Life Sciences in the Czech Republic - July 1, 2016

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1) INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Life Sciences in the Czech Republic CZECHINVEST HEADQUARTERS CZECHINVEST WORLDWIDE CZECH REPUBLIC Stepanska 15 120 00 Prague 2 PHONE: +420 296 342 458 E-MAIL: lifesciences@czechinvest.org WEB: www.czechinvest.org GERMANY – DÜSSELDORF PHONE: +49 211 250 56 190 E-MAIL: germany@czechinvest.org UK – LONDON +44 20 8748 3695 MOBILE: +44 77 8523 1520 E-MAIL: london@czechinvest.org MOBILE: CHINA – SHANGHAI +86 13817792614 E-MAIL: china@czechinvest.org MOBILE: JAPAN – TOKYO +81 3-5485-8266 E-MAIL: tokyo@czechinvest.org MOBILE: PHONE: PHONE: SCANDINAVIA +420 296 342 809 E-MAIL: scandinavia@czechinvest.org USA – EAST +1 (347) 789 0570 E-MAIL: newyork@czechinvest.org PHONE: +82 PHONE: www.czechinvest.org USA – WEST +1 (415) 794 0665 E-MAIL: california@czechinvest.org KOREA – SEOUL 10 2987 5632 E-MAIL: seoul@czechinvest.org This material is distributed free of charge. Date of issue: May 2016 CzechInvest Investment and Business Development Agency is a government organization under the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.

2) CzechInvest Contents Sector Overview 1 Headquartered in Prague, CzechInvest is the Investment and Business Development Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Since its establishment in 1992, the agency has been tasked with attracting foreign investments and developing domestic companies through its services and development programmes. Research and Development 2 Our Objectives Skills and Education 5 Company Focus 6 -- To advise and support existing and new companies to grow and prosper in the Czech Republic -- To facilitate communication between the public and private sectors -- To actively influence the positive development of the business environment -- To support the competitiveness of the Czech economy 8 CzechInvest is exclusively authorised to file applications for investment incentives at the relevant governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. Business Support Its task is also to provide potential investors with current data and information on the business climate, investment environment and investment opportunities in the Czech Republic. Our Services -- -- -- -- -- -- Detailed, sector-specific market intelligence and value propositions Customised business cases Identification of business properties and sites suitable for investment Tailored visits to the Czech Republic Access to investment incentives and EU funds Information and advice on doing business in the Czech Republic, regulations and taxation -- Identification of potential business partners, suppliers and acquisition targets -- Referrals to professional associations (lawyers, bankers, accountants, etc.) -- Aftercare service Our services are fully funded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as a part of the business support measures so they are free of charge to businesses. Our Clients Arrow International, Biovendor, Bioveta, Contipro, Exbio, Merck, Mölnlycke Health Care, Novartis, Olympus Corporation, Rodenstock, Smiths Medical, Sevapharma, Teva, Zentiva and others. Last update: May 2016 www.czechinvest.org

3) 1 Sector Overview 1348 Charles University Prague the oldest home for study of naturall science 1837 Jan Evangelista PurkynÄ› formulates the cell theory 1866 Gregor Johann Mendel discovers the principal laws of heredity As the country that laid down the principal laws of heredity, introduced the contact lens to the world and successfully developed the compounds on which current anti-AIDS drugs are based, the Czech Republic is an attractive location for manufacturing and contract R&D operations. Development of the sector is supported by effective patent protection, adoption of GMP, GLP and GCP standards, relatively non-restrictive genetic engineering and the government’s policy goals comprising continuation of support for R&D and acceleration of the transfer of knowledge between the science and business communities. The country’s membership in the European Union guarantees that licenses issued in the Czech Republic are valid in all EU countries, which comprise a consumer market of over 500 million customers within a two-hour flight from Prague. The most successful areas within which Czech life-sciences entities operate and collaborate internationally are research, development and production of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, fermentation technologies, animal and plant biotechnologies, and the use of biotechnologies in waste liquidation and environmental protection. Examples of global companies conducting business, R&D and/or manufacturing in the Czech Republic include Teva Pharmaceutical, Sanofi, Lonza Biotec, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Merck, Beckman Coulter and Gilead Sciences, among others. The key reasons to invest in the Czech Republic are: 1896 Neurologist Sigmund Freud pioneers the field of psychoanalysis -- World-class academic community and research base with a strong commitment to partnering with industry -- Established industrial R&D, manufacturing and supply chain -- Regulatory and patent environment harmonious with that of the EU 1907 Jan Jánský discovers the four blood types -- Strong presence of large international pharmaceutical companies participating in research programmes and conducting manufacturing operations -- Clinical and translational research supported by close ties between universities, research institutions, industry and the public healthcare system -- Availability of university graduates and industry-specific staff at competitive prices -- Supportive business environment and incentives for both R&D and manufacturing 1959 Jaroslav Heyrovský receives the Nobel Prize for chemistry 1961 Otto Wichterle produces the first soft gel contact lenses 2002 FDA approves the anti-AIDS and hepatitis B drugs developed by Prof. Antonín Holý Gilead Sciences „Gilead Sciences decided in 2006 to establish in Prague its only R&D centre outside the United States with the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. We have done so because of Dr. Antonín Holý and his team have shown such productivity and such impressive scientific leadership over the years.“ John F. Milligan, Executive VP of Gilead Zentiva „Zentiva headquatered in Prague, became Sanofi’s flagship for development and production of generic drugs and plays the key role in our strategy to provide patients high-quality, affordable drugs.“ Hermes Martet, CFO, Sanofi Group Synthon „Synthon has found in the Czech Republic high-quality expertise in organic, analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry, which provides an ideal environment for development of our research and manufacturing activities here.“ Bram de Kruijff, CEO, Synthon Czech Republic

4) 2 Research and Development Research Institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic www.cas.cz The Czech Republic is home to a number of noteworthy research institutes and universities recognised for their high-quality research in molecular genetics, immunology, analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry and biochemistry, oncology, neuroscience and metabolic diseases, among other fields. The majority of research institutes belong either to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic or to universities. Just one example of the state-of-the-art research facilities in the Czech Republic is the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The results of antiviral research conducted by Prof. Antonín Holý led to the discovery of antiviral compounds derived from nucleotides and nucleosides. Three of the compounds are used by Gilead Sciences for the treatment of AIDS (Tenofovir, Viread), cytomegalic retinitis (Cidofovir, Vistide) and hepatitis B (Adenovir, Hepsera). These drugs have given thousands of patients worldwide a chance for a better and longer life. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry www.uochb.cas.cz The principal activity of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB) is scientific research in the fields of organic chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, computational chemistry, physical-organic chemistry and biochemistry and in related disciplines, i.e. pharmaceutical chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and molecular pharmacology. Research is focused especially on medicinal applications and those aimed at plant and animal protection, development of new synthetic, biotechnological, analytical and computational procedures, development of functional molecules, study of the structure, properties and biological activity of substances, and the chemistry and biochemistry of peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, natural materials and their components and analogues. Discovery of the open ring phosphonates of nucleosides allowed successful worldwide treatment of diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis B. The same class of compounds also proved to be effective against many DNA viruses. Compounds synthesised by the IOCB have the ability to heal cells damaged by cancer and show promise in the treatment of other human diseases, in veterinary applications and in the field of plant viruses. The IOCB’s exceptional scientific results led Gilead Sciences to set up its only research centre outside of the US in Prague in cooperation with the IOCB. Institute of Biotechnology www.ibt.cas.cz The Institute of Biotechnology is the youngest research institute of the Academy’s biomedical research campus in Prague. Its activities are focused on basic research in structural biology, protein engineering, cell pathology and molecular therapy with prospective transfer of biotechnological methods and tools to human and veterinary medicine as well as other areas of human activity. The institute’s laboratories conduct research in the fields of diagnostics for reproductive medicine, diagnostics of autoimmune diseases, molecular therapies, recombinant ligand engineering, chemical genetics, gene expression, computational and structural biology, and diabetic embryopathy. Institute of Experimental Medicine www.iem.cas.cz The Institute of Experimental Medicine (IEM) is the leading institution in the Czech Republic for biomedical research, particularly in cell biology and pathology, neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropathology, developmental toxicology and teratology, molecular epidemiology, molecular pharmacology, immunopharmacology, cancer research, molecular embryology and stem-cell and nerve-tissue regeneration. The institute is an internationally recognised centre in these fields, and as such it was selected as an EU Centre of Excellence (MEDIPRA). The institute cooperates with leading Czech nanotechnology companies in the development of tissue-engineering protocols using nanofibre layers seeded with stem cells. In 2009, as a part of the IEM, the new Innovation Biomedical Centre was completed and equipped with cleanroom technology for human stem-cell production for clinical trials.

5) 3 Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry The scientific priorities of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (IMC) are related to macromolecules and their formation and unique properties. The institute’s main research areas are biomolecular systems, dynamics and self-assembling of molecular and supramolecular polymer structures, and preparation, characterisation and use of new polymer systems with controlled structure and properties. The institute’s current research programme is focused on studies of bio-macromolecular systems and medicinal polymers. The IMC is keeping pace with the world’s top scientific institutes in research of polymer drug carriers, development of new biomaterials for regenerative medicine and in the study of nanostructured systems based on self-assembling macromolecules. Study of the relationship between a range of reaction parameters and properties of the particles carried out in cooperation with biologists and radiologists resulted in the design of novel contrast agents for labelling living cells. www.imc.cas.cz Institute of Microbiology The Institute of Microbiology is the largest scientific institution involved in the study of microorganisms in the Czech Republic. Research at this institute covers the areas of physiology, biochemistry and genetics of microorganisms, molecular biology and microbiology, microbial products and their formation, biodegradation activities of microorganisms and symbiotic relationships in biological models and acquired immunity mechanisms, ontogenetic development of these mechanisms in conventional and germ-free models and the causality and possible therapy of cancer and autoimmune diseases. The institute’s research divisions comprise Biogenesis and Biotechnology of Natural Compounds, Cell and Molecular Microbiology, Autotrophic Microorganisms, Ecology, Immunology and Gnotobiology. www.biomed.cas.cz/mbu Institute of Molecular Genetics The Institute of Molecular Genetics (IMG) conducts basic research in molecular biology and genetics directed at microbial and mammalian genomics, oncogenes and retroviruses, mechanisms and regulation of gene expression, structure and topology of cells, cell signalling, mechanisms of fertilisation, molecular immunology and molecular developmental biology. The institute also provides inbred and congenic mice strains as well as monoclonal antibodies prepared in its production unit. The core facilities of the institute are the Genomics and Bioinformatics facility, Monoclonal Antibodies facility and the Cryobank (capacity for more than 350,000 samples), and the Flow Cytometry and Light Microscopy facility. The IMG represents the Czech Republic in several leading scientific organisations and institutions, including the European Molecular Biology Conference, the European Science Foundation, and the Steering Committee of the NATO Science for Peace Programme. www.img.cas.cz Selected Institutes Involved in Life Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic L i st of i n sti tu tes i n vol ved i n L i fe Sci en ce, Academy of Sci en ces of th e Czech Repu bl i c Institute Plant Biotech Animal Biotech Environ. Biotech Enzyme Biotech Microbial /Cell Human/Veter. diagn/therap. Basic Biotech Website In sti tu te of An i mal Ph ysi ol ogy an d Gen eti cs www.iapg.cas.cz In sti tu te of Bi oph ysi cs www.ibp.cz In sti tu te of Bi otech n ol ogy www.ibt.cas.cz www.ueb.cas.cz www.iem.cas.cz In sti tu te of Experi men tal Botan y In sti tu te of Experi men tal Medi ci n e In sti tu te of Mi crobi ol ogy In sti tu te of Mol ecu l ar Gen eti cs In sti tu te of Organ i c Ch emi stry an d Bi och emi stry In sti tu te of Parasi tol ogy Bi ol ogy Cen tre of th e AS CR Source: CzechInvest, 2016 www.biomed.cas.cz/mbu www.img.cas.cz www.uochb.cas.cz www.paru.cas.cz www.bc.cas.cz

6) 4 New Centres of Excellence The Czech government set research and development in molecular genetics and biotechnologies among its priority areas in the long-term fundamental direction of research and used substantial public funding to strengthen the research infrastructure in this field. New state-of-the-art research facilities have been completed in Prague, Brno and Olomouc to complement the existing research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. BIOCEV – Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec www.biocev.eu BIOCEV is a joint project involving six institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and two faculties of Charles University in Prague with the goal of establishing a scientific Centre of Excellence in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine. The centre will provide respected scientists with facilities for innovative research, create the necessary conditions for excellent scientific achievement in the Czech Republic and support the growth of both the national and European biotechnology industry. The scientific programme involves five synergistic fields of biomedicine and biotechnology research, the basic goals of which include detailed study of cellular mechanisms at the molecular level and inspiring application research leading to the development of novel therapeutic strategies. These include early diagnostics, development of biologically active agents including chemotherapeutics, protein engineering and other innovative technologies. CEITEC – Central European Institute of Technology in Brno www.ceitec.eu Built around the strong research background of Brno’s universities, the multi-field Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) represents a unique combination of traditional and life sciences. The core of the project consists of seven research programmes (Advanced Nanotechnology and Microtechnology, Advanced Materials, Structural Biology, Genomics and Proteomics of Plant Systems, Molecular Medicine, Neuroscience and Molecular Veterinary Medicine), bringing together 64 research groups specialising in specific, progressive scientific fields and disciplines. Multiple synergies are generated by the project, in particular the interaction between programmes addressing multidisciplinary issues. CEITEC’s aim is to establish itself as a prestigious European centre of science with state-of-the-art infrastructure and conditions in place to attract the best researches. ICRC – International Clinical Research Centre in Brno www.fnusa-icrc.org The International Clinical Research Centre is an integral part of St. Anne´s University Hospital in Brno. The centre uses the acronym FNUSA-ICRC. It is the result of long-term close cooperation between experts from St. Anne’s University Hospital and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota (USA). FNUSA-ICRC is an innovative science and research centre and a top-quality public healthcare centre focusing on prevention, early detection and treatment primarily of cardiovascular and neurological diseases. It has become an innovative international research and development centre, an international educational centre, disseminating the latest knowledge in health care, a state-of-the-art centre for public health care and a technology cluster for companies collaborating in research and development. IMTM – Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University in Olomouc www.imtm.cz The recently established Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine (IMTM), Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University in Olomouc is one of the most influential research projects carried out in the country. IMTM’s mission is translational research with the goal to understand the underlying causes of human diseases and to develop future medicines and diagnostics. Research programmes focus on molecular basis of diseases and molecular targets; medicinal chemistry; chemical biology and experimental therapeutics; biomarkers identification and validation; pharmacology and toxicology; translational medicine (proof-of-concept clinical trials). IMTM´s core facilities include Bioinformatics & Biostatistics, Animal Models and Imaging, Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Cell Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Radiochemistry, uHTS / HCA Screening Platform.

7) 5 Skills and Education The successful performance of companies operating in the life-sciences sector stems from a long track record in research and development and quality of education. More than 50,000 students were enrolled in life-sciences study programmes at naturalsciences universities in the Czech Republic, including Charles University in Prague, which was established in 1348 and is thus among the oldest European universities. Availability of a skilled workforce is one of the key determinants for the successful development of the life-sciences sector due to its high degree of dependence on knowledge and knowledge transfer from laboratories to hospitals. The availability of skilled, sector-oriented labour is one of the Czech Republic’s major competitive advantages. Over 7,400 students graduate every year in major university centres in Prague, Brno, Olomouc and Hradec Králové. Labour Availability and Quality Competitiveness Rating Index 100 97 75 74 61 59 54 USA Czech Republic UK Japan Germany Sweden Switzerland Source: Financial Times, fDi Benchmark 2015 Experienced Industry-Specific Staff Index Czech Republic Germany Japan Sweden Switzerland UK USA 18.4 15.7 15.3 12.9 12.3 12.1 11.3 The Czech Republic’s competitive cost-benefit ratio in human resources is due to the highly skilled graduates available at competitive costs and is just one of the reasons to consider the Czech Republic as a potential location for investment in the life-sciences sector. Competitive benchmarking charts show that while companies can achieve substantial savings in operational costs, the quality and availability of experienced industry-specific staff in the Czech Republic are among the highest when compared with those in the most advanced markets in the life-sciences sector. The Czech Republic’s integrated healthcare system with an extensive network of nearly 200 public and private hospitals backed by cutting-edge research centres creates an attractive environment that is ideal for translational medicine and discovery of new drugs and advanced therapies. This in turn drives demand for upgraded skills and thus contributes to sustainable development of knowledge and skills. Human resources development for the life-sciences sector is underpinned by the ability to draw extensive public support, which is made available to address the government’s strategic objective of dealing with the country’s aging population and improving the quality of life. To be part of this challenging task is increasingly attractive for both Czech and foreign students. On top of that, both national and European Union structural funds are targeted at further support for development of the country’s research infrastructure, education and employment to ensure that -the Czech Republic remains in the vanguard of skills provision. Source: Financial Times, fDi Benchmark 2015 Operational Cost Index Czech Republic UK USA Japan Sweden Germany Switzerland Number of Students and Graduates at Czech Universities Life Sciences study programmes, academic year 2014/2015 9 17 18 19 21 25 33 Source: Financial Times, fDi Benchmark 2015 Students Graduates Pilsen Hradec Kralove Prague 19,103 2,687 Pardubice 453 4,385 638 3,195 805 3,048 Gross annual wage in EUR Lab Technician Production manager Quality manager Researcher/Analyst Scientist CZ Average Wage 9.4 31.0 24.4 16.9 46.1 10.3 Source: Grafton Recruitment, 2016 Olomouc Moravian-Silesian 6,008 2,408 1,218 558 South Moravia 11,858 South Bohemia 1,510 762 Source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, 2015 2,424

8) 6 Company Focus Apigenex www.apigenex.com Apigenex is a growing contract research organisation located in Prague. It split from the country’s largest pharmaceutical R&D centre in 1999 and since then has furthered its long tradition of pharmaceutical research. The company has been in and benefited from its continuous and close partnership with Novo Nordisk A/S Denmark in the research of diabetes and obesity for nearly twenty years. Apigenex provides high-quality services in pre-clinical development and early-stage discovery in three major fields – medical chemistry, peptide synthesis and in-vivo experimental pharmacology – to both Czech and international pharmaceutical companies. The company has expanded its activities to include small-scale GMP production of highly potent APIs (peptides, glycopeptides). Apigenex has been involved in a number of collaborative research projects with both the academic and private sectors. BioVendor, Research & Diagnostic Products www.biovendor.eu Established as a small R&D laboratory in 1995, the Research & Diagnostic Products Division of the Czech company BioVendor has grown to become an innovative biotechnology company focused on developing and manufacturing in-vitro diagnostic and for-research-use immunoassays, antibodies and recombinant proteins. BioVendor’s R&D efforts are aimed at rapidly growing fields of interest within the international research and diagnostic community, such as diabetes, renal disease, osteoporosis, oncology markers and more. The company’s products, some of which are unique in the world or comprise the first commercial assays, recombinant proteins or antibodies, are the result of its strong R&D activities. Contipro www.contipro.cz Contipro has been involved in the research, development and biotechnological production of active ingredients for the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries for over twenty years. With excellent production quality and research facilities, Contipro is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of hyaluronic acid and applications thereof. With almost 40% of its employees involved in R&D, the company places strong emphasis on research. One of the latest results achieved by the company’s scientists is 4SPIN, the first desktop device for laboratory and low operating production of nanofibres, which was designed to influence the final arrangement of fibres in layers. It is targeted at laboratories engaged in research and development of new biopolymer-based nano-applications. Immunotech, a Beckman Coulter Company www.immunotech.cz Immunotech was founded in Marseille, France in 1982 with the aim of developing industrial applications for monoclonal antibodies. Its offer covered antibodies for cell analysis, as well as assay kits for the determination of hormones, cancer markers and cytokines, among others. Incidentally, the Czech part of the company also began in 1982 as a department within the Radioisotope Research and Application Institute in Prague. It was later transformed into an independent company and entered into a strategic partnership with Immunotech Marseille. Both entities continued with the development, manufacture and sale of immunodiagnostic kits, sharing the same know-how of unique, patented solid-phase coating technology. Immunotech became a part of the newly created Beckman Coulter, Inc. in 1997. Interpharma Praha, an Otsuka Group Company www.interpharma-praha.com Interpharma Praha, a.s. (IPP), a member of the Otsuka group, a Japanese pharmaceutical company with global reach, was founded in 1932 as a pharmaceutical manufacturer and today it specialises in the production of special APIs and innovative food supplements (nutraceuticals). The company is based in Prague and is a GMP compliant, full-scale manufacturing facility with state-of-the-art laboratories. After 1989, IPP focused on manufacturing many X-ray contrast media and other APIs in various therapeutic areas. In 2008 Interpharma Praha, a.s., became part the Otsuka group. In cooperation with Otsuka, IPP now participates in the development of new APIs and is expected to become one of Otsuka’s core manufacturing bases for pharmaceutical products, second only to Japan.

9) 7 Lonza Biotec www.lonza.cz Lonza is one of the world’s leading and most trusted suppliers to the pharmaceutical, biotech and specialty ingredients markets. Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, Lonza is a well-respected global company with more than 40 major manufacturing and R&D facilities and approximately 10,000 employees worldwide. The company is organized into two market-focused segments: Pharma & Biotech and Specialty Ingredients. In 1992, Lonza acquired the national Research Institute for Biofactors and Veterinary Drugs in KouÅ™im. Today Lonza in KouÅ™im is an FDAregistered state-of-the-art manufacturing plant with associated development laboratories for microbial fermentation processes. Sotio www.sotio.com SOTIO is a Czech biotechnology company that is developing the next generation Active Cellular Immunotherapy, focusing on the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. In developing new medical therapies, Sotio is using an immunotherapy platform based on activated dendritic cells with the view to significantly improving these treatments and making them affordable to patients. Leading scientists and clinicians from SOTIO’s world-class research facility in Prague, the Department of Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University and the University Hospital are involved in the preparation and implementation of promising clinical trials evaluating active autologous cellular immunotherapy treatment for patients with prostate, ovarian and lung cancer. Synthon www.synthon.com/CzechRepublic Synthon is a pharmaceutical company committed to delivering affordable medicines through innovative science. Synthon is a leader in the field of complex generic medicines and since 2007 has also been working in biotechnology, where it focuses on the therapeutic areas of autoimmune/neurodegenerative diseases, particularly multiple sclerosis and cancer. Synthon in Blansko, Czech Republic, is a fully integrated drug-substance site housing drug-substance research and development and two manufacturing facilities and employing nearly 200 committed professionals. Its combination of innovative R&D and proven ability to manufacture high-quality pharmaceuticals positions Synthon well for its future in specialty pharmaceuticals. Teva Czech Industries, a Teva Corporation Company www.teva.cz The history of Teva Czech Industries dates back to 1883, when the original company was founded in Opava, one of the oldest pharmaceutical companies in Central Europe. The Czech operation’s product portfolio covers generic medicinal preparations mainly comprising antiasthmatics, cytostatics, immunosuppressives, hypolipidemics and antihypertensives in tablet, capsule and liquid form, as well as over-the-counter drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients and herbal extracts that are exported to more than 70 countries around the world, though mostly to the United States and Western Europe. The company has approximately 1,500 employees engaged in both manufacturing and research and development activities. The company’s R&D department is involved in the development of highly potent APIs representing novel options particularly for the treatment of cancer. Zentiva, a Sanofi Company www.zentiva.cz Zentiva, a Sanofi company since 2009, is a leading international provider of modern, high-quality and affordable generic pharmaceuticals. The company’s history dates back to “Black Eagle” pharmacy established in Prague in 1488. Zentiva’s production of medicines in Dolní MÄ›cholupy, where the company’s headquarters and main production sites are located, started more than 80 years ago. Zentiva is now present in over 50 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, serving the needs of one billion patients. It produces about 100 million boxes per year and its portfolio offers over 500 products in over 800 dosage forms covering multiple therapeutic areas including cardiovascular diseases, pain treatment and disorders of the central nervous system, digestive system,urinary tract and reproductive system, respiratory system, infections and women’s healthcare. Since 2011, the company‘s headquarters located in Prague manages the product development, regulatory and portfolio building for the entire generic business of Sanofi.

10) 8 Business Support The Czech Republic provides standard legal and patent environment resulting from the country´s membership in the EU as well as in multilateral international treaties. Furthermore the Czech Republic was among the first countries to implement the EU´s Directive on Legal Protection of Biological inventions by adopting the Act on Protection of Biotechnical inventions which contributed to harmonisations of the legal framework and interpretive practices as well as to the enhanced legal security of the application of patent law. State Institute for Drug Control www.sukl.cz The State Institute for Drug Control is the national regulatory authority for production and registration of drugs and medical devices in the Czech Republic. The institute´s powers are governed by legal regulations and international treaties. The main areas within which the institute operates and provides guidelines and information to both professionals and general public are: • Overview of the most important legal regulations governing the conduct of research, production and distribution of drugs and medical devices in the Czech Republic • Registration and notification of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the Czech Republic valid for the whole of the EU • Advisory services Incentives for R&D and investment The Government has introduced a suite of fiscal measures to stimulate further growth in the sector that includes co-funding initiatives and tax incentives for R&D (up to 70% of eligible cost which differs according to a particular programme) and manufacturing (up to 45% of eligible cost). Thanks to the introduction of these fiscal measures, in combination with the country’s low corporate tax (19%) and up to 200% tax deductions on R&D, makes the Czech Republic an attractive location for both manufacturing and R&D collaboration. Cluster activities www.czechbio.org Cluster activities, such as CzechBio or MedChemBio, act as platforms for an information exchange on the development of science and technology by identifying synergies and possible collaborations to address critical issues covering the full value chain from R&D to production in the fields of innovative therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, and also communication between local and European communities in these fields. Infrastructure for innovation www.medchembio.org More than fifty science and technology parks, incubators and innovation centres have been established after 1990 which complement research centres and institutes in order to facilitate new business formation and support of young innovative start-ups. INBIT – Biotechnology centre in Brno www.inbit.cz INBIT is the biotechnology centre established as a part of the new Masaryk University campus in Brno located next to University Hospital Brno and the Central European Institute of Technology. It provides two thousand square metres of cutting edge laboratory and offices space in order to gather together start–ups and R&D laboratories of established companies to facilitate cooperation and synergies with the top academic scientists and medical doctors.

11) CzechInvest Contents Sector Overview 1 Headquartered in Prague, CzechInvest is the Investment and Business Development Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Since its establishment in 1992, the agency has been tasked with attracting foreign investments and developing domestic companies through its services and development programmes. Research and Development 2 Our Objectives Skills and Education 5 Company Focus 6 -- To advise and support existing and new companies to grow and prosper in the Czech Republic -- To facilitate communication between the public and private sectors -- To actively influence the positive development of the business environment -- To support the competitiveness of the Czech economy 8 CzechInvest is exclusively authorised to file applications for investment incentives at the relevant governing bodies and prepares draft offers to grant investment incentives. Business Support Its task is also to provide potential investors with current data and information on the business climate, investment environment and investment opportunities in the Czech Republic. Our Services -- -- -- -- -- -- Detailed, sector-specific market intelligence and value propositions Customised business cases Identification of business properties and sites suitable for investment Tailored visits to the Czech Republic Access to investment incentives and EU funds Information and advice on doing business in the Czech Republic, regulations and taxation -- Identification of potential business partners, suppliers and acquisition targets -- Referrals to professional associations (lawyers, bankers, accountants, etc.) -- Aftercare service Our services are fully funded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade as a part of the business support measures so they are free of charge to businesses. Our Clients Arrow International, Biovendor, Bioveta, Contipro, Exbio, Merck, Mölnlycke Health Care, Novartis, Olympus Corporation, Rodenstock, Smiths Medical, Sevapharma, Teva, Zentiva and others. Last update: May 2016 www.czechinvest.org

12) INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Life Sciences in the Czech Republic CZECHINVEST HEADQUARTERS CZECHINVEST WORLDWIDE CZECH REPUBLIC Stepanska 15 120 00 Prague 2 PHONE: +420 296 342 458 E-MAIL: lifesciences@czechinvest.org WEB: www.czechinvest.org GERMANY – DÜSSELDORF PHONE: +49 211 250 56 190 E-MAIL: germany@czechinvest.org UK – LONDON +44 20 8748 3695 MOBILE: +44 77 8523 1520 E-MAIL: london@czechinvest.org MOBILE: CHINA – SHANGHAI +86 13817792614 E-MAIL: china@czechinvest.org MOBILE: JAPAN – TOKYO +81 3-5485-8266 E-MAIL: tokyo@czechinvest.org MOBILE: PHONE: PHONE: SCANDINAVIA +420 296 342 809 E-MAIL: scandinavia@czechinvest.org USA – EAST +1 (347) 789 0570 E-MAIL: newyork@czechinvest.org PHONE: +82 PHONE: www.czechinvest.org USA – WEST +1 (415) 794 0665 E-MAIL: california@czechinvest.org KOREA – SEOUL 10 2987 5632 E-MAIL: seoul@czechinvest.org This material is distributed free of charge. Date of issue: May 2016 CzechInvest Investment and Business Development Agency is a government organization under the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.