Reinsurance / ILS / Banking / Funds / Captive Insurance / International Business
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Bermuda Finance | 2015
3) Bermuda Business Development Agency
The Bermuda Business
Development Agency pulls out
all the stops to help businesses
achieve their goals, working with
regulatory officials and key contacts
in the Bermuda government, as
Ross Webber, the agency’s chief
executive officer, describes.
nnovation has long been the true currency of Bermuda and that
has never held so true as in today’s rapidly shifting marketplace.
At a time when the regulatory landscape is evolving in tandem
with the globalisation of national economies, only those
jurisdictions transparent, agile, and responsive enough to foresee
change and then adapt appropriately will survive intact.
Bermuda is a trailblazer in this respect, forging its niche in the
respected top tier of compliant international financial centres. That
should come as no surprise, for we have a recognised track record of
‘firsts’. Our history chronicles the world’s first captive insurers, the
first true excess liability carriers, the first prop cats and cat bonds.
We were the first offshore jurisdiction to make the white list of the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),
demonstrating our regulatory leadership.
The world’s insurance capacity crunch of the 1980s was solved in
Bermuda and alternative risk-financing is now forging the future.
Our domicile has proven a dynamic little foundry for corporate
engagement, and Bermudians appreciate the fact that creative
business minds know they will find good karma here.
At the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA), we work as
a catalyst for that karma. We do so, first, by supporting established
business on the Island—from law firms and asset managers to global
Bermuda Finance | 2015
4) reinsurers. We seek their insights and plan strategy via industry focus
groups, and collaborate with government and the regulator to push for
legislative updates or lobby efforts that position the Island at the top of
its game. Simultaneously, our agency seeks out new companies, sectors
and startups that could benefit by basing themselves in this uniquely
high-achieving jurisdiction.
We take a united and thoughtful ‘Team Bermuda’ approach to tackling
complex issues around the Alternative Investment Fund Managers
Directive, anti-money laundering/anti-terrorist financing, the Foreign
Account Tax Compliant Act, Solvency II and other regulatory initiatives.
That means working closely with the Bermuda Monetary Authority, the
Ministries of Finance and Economic Development and industry partners
to ensure Bermuda’s stellar reputation is understood worldwide.
Access to an unrivalled
pool of intellectual capital in
just a few square blocks of
the City of Hamilton ensures
doing business is ultraconvenient.
We’re justifiably proud of the 80 treaty partnerships and 41 tax
information exchange agreements Bermuda holds with nations around
the globe, and the fact our domicile is considered a leader on tax
transparency issues by the US Departments of Justice and State, the US
Treasury, the OECD, the Financial Action Task Force, and G20 nations.
payment of catastrophe claims to US clients, including 9 percent of 9/11
claims and 30 percent of insured losses from the US Gulf storms such as
Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. Our market also contributes more
than a quarter of capacity for Lloyd’s of London—a total of £6.6 billion.
An incubator for success
Increasingly, Asian interests are also looking to Bermuda for financial
solutions. Between 2007 and 2013, the Island experienced $50 billion
in two-way trade with the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and China,
including Hong Kong and Singapore.
So what makes the Island such a petri dish of success? A perfect
combination of elements. Bermuda offers a one-stop shop of sophistication,
infrastructure, robust regulation and world-class expertise, not to mention
an ideal location to easily manage various market time zones. No wonder,
then, that Bermuda has become an incubator for top corporations and
industry visionaries to grow their pioneering ideas.
Access to an unrivalled pool of intellectual capital in just a few
square blocks of the City of Hamilton ensures doing business is
ultra-convenient—and the BDA pulls out the stops to facilitate
those vital connections. We streamline things. We help businesses
navigate necessary channels and forge productive links with industry
professionals, regulatory officials and key contacts in the Bermuda
The result benefits Bermudians and the corporate entities that call
Bermuda home. What is perhaps less known is the positive impact
our tiny country has on the global economy. According to a 2015
report commissioned by the government from Washington DC-based
economist Charles Ludolph, Bermuda supports an estimated 500,000
jobs worldwide—including 70,000 in the UK and 330,000 in Canada
and the US—through trade, foreign direct investment and portfolio
investment capacity. Indeed, Bermuda stood out among its peers and
other advanced economies, the report found, for the size and geographical
reach of its economy based on its large captive insurance and reinsurance
industry, rapidly expanding stock exchange, and its shipping industry.
Bermuda is the largest supplier of cat reinsurance to US insurers. Over the
past decade, Bermuda-based companies have contributed $35 billion in
Bermuda Finance | 2015
“For Chinese investors, Bermuda is a preferred jurisdiction that provides
more developed company law and dispute resolution,” according to
the Ludolph report. That trend is being felt across industry sectors. In
2015, a new healthcare insurance vehicle was established by Guangdong
Wing Yue Investment Co, and Panda Re was listed on the Bermuda Stock
Exchange (BSX)—the first China catastrophe bond set up on the Island.
It is worth highlighting the latter as yet another example of an area in
which Bermuda has been an incubator for a novel business approach. All
eyes these days are on the burgeoning ILS trend, which has revolutionised
the risk transfer industry and can no longer be considered ‘alternative’.
A record $17.5 billion-worth of cat bonds, sidecars and reinsurance
investment funds were listed on Bermuda’s exchange as of June 2015,
closing in on 70 percent of the world’s capacity. At least $3 billion more
in such listings is projected by year-end.
If those statistics aren’t enough to prove that Bermuda punches far above
its weight economically, we look to the 2017 America’s Cup to raise our
global profile even higher. Like Bermuda’s other ‘firsts’, our hosting of
this pinnacle sporting event marks the first time the regatta is being held
in international waters by choice over necessity.
We’re more than pleased to set that precedent. The next couple of years
promise to showcase our jurisdiction’s tangible and sometimes not-soobvious strengths to worldwide audiences, and both the economic and
public awareness benefits could be substantial.