Industry 4.0: What do Swiss SMEs think? Maestrani

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1) Search term/Webcode... CONTACT LANGUAGES COUNTRIES / INDUSTRIES SHARE EXPORTHELP FORUM EXPORT IMPORT INVEST ABOUT US LOGIN PUBLICATIONS SERVICES EVENTS MEMBERSHIP YOUR PERSONAL CONTACT PRINT Industry 4.0: What do Swiss SMEs think? Maestrani GIUSEPPE REBUFFONI SWITZERLAND, ALL INDUSTRIES, INDUSTRY 4.0 APRIL 06, 2016 The chocolate production sector is also affected by digital transformation. How does digitization help simplify the production of the Swiss export hit? Maestrani answers. ALBERTO SILINI Head of Consultancy asilini@s-ge.com +41 44 365 53 15 XING LinkedIn vCard What do Swiss SMEs think of the fourth industrial revolution? We ask. Günther Kscheschinski, you are COO at Maestrani Schweizer Schokoladen AG. What importance should we attach to Industry 4.0 where we stand today? "The efficiencies throughout the entire supply chain will increase significantly. Business areas will open up that will influence the very definition of a company’s core business. A company’s success will be affected to a considerable extent by the degree of digitization and by the availability of key data and information." How do rate the digital readiness of your company? "Our company is well positioned. For years we have been taking account of progressive digitization in our investment in plant and technology and reaping the resultant benefits. The anticipated developments have even impacted upon the definition of our core business." Have your customer and supplier requirements changed as a result of Industry 4.0, and how does your company deal with this? "In the areas of goods procurement, the delivery of finished products and stock management, efficient IT systems are already necessary today for requirements to be met. Further optimization potential can be identified, and we will exploit it together with our customers and suppliers." How do you make use of Industry 4.0 in your company? "At our chocolate production plant we installed a control facility last year that enables the various plant parts to communicate with each other and thus process orders autonomously. The next step will be to integrate the control facility into our production planning and control system." Maestrani is our member of the month. Find out more here! More on the subject of Industry 4.0 is available in our dossier. Don’t miss our Forum for Swiss Foreign Trade on the subject of Industry 4.0 on April 21, 2016. Exchange information and ideas informally at our fireside discussions with CEOs from diverse sectors and be inspired by our business model. READ MORE DIGITAL BOOST DAY FOR SMES: BUILD A DIGITAL BUSINESS CUSTOMS NOW WITH INFORMATION CENTER FOR GENERAL LIFE SCIENCE: HOW SMES GAIN AN INTERNATIONAL 1

2) MODEL IN ONE DAY QUESTIONS FOOTHOLD Switzerland Global Enterprise and PwC are offering a pragmatic new consulting service: Digital Boost Day. This hands-on one-day workshop for senior managers supplies the tools and knowledge to capitalize on the opportunities of the digital age as profitably as possible. In April, to complement its current offer of information, the Swiss Federal Customs Administration (FCA) opened an information center for general questions. How do you translate innovation into global success as a life science SME? Jakob Dynnes Hansen, CFO Evolva, has some answers to that. MORE… MORE… MORE… DIRECTLY TO ABOUT US FOLLOW US ON Countries / Industries Exporthelp Services Topics Events Country Consulting Members Media Newsletter Partners Contact Sitemap LinkedIn Twitter Youtube RSS Podcasts © 2016 SWITZERLAND GLOBAL ENTERPRISE Legal notices Contact Membership Media Jobs Newsletter S-GE app RSS Social Media Sitemap Source URL: http://www.s-ge.com/switzerland/export/en/blog/industry-40-what-do-swiss-smes-think-maestrani 2