Build a digital business model in one day

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1) Search term/Webcode... CONTACT LANGUAGES COUNTRIES / INDUSTRIES SHARE EXPORTHELP FORUM EXPORT IMPORT INVEST ABOUT US LOGIN PUBLICATIONS SERVICES EVENTS MEMBERSHIP YOUR PERSONAL CONTACT PRINT Digital Boost Day for SMEs: Build a digital business model in one day ROLAND MEIER SWITZERLAND, ALL INDUSTRIES, INDUSTRY 4.0 JUNE 27, 2016 Switzerland Global Enterprise and PwC are offering a pragmatic new consulting service: Digital Boost Day. This hands-on one-day workshop for senior LILIANE MERK Leiterin Strategisches Marketing lmerk@s-ge.com +41 44 365 53 50 vCard managers supplies the tools and knowledge to capitalize on the opportunities of the digital age as profitably as possible. Digital Boost Day Optimizing processes and value chains with digital technology Digital technology is an extraordinary tool for making processes lean, efficient and resource-effective, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited financial and human resources. From product and service development to sales, administration, logistics, marketing and after-sales service. For small and medium-sized exporters who think and act globally, digitization presents a vast array of options for accelerating international business transactions or optimizing cross-border value chains. Digitization: from the idea to success It's all about knowing "how". For example, how to select and digitize processes so they deliver more efficiency, flexibility, innovation and productivity for each company and customer group. On Digital Boost Day, consultants identify a wide array of practical digitization opportunities based on real-life examples that apply to companies' unique circumstances, and then, together with experts, specifically plan one concrete opportunity in the course of a day. From ideas to actionable plans. The final plan is ready to go right after Digital Boost Day. Companies can either act alone or with support from experts. Prototyping: developing a digital strategy The Digital Boost Day consists of four workshops. First, the company's digital readiness is assessed in a preparatory session. The resulting profile reveals key priorities that help bring new trends and current issues into proper focus on Digital Boost Day. These guidelines and sources of inspiration generate dozens of ideas that are carefully vetted, selected and fleshed out. At the end of Digital Boost Day, companies leave with a paper prototype that can enter implementation the very next day. Special offer for S-GE members Members of Switzerland Global Enterprise receive a generous discount for Digital Boost Day, paying only 7,500 instead of 12,000 (excluding VAT). Digital Boost Day for SMEs (in German) See our dossier for more information on digitization and Industry 4.0 READ MORE CUSTOMS NOW WITH INFORMATION CENTER FOR GENERAL INDUSTRY 4.0: WHAT LIFE SCIENCE: HOW DO SWISS SMES THINK? SMES GAIN AN MAESTRANI INTERNATIONAL 1

2) QUESTIONS The chocolate production sector In April, to complement its current is also affected by digital transformation. offer of information, the Swiss Federal Customs Administration MORE… (FCA) opened an information center for general questions. MORE… FOOTHOLD How do you translate innovation into global success as a life science SME? Jakob Dynnes Hansen, CFO Evolva, has some answers to that. MORE… DIRECTLY TO ABOUT US FOLLOW US ON Countries / Industries Exporthelp Services Topics Events Country Consulting Members Media Newsletter Partners Contact Sitemap LinkedIn Twitter Youtube RSS Podcasts © 2016 SWITZERLAND GLOBAL ENTERPRISE Legal notices Contact Membership Media Jobs Newsletter S-GE app RSS Social Media Sitemap Source URL: http://www.s-ge.com/switzerland/export/en/blog/digital-boost-day-smes-build-digital-business-model-one-day 2