECT FEATURES • The development concept proposes a beach and marina to complement a 1,000 room mixed use development which includes hotels, cottages, cabins and condos as well as recreational activities. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • Paradise Cove is a 50-minute drive from Montego Bay Great Sunsets Close proximity to Negril’s famed seven-mile white sand beach Idyllic and secluded getaway 36 2015 Investment Opportunities

37) TOURISM Breezes Location: Montego Bay This is a beautiful beach front hotel in the heart of Montego Bay with ready access to the famous Doctors’ Cave Beach. PROPERTY FEATURES • • • Single storey building with 124-rooms Inclusive of a pool, space for restaurants and shops Centrally located on Montego Bay’s Hip Strip. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Breezes Hotel is is five minutes away from Sangster International Airport Central to entertainment spots Adjacent to world famous Doctor’s Cave beach 2015 Investment Opportunities 37

38) TOURISM Oyster Bay Location: Trelawny Oyster Bay is a beautiful beach front property located on a peninsula near Montego Bay. PROPERTY FEATURES • Contains 165,000 meters square land with a 550 meters beachfront. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • Oyser bay is a 20- minute drive from the Sangsters International Airport Close proximity to Entertainment spots such as Margueritta Ville Great Sunset 38 2015 Investment Opportunities

39) TOURISM Amaterra Location: Trelawny Situated in the parish of Trelawny between Jamaica’s two largest resort centres, Montego Bay and Ocho Rios, Amaterra spans 350 hectares (865 acres) of 3.5km long scenic ocean front real estate. The location impresses with beaches and lovely offshore reefs, towered by beautiful limestone cliffs. PROPOSED FEATURES Amaterra Jamaica Limited is a privately held investment opportunity which proposes the development of fivestar resorts and mixed-use development along with a championship golf course and other attractions.The project is one of Jamaica’s flagship mixed-use developments, with plans that call for the construction of villas, condominiums and hotels. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • • • • Five hotel sites Villas and townhomes Luxury apartments Championship golf course 100-acre Commercial Centre Close proximity to the Sangsters International Airport in Montego Bay Subdivision and environmental approvals have already been secured 2015 Investment Opportunities 39

40) TOURISM San San Location: Portland The San San Estate is one of the few remaining pristine properties in Jamaica where there is an opportunity for high-end resort development. The property is located in Portland on the Eastern end of the island. PROJECT FEATURES • • • Sits on a total of 600 luxurious acres. On the property, the scenic San San Bay consists of 10 acres with unsold villa lots and an 18-hole golf course. There is a significant portion of the land that is not yet developed, which offers exciting potential for villas, a hotel and the maximization of the golf course. KEY HIGHLIGHTS • • • • Close proximity to Errol Flynn Marina Recent high-end developments in Portland One Hour away from Ian Flemming International Airport located in St.Mary Ideal for Eco-Tourism related projects 40 2015 Investment Opportunities


42) AGRICULTURE Caribbean Mariculture Location: Old Harbour Bay, St. Catherine The aim of this project is to produce high quality marine shrimp and fish for the local market, at competitive prices, while making a significant return on investment for its shareholders; at the same time contributing to the continued development and improvement of the environment and Jamaica’s agricultural sector. PROJECT FEATURES • • This project is a 250-acre marine shrimp and fish farm with a production capacity of 127 pond acres located at Old Harbour Bay, St. Catherine in South Central Jamaica It is leased from the Jamaica Agricultural Development Foundation (JADF). KEY HIGHLIGHTS • Close proximity to sea and air ports 42 2015 Investment Opportunities

43) AGRICULTURE Cacao de Jamaique Location: St. Mary Cacao de Jamique recently purchased seven acres of cocoa producing land in St. Mary in Northeast Jamaica, with plans to lease an additional 25 acres from the Ministry of Agriculture at Unity Farm, in a nearby location. The company has orders to produce chocolate bars for the United States market and has plans to penetrate the Caribbean market in the near future. The concept will include a farm and has an attraction component offering tours to showcase how chocolate is made. Jamaica is one of 17 countries recognized by the ICCO as producers of “fine or flavour” cocoa and is classified as one of eight (8) exclusive producers of fine or flavour cocoa. 2015 Investment Opportunities 43

44) AGRICULTURE Eden Gardens Location: Kingston Bio-Tech R&D Institute is seeking investors to partner on its mission to improve health and wellness and prevent illnesses through the use of nutraceuticals and wellness related products. Traditionally, medicinal plants have been used extensively in Jamaica and the Caribbean for health maintenance and disease management. Based on previous research done on medicinal plants over the past 40 years and based on the growing demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods, a group of scientists and entrepreneurs, headed by Dr. Henry Lowe, took the decision to enter the nutraceutical industry and exploit these indigenous herbs for wealth creation. The company’s primary mandate is to create value through the development and commercialization of nutraceuticals, functional foods, cosmeceuticals, ethical drugs and related goods and services. To achieve this mandate, the Institute facilitates research and development of health products from biological materials, especially those indigenous to Jamaica. Bio-Tech R&D Institute Limited operates in the biotechnology sector and has pioneered the formalization of a Nutraceutical industry in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. 44 2015 Investment Opportunities PROJECT FEATURES • Bio-Tech has a diverse product offering with a range of supplements, teas, sports drinks, porridge, cosmeceuticals and pharmaceuticals.

45) AGRICULTURE Alcoffarm Location: St. Andrew Located in the island’s cool Blue Mountain terrain at elevations of 200m and 450m above sea level are Mt.Dakin (106 acres) and New Garden (36 acres). The properties are naturally irrigated by rivers and streams that run throughout them. PROJECT FEATURES • • Farmlands consist of 158 acres, across 2 discreet properties, previously operated as coffee farms Structures on the property include a farm house which can house 25 workers and a coffee floating tank. 2015 Investment Opportunities 45

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48) Doing Business in Jamaica INCENTIVES INCENTIVES INCENTIVES While enjoying a number of key natural advantages such as a cost competitive and talented labour pool, strategic geographic location, first world telecoms infrastructure and great physical infrastructure, the Government has continued in its efforts to simplify and enhance the environment for doing business in Jamaica. To this end, the Government recently implemented a very comprehensive set of incentives under the Omnibus Legislation framework.The Omnibus Leglisation and other incentives are noted below: OMNIBUS INCENTIVES This new Omnibus Fiscal incentives framework provides for varying levels of relief in respect of customs duties, additional stamp duties and corporate income tax. Under this incentive act, investors benefit from exemptions and other key benefits in areas such as Tourism, Manufacturing, Mining, Creative Industries, ICT and Agriculure. These benefits are granted via the following four (4) specific components: THE FISCAL INCENTIVES ACT This is targeted at small and medium size businesses and provides for the reduction of the 48 2015 Investment Opportunities effective corporate income tax rate by applying: • • An Employment Tax Credit (ETC) at a maximum value of 30% A Capital Allowance applicable to a broadened definition of industrial buildings THE INCOME TAX RELIEF (LARGE-SCALE PROJECTS AND PIONEER INDUSTRIES) ACT This is targeted at large-scale projects and/ or pioneering projects and provides for an improved and more attractive rate for the Employers’ Tax Credit (ETC). Projects to be designated either as large-scale or pioneer will be based on the decision of Parliament having been informed by an Economic Impact Assessment. REVISED CUSTOMS TARIFF This is targeted at the productive sectors and provides for the 0% duty on capital equipment and raw material. Persons in Manufacturing, Tourism and Creative industries stand to benefit from duty free importation of industryrelated consumer goods.

49) REVISED STAMP DUTY ACT URBAN RENEWAL ACT This is targeted at the manufacturing sector and provides exemption from additional stamp duty on raw materials and non-consumer goods. Companies that undertake development within the designated Special Development Areas benefit from Urban Renewal Bonds, a 33.3% investment tax credit, tax free rental income and the exemption from transfer tax and stamp duties on the ‘improved’ property. JAMAICA FREE ZONE ACT Companies designated with the Free Zone status are permitted to import items free of customs duty, valueadded tax (called the General Consumption Tax – GCT) and other port related taxes and charges for an indeterminate period. Profits earned are also free from income tax for an indeterminate period. Eligibility is dependent primarily on the exportation of 85% of the goods and services produced within the Free Zone. This Act is slated to be repealed in 2015 at which time a new fiscal incentive arrangement will be put in place. INCOME TAX ACT (JUNIOR STOCK EXCHANGE) As of January 1, 2014, companies listed on the junior stock exchange will not be required to pay income tax in the first five (5) years. A company listing after January 1, 2017 will be ineligible for this incentive. BAUXITE AND ALUMINA ACT Recognized Bauxite & Alumina Producers are permitted to import all productive inputs free of import duties, GCT and other port related taxes and charges. 2015 Investment Opportunities 49

50) TO CONTINUE YOUR INVESTMENT DISCUSSIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SECTOR MANAGER BELOW: VICE PRESIDENT Claude Duncan Investment Promotion E-mail: cduncan@jamprocorp.com Tel: +1 876-978-7755, 978-3337 ext: 2201 TOURISM & AGRI-BUSINESS Carol Straw Tourism & Agri-business Manager Email : cstraw@jamprocorp.com Tel : 876-978-7755 ext 2225 ICT KNOWLEDGE SERVICES Chad Gordon ICT/Knowledge Services Manager Email : cgordon@jamprocorp.com Tel : 876-978-7755 ext 2271 MINING, ENERGY & MANUFACTURING Ricardo Durrant Mining, Energy & Manufacturing Manager Email : mem@jamprocorp.com Tel : 876-978-7755 ext 2230 FILM COMMISSIONER / CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Carole Beckford Film Commissioner / Creative Industries Manager Email : cbeckford@jamprocorp.com Tel : 876-978-7755 ext 2008 LOGISTICS AND EMERGING SECTOR Tastey Blackman Logistics And Emerging Sector Email : tblackman@jamprocorp.com Tel : 876-978-7755 ext 2109 50 2015 Investment Opportunities

51) NOTES 2015 Investment Opportunities 51
