Melbourne Research, Education And Training - Business, Governance & Finance

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3) Melbourne and regional Victoria are a perfect blend of economic strength and dynamism, with a lifestyle that is envied around the world. Talented people, a world-class education system, supportive government and superior infrastructure make the state of Victoria a global leader in research, education and vocational training. Victoria’s research centres, universities and vocational training providers partner with industry, governments, non-government organisations (NGOs) and other educational institutions around the world. They offer extensive opportunities for partnerships and program collaborations, including joint research initiatives, research and development services, licensing of materials, tailored curriculum development, joint program delivery, staff/student exchange, consultancy services and customised employee development programs. For more information about Victoria’s research, higher education and vocational training capabilities, contact your region’s Victorian Government Business Office at: invest.vic.gov.au/offices. 3 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

4) BUSINESS, GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE IN MELBOURNE AND VICTORIA Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is Australia’s financial and business hub and a key centre in the Asia-Pacific region. Victoria accounts for around one third of the Australian finance and insurance industry. Sixty per cent of all Australian industry pension fund assets are managed out of Melbourne. With approximately A$2 trillion in assets under management, Australia has the largest funds management market in Asia and has one of the largest managed funds per capita in the world, with total investment fund assets in Australia projected to reach A$7 trillion by 2028. The strength of Australia’s markets during the Global Financial Crisis was highlighted by the World Economic Forum which, in 2009 ranked Australia the world’s second-best financial centre after the United Kingdom. Australia was the only country in the top 20 to improve its ranking. Melbourne has been listed in the top 20 financial and business cities of the world by various global rankings and indicators, including Reuters, Anholt-GfK Roper and City Brands Index and continues to experience strong financial and banking growth. 4 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Melbourne continues a long tradition of expertise in pension funds management and global financial services, as well as financial services research, education and training. Sensible, progressive and forward-thinking regulatory and governance policy practice is propelling Melbourne into the top international rankings. For the third consecutive year, Melbourne has been ranked the world’s most liveable city in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s 2013 Global Liveability Survey. FINANCE, BANKING AND SUPERANNUATION Melbourne is home to a critical mass of financial service firms. More than 1,000 financial service operations are based in Melbourne, as well as 40 banks, 60 funds management firms and 25 major pension funds. Melbourne is the location of two of Australia’s largest banks: National Australia Bank (NAB) and the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), along with other major banks Members Equity, Bank of Melbourne and MECU. International investment firms located in Melbourne include Franklin Templeton, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Martin Currie and Vanguard Investments.

5) SKILLED WORKFORCE BUSINESS SERVICES Melbourne is home to a large workforce of highly qualified and experienced finance industry professionals. The financial services sector accounts for more than 110,000 direct jobs. Melbourne is a premier location in the Asia-Pacific region for high-value shared services including business process outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing. The city enjoys a reputation for high-quality professional research and consultancy services including financial, legal, media and publishing, engineering, and medical services. In Melbourne alone, approximately 20,000 people work in the funds management industry. Over 230 languages and dialects are spoken in Victoria, providing business with the opportunity to recruit talented, multilingual staff in a native English-speaking location. RESEARCH AND EDUCATION Melbourne is an international centre for financial services education and research. It is home to the Australian Centre for Financial Studies and the Melbourne APEC Finance Centre, and Victoria’s universities produce the highest number of management, commerce and ICT graduates in the country. The number of management and commerce graduates from Victorian universities has grown by 50 per cent over the past five years. FUNDS MANAGEMENT Victoria is the institutional centre of Australia’s A$2 trillion funds management market, which is the largest in Asia and the thirdlargest in the world. Victoria’s financial services sector, now the single largest contributor to the State’s economy, is worth nearly A$33 billion and employs 110,000 people. With eight of Australia’s 15 top pension funds based in Melbourne, Victoria is increasingly recognised as one of the Asia-Pacific region’s most important investment centres. Australia’s pension system has maintained its world number three ranking, behind Denmark and the Netherlands in the 2013 Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index. VENTURE CAPITAL Victoria is also Australia’s leading early-stage venture capital location. Successful funds include Starfish Ventures, GBS Ventures and the Medical Research Commercialisation Fund. Recent global studies by KPMG and Gartner highlight Australia’s strengths for Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and offshore services. Key features identified include the high current availability and pipeline of talent, low infrastructure costs and political and economic stability and security. Melbourne’s platform for high-value services builds on a dynamic service centre industry. Victoria represents approximately a third of Australia’s contact centre industry which employs more than 200,000 people in 3,800 call centres nationally. ISLAMIC FINANCE Since becoming the first state in Australia to recognise special arrangements ensuring compatibility with Sharia law in 2004, Victoria has fast become a hub for Islamic Finance in the AsiaPacific region. These reforms include the introduction of Shariacompliant products. La Trobe University and Monash University (through its Sunway campus in Malaysia) are developing courses that focus specifically on Islamic finance. Melbourne is also home to the National Centre for Islamic Studies. A number of institutions have been established to cater for the growing demand for Islamic finance products. The Muslim Community Cooperative (MCCA Group) is an Australian leader in Islamic mortgages. Other Melbourne-based institutions, including major banks, offer Islamic finance products. GOVERNANCE The Melbourne School of Government is considered one of the best in the Asia-Pacific region, as is the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. Both have strong research and coursework programs with strong public sector ties, collaborations and executive-level offerings. The Victorian Government has also partnered with educational providers for a number of public sector development programs, to support the training and development of international civil servants. Internships and public sector placements are a strong part of these offerings. 5 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING


7) The main output of this project was a tool known as the Rural Health Costing Model. This model can be used by the National Department of Health, development partners and other stakeholders to better understand the current costs of running rural health care facilities, the additional resources required to achieve specific service level targets and the relative efficiency of primary health care facilities based on the resource input and output data collected from facilities. The model was designed so that it can incorporate additional data when it becomes available. COSTS AND EFFICIENCY OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SERVICES IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA A research project undertaken by the Centre for Health Economics at Monash University has provided Papua New Guinea’s National Department of Health with valuable economic costing of its primary health care. The project was identified as a priority issue and initiated by the Papua New Guinea National Department of Health, which was seeking to understand costs related to the provision of primary health care services in Papua New Guinea. The research provided Papua New Guinea with timely and accurate primary health service costing information and has been used to inform future funding of primary health care facilities. The research provides an evidence base for the Papua New Guinea Government to cost current and future primary health care service delivery and it has had a real policy impact. Key analyses highlighted the role of human resources in the running of health centres. Staffing costs represent the major cost item, with over 60 per cent of total costs being attributed to this area. These analyses were utilised in costing the new “Community Health Post” cadre of facilities proposed by the Papua New Guinea Government. Further, the study was cited as one of the key sources of costing evidence for the Papua New Guinea National Health Plan 2011-2020. The model also highlights wide variation in staff productivity, and suggests there is, in most areas, capacity for increased service delivery using present staffing levels, although increases in staffing levels will be required to provide for an increasing population in the future. The model also provides valuable information on improving infrastructure and equipment, medical supplies, service delivery and particularly the level of outreach services currently being undertaken by health centres. The Centre for Health Economics is one of a number of specialised centres at Monash University providing business, finance and governance-related research and consulting services to private sector and government clients internationally. Other centres include the Centre for Development Economics and the Australian Centre for Retail Studies. 7 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

8) CASE STUDY WORLD-WIDE BEST PRACTICE IN PENSION PLANS Government policymakers and the financial industry now have a comprehensive resource for dealing with the challenge of how to best provide for ageing populations around the world. THE INDEX RANKS COUNTRIES’ PENSION SYSTEMS BASED ON THREE CRITERIA – ADEQUACY, SUSTAINABILITY AND INTEGRITY. The Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index is the first international index to objectively assess retirement income systems around the world, including countries in the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific. The Index is produced by Melbourne’s Australian Centre for Financial Studies – a consortium made up of Monash University, RMIT University and the Financial Services Institute of Australasia – in partnership with Mercer, a global leader in human resources and financial services. Pension systems around the world, whether they be social security systems or private sector arrangements, are under increasing pressure and share many common challenges, irrespective of each country’s social, political, historical or economic influences. MELBOURNE MERCER GLOBAL PENSION INDEX MELBOURNE MERCER GLOBAL PENSION INDEX The Index ranks a country’s pension system based on three criteria – adequacy, sustainability and integrity – benchmarking it against more than 50 questions. An important secondary purpose of this benchmarking is to highlight shortcomings in each country’s system and suggest possible areas of reform that would provide more adequate retirement benefits, increased sustainability over the longer term and a greater trust in the pension system. Now in its fifth year of publication, the number of countries included in the Index in 2013 has grown to 20, covering 55 per cent of the world’s population. In addition to highlighting both the considerable diversity and the positive features that are present in many systems, the study also confirms that no pension system is perfect and that every system has some shortcomings. Speaking on the release of the Index’s fifth edition, Professor Deborah Ralston of Monash University and the Australian Centre for Financial Services Executive Director said that “the responses to prior editions have indicated its value to government, industry and academia in contributing to the debate on how we best provide for an ageing population.” OCTOBER 2013 8 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING OCTOBER 2013 This interest is reflected in broad international media coverage, including Globe and Mail (Canada), Straits Times (Singapore), Economic Times (India), Financial Times (United Kingdom), Washington Post (United States) and CNBC (United States).

9) INCREASING ACCESS TO FINANCIAL SERVICES The APEC Study Centre at RMIT University enhances the capacity of regional regulators to promote financial inclusion. The Australian Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Study Centre at RMIT University in Melbourne has trained around 1,000 officials, academics and experts from APEC economies using industry professionals, government regulators and academics from more than 300 institutions. The APEC Study Centre is a leading centre in the Asia-Pacific region promoting APEC’s objectives of open trade and investment, structural reform and regional integration through training programs, institutional capacity building, symposia, dialogues and publications. Through 2011-13, the Centre ran a series of events for regional governments, together with the Asian Development Bank Institute, Association for Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific, and the Consultative Group on Assisting the Poor. These events focused on the development of proportionate regulation that supports financial inclusion and regulatory approaches that encourage the use of technology in the delivery of services to the poor. Around the world, approximately 2.5 billion people do not have access to formal financial services such as bank accounts or credit arrangements. Lack of access to financial services limits economic activity, consumer spending and overall economic growth. Events including the financial inclusion symposium, regional policy workshop and training program brought together around 90 policy and regulatory officials. They shared best practices in policy design and implementation as well as regulatory measures that will enhance institutional capacities of the public and private sectors to promote financial inclusion in the region’s banking and securities systems without jeopardising system stability. The APEC Study Centre has established links and collaborations with key regional and international institutions, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Securities Commission Malaysia, and the Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Centre of Shanghai (AFDC). The Centre has also undertaken joint projects with the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) in Manila, Thammasat University in Bangkok, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Peking University, the APEC Environment Centre in Beijing, and with many other ministries and institutes in the region. LACK OF ACCESS TO FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITS ECONOMIC ACTIVITY, CONSUMER SPENDING AND OVERALL ECONOMIC GROWTH. CASE STUDY



12) Key areas of expertise • Business • Marketing • Accounting Research/program delivery capabilities Academia International offers nationally accredited Accounting, Business and Marketing qualifications at certificate, diploma and advanced diploma level. The Institute’s curriculum is developed with job-ready practicality in mind and is taught by experienced staff with industry experience. Students use the latest industry tools and undertake applied project work that connects them with industry wherever possible. Relationships with key employers ensures that students attain real-world experience to complement their classroom learning. Courses offer direct articulation into the second year of a number of higher education providers including, but not limited to, Australian Catholic University, Central Queensland University, Charles Darwin University, Edith Cowan University, Federation University Australia and the University of Wollongong. 12 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

13) ACADEMIA INTERNATIONAL Academia International won the Excellence in International Education: Private Education and Training award at the Victorian International Education Awards 2013 and was the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) International Provider of the Year in 2012 and 2013. It is recognised for delivering training in skill shortage areas across the hospitality, personal care, community services, business and commerce, information technology and digital arts sectors. Academia International’s English school is a full member of English Australia. Curriculum is developed with an industry and job-ready practicality in mind, utilising the latest industry tools and applications, with project work enabling the student to connect with industry wherever possible. Key contact Mr Mel Koumides Managing Director T: +61 3 9671 4755 E: melk@academia21.com academia21.com 13 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

14) Key areas of expertise • Business • Commerce • Finance • Management • Marketing • Occupational Health and Safety • Real Estate • Small Business • Sport and Fitness • Events Research/program delivery capabilities As a Box Hill business graduate, students will be well qualified to commence or advance their career, or pursue further studies. Pathways are available to articulate into a university course and gain credit for the business studies completed at Box Hill Institute. Its courses are nationally-accredited; so qualifications will travel with graduates wherever work may take them. Small Business Box Hill Institute has been nominated by the Victorian Government as the Specialist Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) since 2004. It offers a range of services to assist eligible unemployed people in establishing and running a small business through the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme. It also services the small business community through its Business Enterprise Centre (BEC). BEC provides small business mentoring, advice, networking, training and delivery of a range of business development programs, legal and administrative requirements under Australian legislation. 14 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

15) BOX HILL INSTITUTE Box Hill Institute is a leading Victorian vocational and higher education provider known for its collaborative and creative approach to education in Australia and overseas. Box Hill Institute has six campuses in Australia and 22 international extended campuses and offers a wide variety of courses to both local and international students. It has been the recipient of many awards and achievements including the coveted Victorian Large Education Provider of the Year 2012, and the International Training Provider of the Year at the Australian Training Awards 2013. Box Hill Institute has an international reputation and presence in business and finance studies, delivering several courses through extended campus arrangements. Box Hill Institute’s successful small business advisory service and business facilitation training model are highly sought after by government agencies around the world in promoting entrepreneurship and addressing youth unemployment issues in their local countries. Its SME Specialists are well positioned to provide expert advice and technical assistance on knowledge skill transfers in establishing sustainable entrepreneurship programs. Key contacts Commerce Higher Education T: +61 3 9286 9841 E: c.hardie@boxhill.edu.au Box Hill Institute has staff qualified to PhD level with specialisations in law, marketing, accounting and innovation. The Institute offers customised courses and research in these areas, recognised by national bodies including and the Institute of Practising Accountants. Ms Catherine Ng Director International Projects and Transnational Delivery T: +61 3 9286 9997 M: +61 418 171 476 E: c.ng@boxhill.edu.au Mr Colin Hardie Centre Manager, Business Programs bhtafe.edu.au 15 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

16) Key areas of expertise The Faculty of Business and Law: • Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance • Economic Policy • Financial Econometrics • Rural and Regional Law and Justice • Quality of Work Life • Sport Management The Faculty of Arts and Education: • International Relations • MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Politics and Policy • 16 Cultural and Community Development • Applied Social Research Research/program delivery capabilities The Faculty of Business and Law engages with its students and partners through the provision of flexible educational programs and relevant research. Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees are informed by scholarship and are relevant to both national and global contemporary issues. The Faculty’s academic staff is engaged in applied research across the business and law disciplines and is focused on issues which are of relevance to government, business and community organisations. World-class research and teaching is undertaken through five Schools and four research centres. deakin.edu.au/buslaw

17) DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Deakin University is one of Australia’s largest and fastest growing universities providing learning, teaching and research opportunities across multiple campuses and innovative use of online technology through Cloud Deakin. World university rankings evidence Deakin’s well established reputation for excellent teaching, innovative course delivery, high level student satisfaction and world-class research aligned to industry and community needs. Research and teaching in business, finance and government is conducted through the Faculty of Business and Law and the Faculty of Arts and Education. Proactive collaborations with industry and government ensure that courses are relevant, innovative and practical. Deakin University offers relevant study at undergraduate and postgraduate levels including PhDs. The Faculty of Arts and Education through its Schools and research centre institutes offers programs that focus on government through studies in Politics and Policy, International Relations, and Applied Social Research. Theoretical studies and applied research provide opportunities for students that align with the needs of government and industry. The Faculty also leads teaching and research, both in Australia and internationally, in the areas of cultural and community development, training and leadership and development. It delivers postgraduate degrees internationally through full-program transnational education in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore and through course licensing in China. deakin.edu.au/arts-ed The Alfred Deakin Research Institute (ADRI) conducts high quality research, founded in the social sciences and humanities. Its links across disciplinary areas and with external partners offer distinctive research program opportunities. ADRI researchers are particularly engaged with questions relating to Australia and changes in Asia and the Pacific, including leadership, development and wellbeing. ADRI also hosts the Parliamentary Governance and Leadership Group, whose primary focus is on building the capacity of parliaments, members of parliament and parliamentary staff. Key contacts deakin.edu.au/alfred-deakin-researchinstitute Professor Ian Robottom Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Arts and Education Professor Rens Scheepers Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Business and Law T: +61 3 9244 6568 E: rens.scheepers@deakin.edu.au Professor Chris Hickey Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Arts and Education T: +61 3 52227 2666 E: chris.hickey@deakin.edu.au T: +61 3 5227 1451 E: ian.robottom@deakin.edu.au Professor David Lowe Director, Alfred Deakin Research Institute T: +61 3 522 72691 E: david.lowe@deakin.edu.au Mr Chris Kelly Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business and Law T: +61 3 52272562 E: chris.kelly@deakin.edu.au deakin.edu.au 17 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

18) DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Key areas of expertise • Accounting and Financial Services • Administration • Advertising and Marketing • Human Resources • International Business • Management Research/program delivery capabilities Industry engagement is a hallmark of Holmesglen’s operations. It has extensive experience working with industry stakeholders in the development of curricula and learning resources that reflect current business practices, assessment validation, workplacebased training delivery, provision of workintegrated learning opportunities and appointing industry professionals to adjunct teaching positions. Holmesglen’s partners within the business and finance sectors include major law firms, national banking organisations, leading marketing and advertising firms and local government. Holmesglen ensures its courses are accredited by the relevant professional bodies, for example the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) is accredited by CPA Australia, Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, and the Institute of Public Accountants. 18 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

19) HOLMESGLEN INSTITUTE Holmesglen is a leader in vocational and higher education and one of the largest providers of technical and vocational education and training in Victoria. Holmesglen delivers over 600 courses to nearly 50,000 students. Holmesglen has a strong international profile with an extensive global reach built up from over 20 years’ experience in the Asia-Pacific region, Gulf States and Middle East regions. Holmesglen’s international activities in Business and Finance range from working with industry clients and government and aid agencies to build the capacity of institutions, systems and staff in the private and public sectors to collaborative partnerships with educational institutions in the delivery of award programs. Holmesglen has delivered Australian diplomas in accounting and international business in China for over 13 years, in partnership with a range of institutions including Beijing Chinese Business Institute, Hunan International Economics University and Shandong Institute of Commerce. Holmesglen is also highly experienced in the provision of consultancy services, development and industry projects. The Institute has a strong quality assurance framework in place so that clients can be assured of high quality outcomes. holmesglen.edu.au/about_us/ international_projects Key contact Ms Rhonda Edwards Deputy Director, International Business Development T: +61 3 9564 1818 E: Rhonda.Edwards@holmesglen.edu.au holmesglen.edu.au Consultancy services include: • Training needs analysis • Teacher training • Professional development for staff and managers • Curriculum development • Instructional design – face-to-face, blended and online delivery, work integrated learning • Advice on facilities and equipment • Quality assurance services • Management of scholarship and fellowship programs • Study tours • English language training and support. 19 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

20) DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Key areas of expertise La Trobe Business School: • Accounting • Business • Event Management • Finance • Human Resource Management • Islamic Finance • Management • Management Information Systems • Marketing Research/program delivery capabilities La Trobe’s Schools actively promote crossdisciplinary research that deliver effective outcomes for the private, public and non-profit sectors. The Faculty has five Research Centres. Centre for Public Sector Governance, Accountability and Performance (CPSGAP) School of Economics: • Centre for Sport and Social Impact (CSSI) Applied Econometrics and Forecasting • Corporations and Corporate Governance • Economic Development and International Trade • Environmental and Resource Economics • Macroeconomics • MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Alternate Approaches in Economics • 20 CPSGAP is focused on improving public sector performance and the capacity of public sector managers and regulators to carry out their tasks. Public Economics and Social Policy CSSI strives to influence the future of sport management practices and policy and their impact on society through multidisciplinary, real-world research and engagement with industry and government. CSSI is affiliated with the La Trobe University Institute for Social and Environmental Sustainability.

21) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY La Trobe University is a multi-campus university that is ranked 11th in Australia and third in Victoria for research by the Excellence in Research of Australia (ERA); the Times Higher Education Rankings also placed La Trobe University 88th in the Top 100 Universities under 50. La Trobe University’s Faculty of Business, Economics and Law is home to the La Trobe Business School and School of Economics. Both are innovative research hubs that focus on delivering research outcomes that have significant impacts on the community. La Trobe University offers a range of relevant courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Tourism and Hospitality Research Unit (THRU)  THRU draws on over 15 years of tourism and hospitality research at La Trobe University. Through research, collaborations and publications, the Unit contributes to a global understanding of tourism and hospitality at various social and political levels. The Unit specialises in the theoretical, philosophical, practical and political issues related to tourism, hospitality and events. Key contact Dr Suzanne Young Associate Professor of Management T: +61 3 9479 3140 E: s.h.young@latrobe.edu.au latrobe.edu.au Sustainability and Social Marketing Australasia/Asia-Pacific Research and Training Unit (SSMART)  SSMART is a leader in the development and application of sustainability and social marketing. It aims to better inform societies in this region on: environmental, economic and social sustainability; health information and decision-making; alcohol/tobacco consumption and labelling; road safety; and sustainable consumption. La Trobe has industry partners and linkages with nearly 120 international, national and local organisations, including government departments at all levels. latrobe.edu.au/business latrobe.edu.au/economics 21 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

22) Key areas of expertise These are extensive and include: • • Management of financial statement presentations, measurement and disclosure • Islamic Banking, Financial Institutions, and Capital Markets Research • Banking, Consumer and Commercial Law • Corporate Law and Corporate Social Responsibility • Taxation Law and Policy • Workplace and Industrial Relations Law • MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Management Accounting • 22 Finance, especially asset pricing and market efficiency Asia Pacific Business Regulation Research/program delivery capabilities The great strength of the Faculty’s research capability is the ability to translate conceptual ideas built from rigorous research into pragmatic business and professional contexts and, in doing so, to make a real difference to the communities it serves. Business and Economics research at Monash has the scale, capability and business links to influence national agendas and shape business and professional practice, within Australia and the region. With a team of outstanding academic staff and a high level of national research funding, Monash offers the highest quality research across an extraordinary range of disciplines.

23) MONASH UNIVERSITY Monash University has become the largest university in Australia, renowned for our outstanding teaching, transformative research, international reach and extensive alumni network. Monash is a global university possessing the ambition and ability to address momentous global challenges. It has campuses in Australia, Malaysia and South Africa and major partnerships with universities in China, India and the UK. The Monash Faculty of Business and Economics is the largest in Australia with more than 17,500 students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The Faculty is a globally significant centre of education and research across a wide range of discipline areas, at times shaping the conceptual and methodological framework of the disciplines themselves. Key research centres and units in the Faculty: Key contact • Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work Dr George Rivers Faculty of Business and Economics • Centre for Development Economics • Centre for Health Economics • Australian Centre for Retail Studies • Business and Economic Forecasting Unit • Consumers and Retail Research Unit • Malaysian Business Unit (Malaysia Campus) • Monash Business Policy Forum • Taxation Law and Policy Research Institute. T: +61 3 9903 1462 E: George.Rivers@monash.edu monash.edu.au The Faculty of Business and Economics is a signatory to the United Nations-inspired Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). 23 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

24) Key areas of expertise • Accounting • Business • Information Technology • Financial Planning • Justice • Legal Practice • Mediation • Sports Development • Logistics Research/program delivery capabilities NMIT provides hands-on training to ensure that graduates are job-ready in a wide range of disciplines including accounting, bookkeeping, small business management, international business, marketing, justice and sports development. NMIT has delivered accredited Australian diploma programs in China and Hong Kong for almost 20 years. Current programs include diplomas in Financial Services, Marketing, International Business, Management and Information Technology. NMIT also supports students studying certificate-level business and accounting courses through its vocational high school partners in China. 24 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

25) NMIT NMIT has two departments responsible for Business, Finance and Governance – the NMIT Business department and the NMIT Commerce department. NMIT’s growing Business department offers an exciting suite of degrees focusing on three specialised study areas – Business, Accounting and Information Technology. The Commerce department provides quality training locally and overseas in a wide range of disciplines. These include accounting, bookkeeping, small business management, international business, marketing, sales and sport development. Graduates can expect to find employment in a variety of mid-level professional positions or articulate into further study at university. All courses have a strong vocational emphasis and reflect current industry requirements. A variety of programs at the advanced diploma, diploma and certificate levels provide students with the opportunity to study full or part-time, on or off campus. Key contact Mr Timothy Gilbert Manager International Programs, International Office T: +61 3 9269 1663 E: timgilbert@nmit.edu.au nmit.edu.au 25 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

26) Key areas of expertise College of Business: • Accounting • Advertising • Business Information Systems and Management • Business Information Technology • Economics and Finance • Entrepreneurship • International Business • Law • Management, Business and Administration • Marketing • Property and Valuation • Statistics and Analytics • Supply Chain and Logistics College of Design and Social Context: • MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Project Management • 26 International Development • Translating and Interpreting Research/program delivery capabilities The College of Business focuses on research that provides solutions to industry and society at large and that promotes social, cultural and economic benefits. Researchers have a range of strengths, including finance and economics, digital business, logistics, employment relations, corporate governance, environmental accounting and knowledge management. The College of Design and Social Context has relevant research strengths in international development, project management, and translating and interpreting. RMIT’s Centre for Business Education Research draws its strength from years of experience across the disciplines of accounting, business information systems, economics, law, logistics, management and marketing in Australia and Asia.

27) RMIT UNIVERSITY RMIT University is a global university of technology and design with campuses in Australia and Vietnam and international partners worldwide. RMIT has established a reputation for excellence in business and management education and research, providing high quality, industry responsive programs and research relevant to the national and global marketplace. RMIT’s Centre for Sustainable Organisations and Work has an interdisciplinary focus, covering employment relations, organisational studies, industrial relations, gender studies, globalisation and logistics, business and labour history, and political economy and sociology, with particular attention given to the Asia-Pacific region. RMIT’s Market Behaviour and Strategy Research Group draws upon techniques developed in the natural and medical sciences, program or intervention evaluation methods, to research issues across applied business, organisational, and social science research. RMIT’s Design Research Institute seeks solutions to urban challenges. Five international Professors of Design, including one in Business, have been appointed to further strengthen RMIT’s leadership in design. RMIT’s Platform Technologies Research Institute brings together the best researchers from across the University’s three academic colleges – Science, Engineering and Health; Design and Social Context; and Business. Research programs are in Informatics and Networks, Innovative Engineering Systems, and Nano Materials and Devices. Key contact Mr Ian Kearney Assistant Director, Industry Engagement T: +61 3 9925 5118 E: ian.kearney@rmit.edu.au rmit.edu.au/industry rmit.edu.au 27 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

28) Key areas of expertise • Bookkeeping knowledge and practical application Research/program delivery capabilities • Tax agent services including preparing tax returns and management accounting reports South West TAFE has a proven track record of achievement in providing innovative and high quality education and training in Australia and internationally. • Understanding and using accounting systems South West TAFE continually evolves its courses to meet current industry and market demands. • Maintaining internal control systems and preparing financial statements South West TAFE is a preferred provider to various financial industries and has links with international businesses and organisations which provides its students with practical training and experience. South West TAFE’s international offerings include certificate and diploma-level training. It has fostered close links with various industries to ensure the direction and delivery of its teaching complies with current and future industry requirements. 28 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

29) SOUTH WEST TAFE South West TAFE has a long history of providing vocational and education training for financial industries domestically and internationally. It specialises in providing students with skills in financial services, accounting and bookkeeping to work in a range of business environments. South West TAFE is a multi-campus institute located in south-west Victoria and is the largest provider of vocational education and training in the region with approximately 14,000 enrolments annually. South West TAFE has provided industry recognised training solutions including customised skill-based and nationally-accredited and nonaccredited training for more than 150 years. Having provided offshore programs since 1994, South West TAFE is highly recognised for its quality delivery and service, and continues to expand capacity to offer relevant international education and training. A range of flexible delivery models ensures students can access services wherever they are based worldwide. During the past 20 years South West TAFE has worked in China, Malaysia, Fiji, Samoa and the Philippines to deliver a diverse range of courses. Key contact South West TAFE has secured a number of international agreements with companies recognised for excellence in training including Woolworths, GlaxoSmithKline and Alcoa. These agreements have helped South West TAFE to develop and deliver diverse learning opportunities abroad. T: +61 3 5564 8943 M: +61 419 007 276 E: John.cook@swtafe.vic.edu.au Mr John Cook Industry Relationships Manager swtafe.vic.edu.au South West TAFE’s experienced staff provide effective responses to international delivery requirements and ensure clients’ needs are met with culturally appropriate communication strategies. 29 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

30) Key areas of expertise • Entrepreneurship Research • Human Resource Management • International Business • Language and Cultural Research • Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy • Social Marketing and Corporate Responsibility • MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Enterprise Performance and Efficiency • 30 Business Education • Workforce Ageing and Diversity Management Research/program delivery capabilities Swinburne’s research recognises the diverse challenges facing business enterprises across the private, community and public sectors. The practical, evidence-based research undertaken seeks innovative solutions to economic and social problems in the business domain. Whether the focus is increasing the performance of enterprises, developing a sustainable built environment, promoting social entrepreneurship and philanthropy or examining the consequences of workforce ageing and immigration for work, Swinburne’s research is cutting edge, policy oriented and seeks to solve problems.

31) SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Swinburne is an internationally recognised research-intensive university. Its emphasis is on high quality, engaged teaching and research in science, technology and innovation – teaching and research that makes a difference in the lives of individuals and contributes to national economic and social objectives. In 2014 Swinburne’s new A$100 million Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre opens. The centre will provide a purpose-built teaching and learning environment for engineering, design, business and information technology students. Swinburne offers master, graduate diploma, graduate certificate, bachelor, advanced diploma and diploma-level courses in business, finance and governance. Research areas • Asia-Pacific Centre for Social Investment and Philanthropy • Business, Work and Ageing Centre for Research • Centre for Enterprise Performance • Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre Present or past transnational program delivery • Kaplan Higher Education Institute: Bachelor of Business • Hubei University of Economics: Diploma of Business Industry and organisational links Asia-Pacific Centre for Social Investment and Philanthropy Myer Foundation; Pratt Foundation; Truby and Florence Williams Charitable Trust; Yulgibar Foundation; Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation Business, Work and Ageing Centre for Research VicHealth; Australian Research Council; Catholic Homes; Essential Energy; Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations; Alpine Health; WorkSafe Victoria Centre for Enterprise Performance Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand; Australian Research Council; Victoria Police; CPA Australia; Enterprise Connect; Australian Crime Commission; Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure; Advanced Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre Queensland Government; WA Government; NSW Roads and Maritime Services; John Holland; Parsons Brinckerhoff; Queensland University of Technology; Curtin University; Australian Research Council Key contacts Professor John Fitzgerald Asia-Pacific Centre for Social Investment and Philanthropy T: +61 3 9214 8031 E: johnfitzgerald@swinburne.edu.au Associate Professor Libby Brooke Business, Work and Ageing Centre for Research T: +61 3 9214 5949 E: lbrooke@swinburne.edu.au Ms Ingrid Wittman Centre for Business, Design and ICT T: +61 3 9214 8940 E: iwittman@swinburne.edu.au Professor Christine Jubb Centre for Enterprise Performance T: +61 3 9214 4618 E: cjubb@swinburne.edu.au swinburne.edu.au 31 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

32) Key areas of expertise Department of Business and Administration: • Economics and Econometrics • Organisational Behaviour • Marketing • Decision Sciences • Strategy and General Management • Accounting and Finance Department of Finance: • Capital Markets and Financial Institutions • Corporate Finance and Real Estate Finance Melbourne Law School: • Business Law • Corporate Law • Taxation Law • Human Rights and Global Justice • Competition and Consumer Law Melbourne School of Government: • 32 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Public Policy • Governance • International Relations • Development Studies • Public Administration Research/program delivery capabilities Key University of Melbourne initiatives in business, finance and governance support cutting-edge research and forge mutually beneficial relationships with strategic partners, students, alumni and staff. Areas of focus revolve around international activities, commercial engagement and strategic partnerships. Australia sits on the doorstep of Asia and the University of Melbourne provides the economic insights that national and international industry desires. Every year the annual PwC Melbourne Institute Asialink Index provides a clear and multilayered measure of Australia’s engagement with Asia across seven key indicators: trade, investment, research and business development, education, tourism, migration and humanitarian assistance. The Centre for Market Design is using market based solutions to enhance the efficiency of various allocations problems, which range from trading environmental goods to allocating child care and kindergarten slots, and human services. The Centre for Workplace Leadership is powering national dialogue and insights into the role leadership can play in economic productivity. While the ITRP Kraft Research Hub is a powerful example of effective corporate

33) UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE The University of Melbourne is a public-spirited institution that makes distinctive contributions to society in research, learning and teaching, and engagement. Ranked number one in Australia and 34 in the world for the quality of its research, the University of Melbourne harnesses interdisciplinary research to solve some of the most difficult problems facing our world. Research across business, finance and governance is both disciplinefocused and multidisciplinary in nature and includes collaborations with universities, governments, industry and communities worldwide to further developments cooperatively. Students interested in careers across business, finance and governance may undertake relevant bachelor, master-level and research degrees across Business and Economics, Arts, Law and The Built Environment. and public policy partnership in the research space. Comprehensive corporate partnerships with Federation Centres and Pacific Brands are recent examples of student experience partnerships involving internships, business consulting projects and leadership events. The Melbourne School of Government offers world-standard graduate degree programs, executive education and is underpinned by a dynamic and interdisciplinary research agenda. The School works with organisations across the government, corporate and not-for-profit sectors as well as with a range of academic institutions and professional groups, to build and sustain successful research partnerships that have policy impact. Convention of the Rights of the Child Since the adoption of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the recognition that children have rights represents a major shift in contemporary responses to the issues confronting children in society. A project at the University of Melbourne, in collaboration with New York University Law School, is examining the historical and philosophical foundations of children’s rights and the measures required for their implementation. The project aims to bring about a better understanding of children’s rights to contribute to the resolution of the complex issues confronting children. Key contact researchreview.unimelb.edu.au/2012/ protecting-children’s-rights T: +61 3 9035 5785 E: k.cornick@unimelb.edu.au Urban Planning Ms Kate Cornick Director, Industry and Innovation unimelb.edu.au A research project conducted at the University of Melbourne is examining Australia’s traditional response to bushfires and promoting an integrated approach, which will help make Australia a world leader in this form of fire prevention. The project is examining the way that fires progress from the bush through to urban areas and what factors influenced this. Previously forest managers looked at the forest, planners looking at planning controls and the builders looking at the structures. This research is using empirical data from 2009 bushfires in Victoria and examining the urban edges of Melbourne and regional cities in Victoria to understand how fires progress. This has brought about an important transition stage in our policy environment where the planning and building controls are being improved so that they are integrated. researchreview.unimelb.edu.au/2012/ reality-reducing-fire-risks 33 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

34) Key areas of expertise Victoria University’s College of Business has expertise in: • • Computer Systems Management • Culinary Management • Event Management • Financial Planning • Financial Risk Management • Human Resource Management • Information Systems • International Business • International Hospitality Management • International Trade • Management • Marketing • Music Industry • Small Business and Entrepreneurship • Strategic Economics • Supply Chain and Logistics Management • MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Banking and Finance • 34 Accounting Tourism Management Research/program delivery capabilities Victoria University’s College of Business has extensive networks with international partners, employers and alumni, making it one of the largest and most progressive business schools in Australia. Its finance-related courses satisfy Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) requirements and prepare graduates for a career in financial planning and risk management. The undergraduate and postgraduate accounting courses are professionally accredited by CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. The College has an international reputation for research excellence through its Centre for Strategic Economic Studies. Research is undertaken in association with government, industry and research associates in Australia and overseas including: AusAID; Australia China Business Council; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO); and China’s Energy Research Institute.

35) VICTORIA UNIVERSITY Victoria University provides world-class education, research and training, and has more than 100 exchange partners across Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa and the Americas. It is one of the largest tertiary education providers of accounting and finance in Australia, offering business, finance and governance-related courses at diploma, bachelor degree and masters level. Courses are offered at campuses in Melbourne and Sydney and at international partner institutions in China, Malaysia, Singapore and Kuwait. Victoria University is one of the largest providers of Australian qualifications in the People’s Republic of China through its relationships with universities that include Liaoning University, and the Central University of Finance and Economics. The College’s Strategic Economics research informs government policy and provides an understanding of the causes and consequences of economic, technological and social change in Australia and overseas. It focuses on growth and development, innovation, sustainability, regional and human impacts, and tourism and the green economy. Accounting Education research is undertaken by the Financial Education and Research Unit. The Unit has secured international and nationally competitive research grants, engaged in prestigious international conferences, and produced an extensive list of high quality publications in leading academic journals. Key contact Ms Bronte Neyland Associate Director, International Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions T: +61 3 9919 1424 E: Bronte.neyland@vu.edu.au vu.edu.au/international The University’s Governance Research Program aims to improve governance of the private and public sectors through the use of independent academic research, consultancies and postgraduate teaching. 35 MELBOURNE RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING

36) The Melbourne: Research, Education and Training series profiles the capabilities of Victorian education providers across 13 sectors: Advanced Manufacturing Agriculture and Food Security Business, Governance and Finance Clean Energy Creative Industries Education and Development Health and Communities ICT Infrastructure and Urban Design Mining Tourism and Hospitality Transport Water Management For more information on Melbourne’s research, education and training capabilities contact your local Victorian Government Business Office at: invest.vic.gov.au/offices Produced by International Education Unit Department of State Development, Business and Innovation Level 33, 121 Exhibition Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 investvictoria.com DTPLI8132/14 T: + 61 3 9651 8109 F: + 61 3 9651 9701