Customs now with information center for general questions - April 13, 2016

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1) Search term/Webcode... CONTACT LANGUAGES COUNTRIES / INDUSTRIES SHARE EXPORTHELP FORUM EXPORT IMPORT INVEST ABOUT US LOGIN PUBLICATIONS SERVICES EVENTS MEMBERSHIP YOUR PERSONAL CONTACT PRINT Customs now with information center for general questions ROLAND MEIER SWITZERLAND, ALL INDUSTRIES APRIL 13, 2016 In April, to complement its current offer of information, the Swiss Federal Customs Administration (FCA) opened an information center EXPORT HELP exporthelp@s-ge.com 0844 811 812 vCard for general questions. General questions about customs are now being answered by a central information office of the Swiss Federal Customs Administration. According to the FCA, general questions mean those concerning, e.g. tourism, the importing of vehicle, and moving to Switzerland, as well as cross-border trade, provided that they can be answered without great effort. For specific questions about, e.g. customs applications or foreign trade statistics, the FCA continues to recommend visiting its website or contacting the information office responsible for the specific matter. The central information office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and can be reached by calling 058 467 15 15. Overview of contacts for the Swiss Federal Customs Administration Swiss Federal Customs Administration: Customs complements offer of information with information center for general questions READ MORE DIGITAL BOOST DAY FOR SMES: BUILD A DIGITAL BUSINESS MODEL IN ONE DAY INDUSTRY 4.0: WHAT LIFE SCIENCE: HOW DO SWISS SMES THINK? SMES GAIN AN MAESTRANI INTERNATIONAL FOOTHOLD The chocolate production sector Switzerland Global Enterprise and is also affected by digital PwC are offering a pragmatic new transformation. consulting service: Digital Boost MORE… Day. This hands-on one-day workshop for senior managers supplies the tools and knowledge to capitalize on the opportunities of the digital age as profitably as possible. How do you translate innovation into global success as a life science SME? Jakob Dynnes Hansen, CFO Evolva, has some answers to that. MORE… MORE… 1

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