Republic of South Africa - People’s Republic of China (Projects Booklet)

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1) Republic of South Africa - People’s Republic of China Projects Booklet 1 November 2015

2) 2 © The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), 2015 Published by the dti, 2015. Reproduction is permitted, provided the source is acknowledged.

3) Contents Infrastructure and Industrial Projects...................................................................................................................................... 7 Metallurgical Complex: Musina Special Economic Zone (SEZ)............................................................................................. 7 South African Iron and Steel................................................................................................................................................... 8 Platinum Group Metals Value Chain Beneficiation............................................................................................................... 10 N2 Wildcoast Highway between East London and eThekwini ............................................................................................ 10 Tambo Springs Inland Port and Logistics Gateway ............................................................................................................. 11 Titanium Metal Powder Production and Beneficiation.......................................................................................................... 11 TCTA Mzimvubu Water project (MWP)................................................................................................................................. 12 Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority Projects............................................................................................................................. 13 TCTA Lesotho Highlands Water Project............................................................................................................................... 13 TCTA Vaal River Eastern Subsystem Augmentation Project (VRESAP).............................................................................. 13 TCTA Mokolo-Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project – Phase 1.................................................................... 14 TCTA Komati Water Supply Augmentation Project (KWSAP) ............................................................................................. 14 TCTA Berg River Water Project (BWP)................................................................................................................................ 14 TCTA Mooi-Mgeni Transfer Scheme – Phase 2................................................................................................................... 15 TCTA Vaal-Gamagara Water Scheme (VGWS 1)................................................................................................................ 15 TCTA Olifants River Water Resource Project (ORWRDP – 2)............................................................................................. 16 TCTA Mokolo Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project – Phase 2.................................................................... 16 TCTA Lesotho Highlands Water Project – Phase II (LHWP – II).......................................................................................... 17 TCTA Acid Mine Drainage – Long Term Solution (AMD)...................................................................................................... 17 TCTA Umkhomazi (UWP)..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Transnet............................................................................................................................................................................... 19 DCT Berth Deepening.......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Pier 1 Phase 2 Salisbury Island........................................................................................................................................... 20 Manganese Expansion Project............................................................................................................................................. 21 Saldanha Bay – Upgrade and Extension of General Maintenance Quay ........................................................................... 22 Saldanha Bay – Berth 205................................................................................................................................................... 22 Saldanha Bay – Mossgas Jetty............................................................................................................................................ 23 Central Energy Fund (CEF).................................................................................................................................................. 25 1,500MW Solar Park ........................................................................................................................................................... 25 Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)........................................................................................................................... 26 Arengo 316........................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Frankfort Paper Mill Project................................................................................................................................................. 26 Support Independent Power Producers - Coal .................................................................................................................... 27 Support Independent Power Producers - Gas..................................................................................................................... 28 Support Independent Power Producers - Renewable Energy ............................................................................................ 29 INGA 3................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 INGA Transmission.............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Mahlodi Cellulose (Pty) Ltd.................................................................................................................................................. 31 Multi Model OEM Assembly Plant........................................................................................................................................ 31 3

4) Ncondenzi............................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Platinum Group Metal Value Chain Beneficiation................................................................................................................. 33 Titanium Metal Powered Production and Beneficiation ....................................................................................................... 33 Titanium /Zirconium Beneficiation Project............................................................................................................................ 34 Coega Development Corporation (CDC).............................................................................................................................. 35 Coega Airport and Aerospace Cluster................................................................................................................................. 35 SAMRT Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill ................................................................................................................................ 36 Seagold-Wildcoast Abalone Farm........................................................................................................................................ 40 Advancing Readiness Project.............................................................................................................................................. 42 Renewable Energy Component Manufacturing.................................................................................................................... 44 Newco Auto.......................................................................................................................................................................... 47 SA Vehicle Semi Knocked Down (SKD) Assembly Plant .................................................................................................... 47 SAFCO – Soya bean processing project.............................................................................................................................. 48 PRASA................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Cape Town International Airport Link.................................................................................................................................... 49 Moloto Rail Corridor............................................................................................................................................................ 50 Gauteng – KwaZulu Natal High Speed Rail......................................................................................................................... 51 Gauteng – Light Rail for Durban........................................................................................................................................... 52 4 Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC)................................................................................................................ 53 Fruit Production.................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA)................................................................................................................ 54 God’s Window Skywalk Project............................................................................................................................................ 54 Blyde River Canyon Cable Car Project................................................................................................................................ 54 Bourke’s Luck Potholes Hotel and Restaurant Project......................................................................................................... 55 Blyde River Hydro Power Project......................................................................................................................................... 56 International Conference Centre.......................................................................................................................................... 57 Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN).................................................................................................................... 58 High Speed Rail – Durban, Pietermaritzburg to Johannesburg .......................................................................................... 58 Nonoti Beach Resort .......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Woodstock Waterlands......................................................................................................................................................... 59 Tongaat Hulett Developments: Ridgeside............................................................................................................................ 60 Tongaat Hulett Developments: Cornubia ............................................................................................................................ 61 Tongaat Hulett Developments: Sibaya Nodes 1 & 5............................................................................................................ 62 Royal Zulu Estate Development........................................................................................................................................... 63 Kings Estate Development................................................................................................................................................... 64 CACS Multi Smelter Project ................................................................................................................................................ 65 Colenso Power Station......................................................................................................................................................... 66 Jindal Africa Iron Ore Project................................................................................................................................................ 66 eThala Biofuels..................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Tshwane Economic Development Agency (TEDA).............................................................................................................. 68 Tshwane East Capital .......................................................................................................................................................... 69

5) Tshwane Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network.......................................................................................................... 69 Tshwane Agro-processing hub............................................................................................................................................. 70 Tshwane Freight and Logistics Hub .................................................................................................................................... 70 Ekurhuleni Municipality......................................................................................................................................................... 71 Afrimed Medical Precinct..................................................................................................................................................... 71 Alexandra Green Economy Development Hub Project....................................................................................................... 71 Alternative Waste Treatment Technology Project................................................................................................................ 72 Automotive Supplier Park.................................................................................................................................................... 72 Conhill Precinct Development.............................................................................................................................................. 73 Future Generation of City of Tshwane Power Stations......................................................................................................... 73 Gauteng Broadband Network Programme........................................................................................................................... 74 Gauteng ICT & Media SEZ................................................................................................................................................... 75 Gauteng Planning House..................................................................................................................................................... 75 Gautrain................................................................................................................................................................................ 76 Germiston Inner City Renewal............................................................................................................................................. 76 Jewellery Manufacturing Precinct......................................................................................................................................... 76 Kopanong Precinct.............................................................................................................................................................. 77 Lesedi Transit Hub............................................................................................................................................................... 77 Maropeng Hotel.................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Maropeng Infrastructure Upgrade........................................................................................................................................ 78 National Heritage Museum.................................................................................................................................................. 79 Rooftop Solar Panel Programme........................................................................................................................................ 79 Sky Rink............................................................................................................................................................................... 80 Vaal Logistics Hub................................................................................................................................................................ 80 Tower of Africa..................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Tri-generation Plant Programme.......................................................................................................................................... 81 Waste to Energy................................................................................................................................................................... 82 West Rand Logistics Hub..................................................................................................................................................... 82 5

6) 6

7) Infrastructure and Industrial Projects Metallurgical Complex: Musina Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Project name Metallurgical Complex: Medium and heavy industries (Manufacturing/Beneficiation) Location Musina and Makhado Corridor (proposed Musina SEZ) Implementing Agent LEDA and HoI Mor Project Value US$3.8 billion, comprising the following projects (R53 billion) Project Investment (USDm) Power Plant 1 000 Coking Plant 300 Ferrochrome Plant 400 Ferromanganese 400 Plant Ferrosilicon Plant 200 Pig Iron Plant 100 Steel Plant 600 Stainless Steel Plant 400 Lime Plant 100 Supporting 300 Total Project 3800 Project schedule 2016 Project Status and documentation available Pre-designation phase, application for designation under consideration Existing partners and commitments Hong Kong Mining Exchange Company Ltd, China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd, Rising Steel Company, Mwana Africa PLC and Hoi Mor Incentives and funding available The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) SEZ incentives Responsible Institutions Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA),the dti, Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) LEDA: Richard Zitha Tel: +27 71 391 8188 E-mail: richard.zithat@lieda.co.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Industries Tel: +27 12 394 1238 E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Job creation 20 800 (estimated) Addressing social and spatial imbalances Musina and Makhado are underdeveloped and rural areas Promoting rural development Yes 7

8) Industrial development and localisation The SEZ focuses on the beneficiation of both mineral (coal, coking coal, manganese, iron ore and chrome) and agricultural endowments Economic performance of poorest provinces Main income agricultural, mining and tourism Promoting greener economy Green protocol part of the LEDA strategy Regional integration Musina is a gateway to five African countries: Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana and Mozambique Other comments Relevant information on employment, funding and others supplied by Hoi Mor Mining Industrial Group South African Iron and Steel Project name Location Middelburg or Richards Bay Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Project Value 8 South Africa Iron and Steel Project (SASteel) (Previously called Masorini Iron and Steel Project) US$4.5 billion (R63 billion) excluding ancillary equipment, development and funding costs Project schedule Commissioning is currently estimated to be in 2020 subject to completion of the prefeasibility and detailed feasibility studies Project Status and documentation available A draft prefeasibility report has been completed and is under consideration. Subject to mutual agreement on the results of the prefeasibility study, the Detailed Feasibility Study (DFS) is expected to commence in early 2016, which will be required to prepare a “bankable” project. Existing partners and commitments HBIS – subject to approval from its board, HBIS has committed to jointly fund the DFS with the IDC China Africa Development Bank (CADFund) – signed a MoU to acquire 10% equity in the project on implementation Incentives and funding available The project is likely to be located in an SEZ, which will provide tax incentives. Once the full developmental impact has been assessed, project specific incentives may be requested on a needs basis. Imported equipment will enable export credit finance from source countries, notably China. The IDC, HBIS and CADFund will provide shareholder funding. Commercial banks and development finance institutions have indicated an interest to provide project finance. Responsible Institutions Government departments participate in a SAInc Task Team to align and optimise benefits for South Africa through the implementation of the project. Departments that are represented on the SAInc Task Team include the dti, Economic Development Department (EDD), the Department of Labour (DOL), the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), while Transnet and Eskom are participating as key stakeholders. The IDC: Lizeka Matshekga Phone: +27 11 269 3133 E-mail: lizekam@idc.co.za, the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za

9) Job creation This greenfield development will create temporary jobs during construction and permanent jobs during operation. Construction jobs will range from unskilled to semi-skilled and skilled labour. SASteel has engaged the DOL to identify skills gaps for construction labour. Upskilling and capacity building will be done through various education pathways during the run-up to the start of construction to ensure that construction labour is fully South African. The labour force to construct the SASteel plant is estimated to peak at around 5 000 and construction will span over a period of at least 36 months. The operational labour requirement for a five-million-tons-per-annum-iron-and-steel plant is estimated at 3 500, of which 2% consists of management, 53% operational staff, 25% maintenance staff, 2% engineers, 4% general labour, 10% general admin, 3% laboratory staff and 1% health, safety and environment staff. 9 Figure 1: Labour Requirements per Employment Type for a 5mtpa iron and steel plant SASteel will endeavour to maximise the local complement for permanent employment. Specialist skills may require employment of foreign persons initially. It is expected that skills transfer will take place over time to fully optimise the local staff complement. Addressing social and spatial imbalances SASteel’s social objective is to optimise its non-financial benefit to society and establish its Social Licence to Operate. Local social and spatial imbalances related to housing, transport, health impacts on surrounding communities, access to health benefits, gender equity, development of municipal services, access to natural resources, transparency, occupational health and safety etc. will be analysed and addressed in the planning and design of the plant, as well as in SASteel’s policies and procedures. Stakeholder input will be obtained through extensive engagement with Interested and Affected Parties during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. Promoting rural development The project will be located either in Middelburg or Richards Bay, which are both industrialised areas. However, procurement of iron ore as a key raw material could have a positive impact on rural development as possible mining sites are situated in rural areas. Industrial development and localisation South Africa has been producing steel since 1928 and the required skills, technology, equipment manufacturing and maintenance competences exist in the country. HBIS and China offer much in terms of equipment and technology. The localisation strategy and target will be developed to accommodate the strengths and aspirations of both countries and in the best interest of the project. The establishment of a downstream industrial park that would add value to primary steel is being considered, which will have further growth benefits for South Africa. Economic performance of poorest provinces The Project will be situated either in Limpopo or KwaZulu-Natal, neither of which is considered to be one of the “poorest provinces”, therefore not applicable. Promoting Greener economy Steel production is inherently a polluting industry. Global best practices will be adopted to mitigate the environmental impact. Regional integration The demand for raw materials could unlock stranded mineral resources in the region. Raw materials could be sourced from Mozambique and Zimbabwe. SASteel will export product to Africa and will, due to proximity, have a competitive advantage to supply the region.

10) Platinum Group Metals Value Chain Beneficiation Project name Project Summary Platinum Group Metal (PGM) Value Chain Beneficiation, focusing on fuel cells and associated fuel supply development Project Status and documentation available The objective is to increasingly beneficiate PGMs in South Africa, prior to exporting fabricated products. Beneficiation opportunities in the jewellery, industrial, automotive and other sectors are actively pursued, but the initiative will initially focus on the local manufacturing and implementation of fuel cells, as an alternate source of energy generation and includes: • Fuel cell roll-out to strategic off-takers, including for vehicles and underground mining equipment • Local fuel cell assembly • Local MEA and stack production • Fuel cell fuel production and supply logistics (hydrogen, methanol, natural gas, biogas, etc.) To be determined Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Local fuel cell assembly: US$500 million (R7 billion ) Local fuel cell production: US$500 million (over 10 years) The project is currently in pre-feasibility phase and another one to two years to establish a market. Existing partners and commitments Local South African partners are currently being signed up for a local fuel cell assembly project, including fuel supply and power-generation projects to enable market. Location Implementing Agent Project Value 10 Requirements from additional Development partners Strategic Investment Off-Take Agreements Technology Packages/licence partners agreements IDC: Raoul Goosen Contact information Senior Specialist: Industrial Infrastructure Unit Industrial Development Corporation E-mail: raoulg@idc.co.za Tel: +27 11 269 3988 the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Industries E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Tel: +27 12 394 1239 N2 Wildcoast Highway between East London and eThekwini Project name Location Implementing Agent Project Value Project schedule Project Status and documentation available Existing partners and commitments Incentives and funding available Responsible Institutions Job creation N2 Wildcoast Highway between East London and eThekwini Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal SANRAL US$0.5 billion (R7.2 billion) 48 months from commencement of construction 2016 to 2020 (48 months from the commencement of construction) SANRAL Co-funding envisaged (majority fiscus and limited private funding). Currently, there is no funding. Simon Mbulelo Peterson Regional Manager: Eastern Cape Tel: +27 83 283 6119 E-mail: pettersons@nra.co.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za 6 800 direct/project-related jobs 21 300 indirect jobs, with 900 operations and maintenance jobs

11) Addressing social and spatial imbalances Promoting Greener economy Reduce the travel time from the Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal: a distance saving of about 85km, but the elimination of mountain passes results in travel time savings of approximately three hours. Annual increase in income in the service area of the proposed road during and after construction, multiplier effect in the region is 3.15. Enables major agricultural and ecotourism opportunities. Provides safe passage over nine major gorges and rivers, where none currently exist. About 670 000 additional tourists and 1 075 new rooms over the project lifespan. Net Regional Economic Developmental Benefit is estimated at R29.404 billion, on the basis of Net Present Value over 30 years. Improves access of local inhabitants to health services and education. Regional integration Provincial linkages Promoting rural development Industrial development and localisation Economic performance of poorest provinces Tambo Springs Inland Port and Logistics Gateway Project name Location Implementing Agent Project Value Project schedule Project Status and documentation available Existing partners and commitments Incentives and funding available Responsible Institutions Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances Industrial development and localisation Promoting greener economy Regional integration Other comments Tambo Springs Inland Port and Logistics Gateway Ekurhuleni, Gauteng Transnet US$0.35 billion (R4.9 billion) 2016 to 2027 Concept Transnet Not funded, private sector leading the development Transnet: Deirdre Strydom E-mail: deidre.strydom@transnet.net Telephone: +27 11 583 0426 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za It is s estimated that 50 000 full-time jobs over the period of 15 years Unlock opportunity in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), with the linkage to the Port Durban and the Coega. Will stimulate and attract new industries in area. Supports the Road to Rail strategy, which will reduce the cargo being moved by trucks (road) thus reducing the CO² emissions Intra-continental linkages To accommodate demand for container and palletised freight. Tambo Springs will have two container terminals (by 2020 and 2027) and one terminal for palletised goods (by 2025). Tambo Springs intermodal terminal is required to handle excess (beyond City Deep and Kascon) volumes of the estimated demand in the Johannesburg region. Titanium Metal Powder Production and Beneficiation Project name Project summary Location Implementing Agent Project Value Project schedule Titanium Metal Powder Production and Beneficiation The project is based on a novel South African-developed process technology to enable the direct and continuous production of titanium metal powder from titanium-bearing sand feedstock. Production capacity is envisaged at 20 000 tons per annum. Additionally, projects for the conversion of the metal powder into products for the aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors are being developed. The project location has not been fixed, but will be close to a titanium sands feedstock site. Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Anchor project: US$600 million to US$800 million (R8.4 billion to R11.2 billion) Conversion projects: to be determined (process in place to identify conversion projects) The project is currently in pilot plant commissioning stage. 11

12) Project Status and documentation available Existing partners and commitments The project is currently in pilot plant commissioning stage. The Department of Science and Technology is sponsoring technology development through the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). A development partner that will act as operator is in place. Exclusive pre-emptive licensing rights are being finalised. Tronox is the potential customer. Requirements from additional Strategic investment for commercial plant partners Off-take agreements Powder conversion technologies and processes Responsible Institutions Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa IDC: Rika Gopichund Contact information Senior Deal Maker: Basic and Speciality Chemicals Industrial Development Corporation E-mail: rikag@idc.co.za Tel: +27 11 269 3067 the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za TCTA Mzimvubu Water project (MWP) 12 Project name Location Implementing Agent Project Value Promoting greener economy Responsible Institutions Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) Mzimvubu Water Project Eastern Cape TCTA US$1.1 billion (R15 billion) Lalini Dam on the Tsitsa River – circa 3km above the Tsitsa falls for hydropower. TCTA: James Ndlovu Email: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za

13) Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority Projects TCTA Lesotho Highlands Water Project Project name Location Implementing Agent Project Value Project Status and documentation available Existing partners and commitments Promoting greener economy Responsible Institutions Lesotho Highlands Water Project Lesotho and South Africa TCTA US$1.4 billion (R19 billion) Operational The main beneficiary is the Central Gauteng province and the main off-takers are the Vaal River system users. Will create a system of several large dams and tunnels throughout Lesotho and South Africa. TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 13 TCTA Vaal River Eastern Subsystem Augmentation Project (VRESAP) Project name Location Implementing Agent Project Value Project Status and documentation available Existing partners and commitments Promoting greener economy Responsible Institutions Vaal River Eastern Subsystem Augmentation Project (VRESAP) Mpumalanga Highveld region TCTA US$186 million (R2.6 billion) Operational The main beneficiaries are Eskom and Sasol. They are also the off-takers. Water-transfer scheme through 115km long pipeline from Vaal Dam to the Knoppiesfontein diversion structure. TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za

14) TCTA Mokolo-Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project – Phase 1 Project name Mokolo-Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project – Phase 1 MCWAP - 1 Location Limpopo Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$157 million (R2.2 billion) Project Status and documentation available Construction Existing partners and commitments Exxaro, Sasol and the municipality are the main off-takers. Promoting greener economy New pump station, and a 43km pipeline up to 1 100mm diameter to deliver about 30m3 of bulk water per year. Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 14 TCTA Komati Water Supply Augmentation Project (KWSAP) Project name Komati Water Supply Augmentation Project (KWSAP) Location Mpumalanga Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$86 million (R1.2 billion) Project Status and documentation available Operational Existing partners and commitments The main beneficiary and off-taker is Eskom (five power stations) Promoting greener economy Pump station pipeline (62km, 600–1 200mm diameter) Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za TCTA Berg River Water Project (BWP) Project name Berg River Water Project (BWP) Location Cape Town, Western Cape

15) Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$114 million (R1.6 billion) Project Status and documentation available Operational Existing partners and commitments City of Cape Town is the main off-taker. Promoting greener economy 65m-high concrete-faced rock embankment dam impounding a 5,37km2 reservoir with a gross storage capacity of 130m3. TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za TCTA Mooi-Mgeni Transfer Scheme – Phase 2 Project name Mooi-Mgeni Transfer Scheme – Phase 2 (MMTS-2) Location Rosetta – KwaZulu-Natal Midlands Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$150 million (R2.1 billion) Project Status and documentation available Spring Grove Dam complete – WTS under construction. Existing partners and commitments The Umgeni Water Board is the main off-taker. Promoting greener economy Spring Grove Dam pump station pipeline (14.5km, 600–1 450mm diameter) TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za TCTA Vaal-Gamagara Water Scheme (VGWS 1) Project name Vaal-Gamagara Water Scheme (VGWS 1) Location Northern Cape Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$714 million (R10 billion) Existing partners and commitments Main beneficiaries will be mines. Promoting greener economy Pumping infrastructure at the ground water aquifers and connection pipelines to the existing and new infrastructure. 15

16) Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za TCTA Olifants River Water Resource Project (ORWRDP – 2) Project name Olifants River Water Resource Project (ORWRDP – 2) Location Limpopo Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$1 billion (R14 billion) Existing partners and commitments Main beneficiaries are mines and municipalities. Promoting greener economy This involves infrastructure consisting of the De Hoop Dam on the Steelpoort River (complete) and bulk raw water distribution infrastructure in the middle Olifants catchment Olifants River Water Resource Project (ORWRDP – 2) has nine sub-phases. Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za 16 the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za TCTA Mokolo Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project – Phase 2 Project name Mokolo Crocodile River (West) Water Augmentation Project – Phase 2 Location Limpopo Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$857 million (R12 billion) Existing partners and commitments Eskom is the main beneficiary. Promoting greener economy Abstraction weir, pump stations and a 160km pipeline to transfer water from the Crocodile River to the Lephalale area. Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za

17) TCTA Lesotho Highlands Water Project – Phase II (LHWP – II) Project name Lesotho Highlands Water Project – Phase II (LHWP – II) Location Lesotho and South Africa Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$1.14 billion (R16 billion) Existing partners and commitments Main beneficiary is the Gauteng Province. Promoting greener economy New Polihali Dam transfer tunnel to Katse Dam, hydropower system and associated works. Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za TCTA Acid Mine Drainage – Long Term Solution (AMD) Project name Acid Mine Drainage – Long-Term Solution (AMD) Location Gauteng Province Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$643 million (R9 billion) Existing partners and commitments The main beneficiaries are the Vaal River System users. Promoting greener economy The AMD project is a government waterworks designed to assure the quality and to augment and protect the yield of the Vaal River System. Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 17

18) TCTA Umkhomazi (UWP) Project name Umkhomazi (UWP) Location Rosetta – KwaZulu-Natal Midlands Implementing Agent TCTA Project Value US$1.1 billion (R15 billion) Existing partners and commitments The municipalities are the main beneficiaries. Promoting greener economy Augment scheme to the Mooi-Mgeni Water Transfer System. Responsible Institutions TCTA: James Ndlovu E-mail: mngapi@tcta.co.za or JNdlovu@tcta.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 18

19) Transnet DCT Berth Deepening Project name DCT berth deepening 203 to 205 Location Port of Durban Implementing Agent Transnet Capital Projects Project Value US$638 million (R8.934 billion) Project schedule Contract award October 2016 Project completion FY 2022/2023 Project Status and documentation available Completion of feasibility studies (FEL3) with execution capital sanctioning required. Business case will be tabled for Department of Public Works (DPW) approval in February 2016. Existing partners and commitments Project funding is planned to be provided by South African Treasury with cost to be split between Transnet SOC Ltd operating divisions viz. Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) and Transnet Port Terminals (TPT). Job creation 7 573 jobs created through direct, indirect and induced mechanisms Addressing social and spatial imbalances Job creation and improvement of socio-economic dynamics within the nearby community. Promoting rural development Project is limited to industrial urban port footprint, however, greater SIP2 programme will ensure some rural development. Industrial development and localisation Emphasis will be placed on localisation, job creation and supplier development. Opportunities for the development of cross-cutting skills and industries will be sought. Economic performance of poorest provinces While KwaZulu-Natal is not the poorest province of South Africa, the project contributes directly to the provincial and local government objectives for sustainable job creation, local industrialisation and national economic growth through the direct and indirect increase in economic activity. Promoting Greener economy Project will be conducted with environmental sensitivity with established management objectives during the project life-cycle to enhance benefits and minimise adverse environmental impacts. Regional integration This project will enhance throughput on Durban-Free State-Gauteng logistics and industrial corridor. Other comments Part of Strategic Infrastructure Project (SIP 2), which is a subset of the National Infrastructure development Plan (NIP). Responsible Institutions Transnet: Deirdre Strydom Telephone: +27 11 583 0426 E-mail: deidre.strydom@transnet.net the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za 19

20) Pier 1 Phase 2 Salisbury Island Project name Location Port of Durban Implementing Agent Transnet Capital Projects Project Value US$1.3 billion (R18 billion) Project schedule Contract awarded August 2018 Project completion FY 2022/23 Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies (FEL3) and environmental scoping in progress in anticipation of submission of EIR and EMP to the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA). Existing partners and commitments Project funding is planned to be provided by South African Treasury, with cost to be split between Transnet SOC Ltd operating divisions viz. Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) and Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) or other terminal operator. Job creation +- 12 000 jobs created through direct, indirect and induced mechanisms Addressing social and spatial imbalances Job creation and improvement of socio-economic dynamics within the nearby community. Promoting rural development 20 Pier 1 Phase 2 Infill (Salisbury Island) Project is limited to industrial urban port footprint, however, greater SIP2 programme will ensure some rural development. Industrial development and localisation Emphasis will be placed on localisation, job creation and supplier development. Opportunities for the development of cross-cutting skills and industries will be sought. Economic performance of poorest provinces While KwaZulu-Natal is not the poorest province of South Africa, the project contributes directly to the provincial and local government objectives for sustainable job creation, local industrialisation and national economic growth through the direct and indirect increase in economic activity. Promoting Greener economy Project will be conducted with environmental sensitivity, with established management objectives during the project life-cycle to enhance benefits and minimise adverse environmental impacts. Regional integration This project will enhance throughput on Durban-Free State-Gauteng logistics and industrial corridor. Other comments Part of Strategic Infrastructure Project (SIP 2), which is a subset of the National Infrastructure development Plan (NIP). Responsible Institutions Transnet: Deirdre Strydom Telephone: +27 11 583 0426 E-mail: deidre.strydom@transnet.net the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za

21) Manganese Expansion Project Project name Manganese Expansion Project Location Port of Ngqura Implementing Agent TCP Project Value US$46.6 million (R652 million) Project schedule Project start – 13 March 2012 (actual) Project end – August 2020 Project Status and documentation available Project in FEL 4 – Execution Job creation 18 500 direct and 14 000 indirect job opportunities during the construction period. Addressing social and spatial imbalances Job creation and improvement of socio-economic dynamics within the nearby community. Promoting rural development The rail project touches various rural and disadvantaged areas and work packages have been tailored to address local skills development opportunities, i.e. the logistics supply hub in De Aar providing materials storage, maintenance workshops and transportation contracting opportunities. Industrial development and localisation Localisation extends to transforming sectors dominated by large multinational organisations. Procurement packages issued for these sectors (categories) will have additional requirements promoting transformation; these will be included in the form of SD under the pillars of small business promotion, industrialisation, skills transfer and development, capacity and capability building, black entrants or under the B-BBEE improvement plan. Economic performance of poorest provinces In terms of social benefits, the operation through the Port of Ngqura as the export corridor will develop the Northern and Eastern Cape provinces. Promoting greener economy For the manganese expansion energy efficiency is introduced with the reduction in specific energy consumption when switching over from the 104 to the 200 wagon trains. The project will be executed with environmental sensitivity with established management objectives during the project life-cycle to enhance benefits and minimise adverse environmental impacts. Regional integration The rail project touches various rural and disadvantaged areas and work packages have been tailored to address local skills development opportunities, i.e. the logistics supply hub in De Aar providing materials storage, maintenance workshops and transportation contracting opportunities. Responsible Institutions Transnet: Deirdre Strydom Telephone: +27 11 583 0426 E-mail: deidre.strydom@transnet.net the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za 21

22) Saldanha Bay – Upgrade and Extension of General Maintenance Quay Project name Establish purpose-built oil and gas port infrastructure at the Port of Saldanha – upgrade and extend the General Maintenance Quay to an Offshore Supply Base (OSSB) Location Port of Saldanha Implementing Agent Transnet SOC Limited Project Value US$14.3 million (R200 million) – estimated and subject to final business case Project schedule 2015 – 2016 Project Status and documentation available Project is in FEL 4 - Construction phase. Completion planned for mid-2016 Existing partners and commitments Project is to be funded by Transnet SOC Limited through the Transnet Treasury as part of the Transnet Market Demand Strategy. Incentives and funding available Transnet SOC Limited will seek a private sector partner to operate the facility. Responsible Institutions Transnet SOC Ltd Ricky Bhikraj E-mail: Ricky.Bhikraj@transnet.net the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za 22 Job creation Approximately 250 to 1 000 jobs years in the construction phase, and 500 to 750 sustainable jobs per annum post-construction (estimates to 2032). Addressing social and spatial imbalances This project is part of Operation Phakisa (Initiative 2). Providing the required port infrastructure will positively impact the GDP of the Western Cape and provide opportunities for downstream economies/businesses to develop. Promoting rural development Supplier development (SD) and localisation initiatives are embedded in the procurement packages identified during the construction stage. The Section 56 Terminal Operator’s Agreement by the Transnet National Ports Authority will make provision for B-BBEE, localisation, supplier development and skills development as key requirements from the private sector partner. Industrial development and localisation Facility will support designation for ship repair, rig repair and boat-building. Aligned with Saldanha Bay IDZ development. Economic performance of poorest provinces Estimated GDP contribution per annum R120 million. Promoting greener economy The project has undergone the full EIA processes. Regional integration Integration of supply chain through Operation Phakisa Other comments This project is part of the wider Transnet National Ports Authority Port Development Framework Plan. Saldanha Bay – Berth 205 Project name Establish purpose-built oil and gas port infrastructure at the Port of Saldanha – construct a new Berth 205 to support rig repairs Location Port of Saldanha Implementing Agent Transnet National Ports Authority Project Value US$250 million (R3.5 billion) – estimated and subject to final business case

23) Project schedule 2015 - 2019 Project Status and documentation available This project is at FEL 2: Prefeasibility Stage. Market analysis, stakeholder analysis and Business Case preparation to be finalized by end 2015. Existing partners and commitments Transnet SOC Limited will conduct a Section 56 process to identify a suitable Private Sector Partner to construct and operate this facility. Incentives and funding available Transnet SOC Limited will conduct a Section 56 process to identify a suitable Private Sector Partner to construct and operate this facility. Responsible Institutions Transnet SOC Ltd Ricky Bhikraj E-mail: Ricky.Bhikraj@transnet.net the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation Approximately 6 000 to 7 500 jobs years in the construction phase, and 2 000 to 3 000 sustainable jobs per annum post-construction (estimates to 2032). Addressing social and spatial imbalances This project is part of Operation Phakisa (Initiative 2). Providing the required port infrastructure will positively impact the GDP of the Western Cape and provide opportunities for downstream economies/businesses to develop. Promoting rural development B-BBEE, localisation, supplier development (SD) and skills development are among the criteria that will be embedded in the construction, ownership and operation of the facility by the private sector partner. This will be included in the Section 56 Terminal Operator’s Agreement issued by the Transnet National Ports Authority. Industrial development and localisation Facility will support designation for ship repair, rig repair and boat-building. Aligned with Saldanha Bay IDZ development. Economic performance of poorest provinces Estimated GDP contribution of R1.5 billion and R2.0 billion per annum when the facility is fullyfunctional. Promoting greener economy The project will comply with all applicable legislation. Regional integration Integration of supply chain through Operation Phakisa. Other comments This project is part of the wider Transnet National Ports Authority Port Development Framework Plan. Saldanha Bay – Mossgas Jetty Project name Development of ship repair facilities at the Port of Saldanha - Mossgas Jetty Location Port of Saldanha Implementing Agent Transnet National Ports Authority Project Value US$193 million (R2.7 billion) – Estimated and subject to final business case Project schedule 2015 - 2019 Project Status and documentation available This project is at FEL 2: Prefeasibility Stage. Market analysis, stakeholder analysis and Business Case preparation to be finalised by end 2015. Existing partners and commitments Transnet SOC Limited will conduct a Section 56 process to identify a suitable private sector partner to construct and operate this facility. Incentives and funding available Transnet SOC Limited will conduct a Section 56 process to identify a suitable private sector partner to construct and operate this facility. 23

24) Responsible Institutions Transnet SOC Ltd Ricky Bhikraj E-mail: Ricky.Bhikraj@transnet.net the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances This project is part of Operation Phakisa (Initiative 2). Providing the required port infrastructure will positively impact the GDP of the Western Cape and provide opportunities for downstream economies/businesses to develop. Promoting rural development B-BBEE, localisation, supplier development (SD) and skills development are among the criteria that will be embedded in the construction, ownership and operation of the facility by the private sector partner. This will be included in the Section 56 Terminal Operator’s Agreement issued by the Transnet National Ports Authority. Industrial development and localisation Facility will support designation for ship repair, rig repair and boat building. Aligned with Saldanha Bay IDZ development. Economic performance of poorest provinces Between R3.0 billion and R4.0 billion GDP per annum in the long run (to 2032). Approximately R2.5 billion to R3.5 billion GGP per annum in the long run (to 2032). Promoting greener economy The project will comply with all applicable legislation. Regional integration Integration of supply chain through Operation Phakisa Other comments 24 Approximately 11 500 to 14 500 jobs years in the construction phase, and 4 000 to 5 000 sustainable jobs per annum post-construction (estimates to 2032). This project is part of the wider Transnet National Ports Authority Port Development Framework Plan.

25) Central Energy Fund (CEF) 1,500MW Solar Park Project name 1,500MW Solar Park Location Northern Cape, South Africa (five locations) Implementing Agent CEF (SOC) Ltd and Eskom Project Value US$7.14 billion (R100 billion) Project schedule The implementation will be phased. Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study completed. Existing partners and commitments The CEF and Department of Energy funded the feasibility study (about R20million). Responsible Institutions The CEF and Eskom Job creation Construction (estimated at 10 000 people) and operation (estimated at 800 people) Addressing social and spatial imbalances The solar resource of the Northern Cape offers an opportunity to create a green industry in the region thereby reducing skills migration from the region. The programme can be implemented in a manner that allows for the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals. Promoting rural development The programme is an opportunity to develop some of the rural areas in the Northern Cape. Industrial development and localisation The 1,500MW Solar Park can be used to bring more certainty for local manufacturing of some of the components/equipment for the concentrated solar power and photovoltaic plants. Previously, the disparate and competitive nature of solar IPPs made it difficult for projects to jointly plan and develop a local manufacturing base for their plants. Promoting greener economy The 1,500MW Solar Park is part of Government’s initiatives to increase the amount of renewable energy in the country. It is the heart of the green economy. Responsible Institutions CEF: Mr Lufuno Makhuba CA (SA) Tel: +27 10 201 4736 E-mail: LufunoM@cefgroup.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 25

26) Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Arengo 316 Project name Arengo 316 (Pty) Ltd Location Cradock, Eastern Cape Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation South Africa Project Value US$160 million (R2.24 billion) Project schedule 18 to 24 months construction period Project Status and documentation available The project is currently in the detailed feasibility phase Existing partners and commitments Project is fully underwritten by the IDC Incentives and funding available Project is fully underwritten by the IDC Responsible Institutions IDC: Ms Lizeka Matshekga Tel: +27 11 269 3133 E-mail: lizekam@idc.co.za 26 the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation 3 307 jobs Direct agricultural 2 250 Plant 142 Logistics 215 Downstream 700 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Infrastructure, land utilisation, jobs Promoting rural development The project will source sorghum from surrounding rural areas, mainly from the Eastern Cape. Industrial development and localisation Creation of 142 jobs for plant and creating a new industry in South Africa Economic performance of poorest provinces The Eastern Cape is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa. Promoting greener economy Reduction of greenhouse gases Regional integration Fuel will be blended outside the Eastern Cape Other comments The production of 105 million litres (105 000m³) of fuel grade bioethanol using 274 000 tons per annum of grain sorghum as feedstock. Frankfort Paper Mill Project Project name Frankfort Paper Mill Project Location Frankfort, Free State

27) Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$150 million (R2.1 billion) Project schedule Construction to commence in 2017 Project Status and documentation available The project is in the bankable feasibility stage, although funding has been approved by the IDC for implementation. Existing partners and commitments Strategic operating partner required Incentives and funding available IDC-approved funding Responsible Institutions IDC: Mr Jaco Scholtz, Tel: +27 11 269 3030 E-mail: jacos@idc.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation 168 direct jobs 1 000 construction jobs over two years 1 500 waste paper collection jobs Addressing social and spatial imbalances Significant Investment in the Free State Promoting rural development Project to be located in Frankfort, Free State Industrial development and localisation Local procurement to be a priority with regards to ancillary equipment and construction of buildings Economic performance of poorest provinces Supports material IDC investment in the Free State province Promoting Greener economy Provision will be made to burn up to 30% renewable fuel source (corn cobs) in boilers for energy and steam generation Regional integration Gauteng and Free State proximity Support Independent Power Producers - Coal Project name IDC: Support Independent Power Producers: Coal Location South Africa and Botswana Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$5 billion (R70 billion) Project schedule Not determined Project Status and documentation available Three projects are currently at bankable feasibility, while others at feasibility study. Existing partners and commitments Not determined Incentives and funding available Not determined Responsible Institutions Vivian Ramathuba Tel: +27 11 269 3120 E-mail: vivianr@idc.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 27

28) Job creation Yes. Yet to be quantified Promoting rural development Link of Botswana coal deposits to South Africa power grid Economic performance of poorest provinces Yes, Limpopo and Mpumalanga have huge coal resources and some of the projects use coal sourced from these regions. Regional integration Yes, some of the projects could use Botswana coal deposits. Other comments The Coal Base-load Independent Power Producer Programme will comprise separate bid windows with total of 2 500MW to be contracted by the Department of Energy. Support Independent Power Producers - Gas Project name Location Various (coastal regions) Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$2.15 billion (R30.1 billion) Project schedule 24 months’ development, 36 to 48 months’ implementation Project Status and documentation available 28 IDC: Support Independent Power Producers: Gas Concept/pre-feasibility phase Existing partners and commitments Not determined Incentives and funding available Not determined Responsible Institutions IDC: Steven Makhongela Tel: +27 11 269 3230 E-mail: stevenm@idc.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation >4 000 construction jobs >1 000 operational jobs >1 000 other downstream jobs Addressing social and spatial imbalances Industrialisation in historically disadvantaged provinces will address spatial imbalances. Promoting rural development Infrastructure and gas sector development will promote rural development. Industrial development and localisation Gas and power infrastructure will support industrial development and localisation. Economic performance of poorest provinces The Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal will benefit from gas and power infrastructure development, which can lead to increased economic activities and job creation. Promoting greener economy Natural gas is a cleaner and a more efficient fuel than coal and liquid fuels and therefore will contribute towards South Africa’s reduction in carbon emissions. Regional integration Potential natural gas import from countries such as Mozambique, Namibia, Angola, Tanzania and others will support regional infrastructure integration and improve trade. Other comments Generate 3126 MW from gas sources

29) Support Independent Power Producers - Renewable Energy Project name IDC: Support Independent Power Producers: Renewable Energy Location South Africa Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$330 million (R4.6 billion) Project schedule Not determined Project Status and documentation available Projects will be submitted under the expedited bidding round (round 4.5) of the REIPPPP, which closes on 1 October 2015. Successful projects will be announced on 11 December 2015 and will have to achieve financial close by July/August 2016. Existing partners and commitments local DFIs, international DFIs, commercial banks, funds, financial institutions Incentives and funding available Not determined Responsible Institutions IDC: Lizeka Matshekga Tel: +27 11 269 3779 E-mail: LizekaM@idc.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation 1 867 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Electricity supply, infrastructure improvement, SED income utilised for community development programmes, e.g. clinics, schools, etc. Promoting rural development Yes, projects are located in rural areas. Industrial development and localisation Energy generation, higher local content of an average of 50%, which is higher than the Department of Energy Threshold. Economic performance of poorest provinces No, projects are located in Northern Cape and Western Cape. Promoting greener economy Yes, the biogas project provides a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution to Western Cape’s waste streams away from landfills. Also renewable energy projects contributing towards reduction of green emissions. Regional integration Yes, the CSP projects are located in Northern Cape, which is mainly supported by the mining sector. Other comments The IDC is looking to support three CSP Projects (R1.5 billion each) and one biogas project (R90 million). INGA 3 Project name INGA 3 Location The Democratic Republic of Congo Implementing Agent Not finalised – work in progress Project Value US$9.6 billion (plus $2 600 million for transmission to South Africa) (R134.4 billion) Project schedule Commercial operation: October 2022 29

30) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study done by AECOM-RWS/EDF in 2013. Transmission study done by Eskom in 2014. Existing partners and commitments Transaction advisers : Orrick – legal, Lazard - financial, Tractebel - engineering, Nodalis Conceil – infrastructure development, EdF / AECOM – design engineering Incentives and funding available The World Bank and the African Development Bank involved in funding of prefeasibility studies Responsible Institutions Government of the DRC (ADEPI as per the Treaty) the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances Through increased security of supply Promoting rural development Through increased security of supply Industrial development and localisation Work in progress Economic performance of poorest provinces 40 000MW ultimately available for the entire region in the long term Promoting greener economy Hydro power will offset coal fired power stations – decrease in CO² footprint Regional integration 30 This is work in progress Proposed transmission route through Zambia, Zimbabwe/Botswana Other comments Transmission from the DRC to South Africa. Generate 4 800MW (2 500MW for South Africa) INGA Transmission Project name Inga Transmission Location Democratic Republic of Congo to South Africa Implementing Agent Not finalised – work in progress Project Value US$2.6 billion (R36.4 billion) Project schedule Commercial operation: October 2022 Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study done by AECOM-RWS/EDF in 2013. Transmission study done by Eskom in 2014. Existing partners and commitments Transaction advisers : Orrick – legal, Lazard - financial, Tractebel - engineering, Nodalis Conceil – infrastructure development, EdF / AECOM – design engineering Incentives and funding available The World Bank and the African Development Bank involved in funding of prefeasibility studies. Responsible Institutions Government of the DRC (ADEPI as per the Treaty) the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation This is work in progress Addressing social and spatial imbalances Through increased security of supply Promoting rural development Through increased security of supply Industrial development and localisation Work in progress

31) Economic performance of poorest provinces 40 000MW ultimately available for the entire region in the long term Promoting Greener economy Hydro power will offset coal fired power stations – decrease in CO² footprint Regional integration Proposed transmission route through Zambia, Zimbabwe/Botswana Other comments Transmission from the Democratic Republic of Congo to South Africa. Generate 4 800MW (2 500MW for South Africa) Mahlodi Cellulose (Pty) Ltd Project name Mahlodi Cellulose (Pty) Ltd Location Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$400 million (R5.6 billion) Project schedule Not determined Project status and documentation available Pre-feasibility study concluded. Bankable feasibility will take 18 to 24 months to complete. Existing partners and commitments An Indian-based dissolved cellulose producer has been identified as a possible operations and maintenance partner and/or off-taker. NDA with a vertical integrated China based firm is being concluded. Incentives and funding available Not determined Responsible Institutions IDC: Mr Larry Alcock Tel: +27 11 269 3544 E-mail: larrya@idc.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation Construction phase: 1 500 jobs Operational phase: estimated between 600 to 700 jobs Addressing social and spatial imbalances Limited impact: project will be located in the Richards Bay IDZ Promoting rural development The potential is there for many spin-off industries to develop around Mahlodi Cellulose. Industrial development and localisation The biggest advantage is that the project will beneficiate local wood fibre versus the status quo where more than 80% is exported to the East. Economic performance of poorest provinces Limited. Project is based in KwaZulu-Natal. Promoting greener economy The project will be completely energy self-sufficient. Other comments To establish a dissolving pulp and chemical cellulose fibre plant as well as a chemical island. The cellulose plant will have a planned annual production capacity of 200 000 tons per annum. Multi Model OEM Assembly Plant Project name Multi Model OEM Assembly Plant Location East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ) 31

32) Implementing Agent the dti, the Industrial Development Corporation Project Value US$750 million (R10.5 billion) Project schedule Not determined Project status and documentation available The project is currently engaging with identified global assemblers for call for proposals. Existing partners and commitments The Industrial Development Corporation and the dti are committed partners to the project. Incentives and funding available Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS) Responsible Institutions IDC: Joseph Sithole Tel: +27 11 269 3281 E-mail: josephs@idc.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances Located in the Eastern Cape Promoting rural development No, projected located in ELIDZ Industrial development and localisation 32 To be confirmed Yes, assist with import substitution Economic performance of poorest provinces Yes, the Eastern Cape is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa. Other comments The establishment of a 60 000 vehicle per annum assembly plant in the ELIDZ. Ncondenzi Project name Ncodenzi Location Mozambique Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$800 million (R11.2 billion) Project schedule Not determined Project status and documentation available Still in discussion with project developers Existing partners and commitments None Incentives and funding available Not determined Responsible Institutions IDC: Kweku Koranteng Tel: +27 11 269 3565 E-mail: kwekuk@idc.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation Number of actual jobs to be determined

33) Addressing social and spatial imbalances Yes, the project is located in Mozambique. Promoting rural development Yes, linking Mozambique coal resources to regional power generation. Economic performance of poorest provinces Yes, Mozambique is one of the poorer countries compared to South Africa. Regional integration Yes, Mozambique and South Africa Platinum Group Metal Value Chain Beneficiation Project name Platinum Group Metal Value Chain Beneficiation Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa with technology partners Project Value Over five to 10 years: Local fuel cell assembly: US$200 million (R2.8 billion) and Local fuel cell stack production: US$500 million (R7 billion). Fuel (methanol) supply Project status and documentation available Currently in prefeasibility phase and another one to two years to establish a market Existing partners and commitments Local and international partners are currently being signed Incentives and funding available Development and green funding: initially R150 million committed Responsible Institutions IDC: Raoul Goosen Tel: +27 11 269 3988 E-mail: raoulg@idc.co.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Industries E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Tel: +27 12 394 1239 Promoting rural development Supports demand from platinum mines Industrial development and localisation Beneficiation of platinum Economic performance of poorest provinces Supports demand from platinum mines, which are mostly located in the North West. Promoting greener economy Green energy production with fuel cells Regional integration Platinum demand linked to industrialisation Titanium Metal Powered Production and Beneficiation Project name Titanium Metal Powered Production and Beneficiation Location Not determined Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value US$600 million to US$800 million (R8.4 billion to R11.2 billion) Project status and documentation available The project is currently is in pilot plant commissioning stage. Existing partners and commitments The Department of Science and Technology is sponsoring technology development through the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Tronox – the potential customer. 33

34) Responsible Institutions Ms Rika Gopichund Tel: +27 11 269 3067 E-mail: rikag@idc.co.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Industries E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Tel: +27 12 394 1239 Promoting rural development Yes Industrial development and localisation Yes, local natural resource available Other comments To enable a direct and continuous production of titanium metal powder from titanium-bearing sand feedstock. The production capacity is envisaged at 20 000 tons per annum. Titanium /Zirconium Beneficiation Project Project name Location Saldanha, Western Cape Implementing Agent Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Project Value 34 Titanium/Zirconium Beneficiation Project US$2 billion (R28 billion) Project schedule Not defined yet Project Status and documentation available A bankable feasibility study has been completed. To commence bankable feasibility study. Existing partners and commitments The National Empowerment Fund (NEF), Magnesium and Metals Ltd (Russian) and private South African investors. Incentives and funding available None Responsible Institutions IDC: Hilton Lazarus, Tel: +27 11 269 3131 E-mail: hiltonl@idc.co.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Tel: +27 12 394 1238 E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Job creation To be confirmed Addressing social and spatial imbalances Project is located in Saldanha Industrial development and localisation Yes, mineral sand beneficiation Other comments The establishment of a chemical metallurgical complex to process and beneficiate 30 000 tons per annum of zircon sand and 30 000 tons per annum of titanium slag (locally mined) into zirconium and titanium metals, including their derivative alloys.

35) Coega Development Corporation (CDC) Coega Airport and Aerospace Cluster Project name Coega Airport and Aerospace Cluster Location Coega Industrial Development Zone, within the Nelson Mandela Bay Region (Zone 12 & 14) Implementing Agent Coega Development Corporation (CDC) Project Value US$107 million (R1.5 billion) Project schedule 2016-2019: • 2,4km runway development and construction • International cargo airport development and construction 2017-2019: • Manufacturing and maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) cluster development • Provincial SMME incubator • Advanced aerospace and defence supplier park • Aircraft recycling facility 2016-2012: • Human capital development (HCD) and research and development (R&D) programme • Business development – industrialists from previously disadvantaged groups • Greening of the aerospace industry initiative Project status and documentation available Existing partners and commitments CDC is actively seeking industrial partners and international funders. • A feasibility study funding application has been submitted to the Incentive Development and Incentive Administration IDZ/SEZ Unit at the dti. • The project team is also considering the PPP route for the implementation phase • • • • • • • The CDC National Aerospace Centre (NAC) Cacadu Development Corporation Marenco Swiss Helicopters Frincati Aviation The CSIR – Materials Science and Manufacturing (MSM) Advanced Composites Working Group Novopower Incentives and funding available No funding has been made available as yet. Responsible Institutions CDC: Gustav Meyer Business Development Manager Tel: +27 41 403 0485 E-mail: gustav.meyer@coega.co.za the dti: Janine Fredericks Deputy Director: Advanced Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 5661 E-mail: JFredericks@thedti.gov.za Job creation It is expected that 3 200 direct and 60 000 indirect jobs will be created, with a focus on previously disadvantaged groups. This development will therefore have a profound impact on the regional job market within the greater Nelson Mandela Bay Region and the province through: • A twinning of the soon-to-be-completed airport and economic cluster at Somerset East with the Coega IDZ; • Development of new empowerment entities and entrepreneurs within the aerospace manufacturing cluster (with a strong focus on supporting black industrialists); • The creation of an active airport and associated aerospace cluster that attracts both international and domestic integrators and industries with concomitant job creation (both skilled and artisan); and • Support to the embattled automotive industry by introducing its supplier base and its significant workforce to new business and employment opportunities within the aerospace industry. 35

36) Addressing social and spatial imbalances • • Through the twinning with Somerset East and the creation of an economic corridor between the two locations, spatial mobility of the regional workforce will improve dramatically, with concomitant improvement in access to wealth. The NAC, through its outreach, awareness, human capital development and training structures, will actively address the social imbalances still existent within the province by providing preferential access for designated groups and their needs, when developing opportunities within the airport and cluster. Promoting rural development Industrial development and localisation This project will have a significant impact on the economic development within the greater Nelson Mandela Bay Region and province, due to the fact that international and domestic industrial partners will be invited to be involved on three levels: • Strategic partners that will take a financial and implementation stake in the airport and associated manufacturing and MRI cluster ensuring buy-in and effective localisation; • Developmental partners that will be actively involved in the creation of clusters, entrepreneurial incubators and specific offerings of the airport and aerospace cluster because of the particular expertise; and • Project partners that will become actively involved in specific build-to-print, design and engineering, and innovation-level projects within the cluster ensuring long-term sustainability and real job creation. This will allow for a focus on an industrialisation model that will support previously disadvantaged groups and feed into new growth industries such as nuclear, solar and defence. Economic performance of poorest provinces 36 As stated above, the twinning with the Somerset East Aerotropolis - via the economic corridor as well as any opportunity that presents itself to support the existing embattled automotive corridor - will allow for international opportunities to be funnelled into Coega (through industrial partnerships) and bridged into the region (through supply based opportunities for rural entrepreneurs and agricultural producers). This project is seen as vital for the future of the Eastern Cape as it will allow not only for the creation of a new world-class aerospace logistics and manufacturing sector, but also will aid the existing automotive, agricultural, and tourism sectors. Promoting greener economy The implementation team is committed to not only adhering to the already stated desire within Coega to ensure an environmentally sustainable development zone, but wants to take this one step further by ensuring that international best practice is applied, green technologies (such as hydrogen fuel cell technology, noise abatement, waste heat recuperation and the already existing wind turbines) are incorporated wherever applicable, and, most importantly, a healthy environment and atmosphere is retained for rural inhabitants and the cluster/airport workforce. Regional integration This project is unique in that it seeks to merge large metropolitan opportunities with regional growth areas (such as Somerset East), where both play as equal partners. Other comments The CDC and the NAC strongly believe that a real impact will be made on the Eastern Cape with the development of the 2.4km runway, commercial airport, aerospace manufacturing cluster and aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) hub within zones 12 and 14 of the Coega precinct, just 20km outside of Port Elizabeth. And that this will attract the world to the province and actively improve the lives of the previously disadvantaged inhabitants of the Nelson Mandela Bay metropole, surrounds and province. SAMRT Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill Project name SAMRT Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill, Coega IDZ, Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, Eastern Cape Location Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill (SSTSM) project to be built in the Coega Industrial Development Zone, in Zone 2, located in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro (NMBM), Eastern Cape Implementing Agent SAMRT (Eleugene Human +27 84 643 5545) Project Value US$44 million (R620 million). This includes the EPC service provider. Total investment cost, excluding building, will be R510 million (US$37.78 million) and, including the building, will amount to R620 million ($45.93 million). Manufacturing building of 5 500m² is planned, with auxiliary space for truck movement, landscaping and future expansion.

37) Project schedule 22 months from kick-off to Start of Production (SOP) in October 2017. The SSTSM will be built within 22 months and will be in operation in the third quarter of 2017. In the first fiscal year of production, the plant will operate at 50% of its capacity; in the second year at 90% capacity; and from the third production year onwards at 100%. At full operation. The plant will produce 9 000 tons a year; Precision Strip generating annual sales revenue in excess of R500 million (US$37 million). Coega IDZ land mass cumulative leased is three hectares. Project status and documentation available Market study complete, bankable business plan in final draft, completed by 10 November 2015. Due diligence done by IDC/PIC. MOUs signed on supply and distribution with customers in automotive industry. Project ready for kick-off and agreement with Coega in Zone 2 has been agreed upon. This SSTSM manufacturing or production facility will provide visible evidence of development and population of the Coega IDZ, with direct benefits to the surrounding communities. The project will provide inputs into applications in the manufacturing of flexible couplings for emissions/exhaust systems. The Nelson Mandela Bay is well-known for its automotive stronghold in South Africa and major coupling manufacturers are located in the area. Existing partners and commitments Eleugene Human, Rashied Majiet, Abraham Dawson, Ratilal Rowji, Shabeer Adams. No commitments, awaiting IDC and PIC term sheets. Incentives and funding available From the dti – AIS Currently in final discussions with IDC, PIC and FMO. Responsible Institutions Coega IDZ/SEZ. The Coega IDZ, as an implementing economic development agency of the dti, is acting as a catalyst for attracting investments by bringing financial and technical knowledge and skills transfer through sustainable projects and economic activity. The location of SAMRT, through the development of the SSTSM, will be realising a government strategic objective. CDC: Gustav Meyer Business Development Manager Tel: +27 41 403 0485 E-mail: gustav.meyer@coega.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation 130 operational permanent jobs (with ramp up) 600 jobs during construction Downstream jobs are estimated at 5 000 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Locating in SAMRT (South African Metals Resources and Trading (Pty) Ltd) will be developing a Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill (SSTSM) manufacturing plant in the Coega IDZ Zone 2. Project will contribute to job creation, introducing new processes into South Africa and, in general, will contribute to the development of the NMBM and the Coega IDZ. Promoting rural development Direct operational and construction jobs as well as indirect jobs, with potential entrepreneurial opportunities available. Industrial development and localisation Beneficiation of the chrome in South Africa. Currently 80% of precision stainless steel is imported into South Africa, although South Africa is sitting with 70% of the world’s reserves. Economic performance of poorest provinces Plant located in the Eastern Cape, one of the poorest provinces in the country. Promoting Greener economy Using electricity in furnace instead of gas. No Environmental Impact Assessment is required. Regional integration Using stainless steel from Middelburg (Columbus) 37

38) Other comments SAMRT Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill Information brief in support of the project Introduction • The composition of South Africa’s trade with most parts of the world is characterised by the export of raw materials and the import of manufactured goods. This is an opportunity foregone for local economic development and job creation. Having natural resource endowment does not automatically translate to downstream beneficiation, but requires dedicated interventions to address possible constraints to realise a competitive advantage for the mineral beneficiation industries, which SAMRT fulfils. • The beneficiation strategy is aimed at providing a strategic focus for South Africa’s minerals industry in terms of developing mineral value chains and facilitating the expansion of beneficiation initiatives in the country. It seeks to advance development through the optimisation of linkages in the mineral value chain, facilitation of economic diversification, job creation and industrialisation. • The SSTSM fulfils the Beneficiation Bill strategy which ultimately seeks to streamline the value addition programmes in South Africa and further the development of the metals sector. Supportive policies have underpinned much of the recent acceleration in activity in many economies. • The risk of not implementing the beneficiation strategy is high for South Africa and SAMRT, which is wholly owned by black industrialists, the objective is bringing reality to the drive by Government, as stated by President Jacob Zuma in his State of the Nation Address 2014. Currently, all precision thin strip stainless steel is being imported into South Africa, to be used in various industries critical in the economic development of the country. Motivation • The capacity and know-how exists in South Africa and there are clear opportunities for local processing. The last stage of mineral value chain presents the highest prospects for the creation of decent jobs. The bulk of the current agreements present opportunities for South Africa to leverage optimal benefit in terms of attracting foreign direct investment as well as access to international markets for South Africa’s beneficiated goods. The free-trade agreements with various countries have made a positive impact on the economy and the Eastern Cape as well, in terms of the extraction of the mineral resources in South Africa. • A particular focus of the Beneficiation Bill is to ensure greater local processing of South Africa’s abundant natural resources. This is one of the aims of the CDC, to attract investors who will help in the value chain process. The impact of the Bill will be positive, based on the action taken by SAMRT and with the support of the dti. 38 Background on the project and investment required • Precision thin stainless steel strip required in the market is normally less than 0.35mm thick and 600mm wide, with tight tolerances on width, thickness, straightness and edge quality. World demand reached more than 800 000 tons, most of which (97%) was consumed in four regions: Europe, North America, South East Asia and Japan. South Africa consumes about 2,5% of world demand, of which all is being imported at present. The South African and South American markets are targeted by SAMRT as it will be the only Precision Stainless Steel Thin Strip Mill in the southern hemisphere. Such a plant would also encourage growth of industries that require this product as pre-material in sectors such as biotechnology, communications, and medical equipment industries and automotive components. This plant will be groundbreaking as it is the first in South Africa. • The feed material for the plant will be stainless steel strip coils, 600mm wide and 2mm thick. The pre-material will be supplied by Columbus Stainless Steel SA. The prematerial input will be about 10 080 tons a year. The plant will roll 600mm-wide coil down to various micron thicknesses. The rolled strip can be heat-treated and/or temperrolled prior to being slit to the customer’s desired width. The production programme considers a thickness range between 0.10mm and 0.40mm for final precision strip as reference. The plant will be capable to roll strip down to 0.035 or 0.050 mm (35 or 50 micron) and serve the foil market segment in South Africa and also allow for the export of foil. • At full production, the plant will operate three eight-hour shifts per day, seven days per week and 40 weeks per year. Approximately 130 people will be in full-time employment. • Total investment will be in the order of R510 million (including contingencies (20% on equipment for forex movement), but this amount excludes the building cost, which is estimated at R110 million.

39) Other comments • The plant will be financed on a project-financing basis. Project implementation and construction of buildings will be through the SAMRT, which will be responsible for all stages of financing, erection, commissioning and operation. The project will be run by an EPC (Equipment, Procurement and Construction) service provider. Off Take • Commitment letter from the CEO of SJM Flex SA (Pty) Ltd has been received indicating support for the project and their five-year volume forecast for the product (0.15mm and 0.30mm thin gauge stainless steel strips to produce flexible couplings) that SAMRT will be producing. • Written commitment from Managing Director of SENIOR Flexonics has been received. • The volume forecast provided by SJM regarding imports of this product into South Africa indicates that 55,7% of SAMRT projected sales volume is already available. Furthermore, a MOU has been signed with SJM international to supply and distribute the product to its overseas plants, taking customer potential demand to 9 000 tons per year. • More catalytic converter companies are planning to move to South Africa with targeted exports to South America, Mexico. This will fill the estimated production capacity. • Furthermore, new industries are developing in South Africa, such as Solar and Fuel Cells. These industries require precision stainless steel strips as a major component in their production process. Partners 39 • Heinz Pariser completed the marketing study. • KPMG completed the final bankable business plan draft. • The IDC has indicated to fund the project (R240 million of capital requirement, in equity and debt structure) and provide a revolving credit facility for the working capital on the project. In dollar terms, US$17.77 million. • The Public Investment Corporation has indicated to fund the project to the value of R 87.9 million (US$13.50 million). • FMO (Nederland’s Foreign Bank) has indicated support up to R250 million (US$18.52 million). • Technical Partner to contribute in total value R87.5 million (US$6.5 million); this can be in technical skills transfer, on-the-job training, technical engineering support, project start-up and implementation support and cash injection. • Columbus Stainless Steel has signed an MOU with SAMRT to be the strategic supply partner for the project, being the main raw material supplier in South Africa. • Air Products has signed an MOU, being the main supplier of gases. • Tenova12S is the strategic equipment supplier to SAMRT, detailed technical discussions have been held with them at the Columbus Head Office in Witbank. They have also provided the equipment quotations. SAMRT visited their plants in China and the United States. • Detailed discussions have been held with Coega to reserve the identified site in the Coega IDZ. Land allocation agreement signed with Coega.

40) Other comments PROJECT DRIVERS The Mission and Objective of the Project is to bolster and further develop the economy of the Eastern Cape through such projects in a region that has experienced unemployment of about 35%. Currently, all the required Precision Thin Strip Stainless Steel is being imported into South Africa. The expertise and brains exist within the team to successfully execute the project. • The expertise and foundation is in Commerce, Project Management, Law, Engineering, Production, Finance and Labour, which forms the backbone of any corporation to ensure good Corporate Governance and efficient production. The project owners are: o o Ratilal Rowji, who has been in the aerospace industry and automotive industry for the past 30 years, with business expertise in engineering, design, production, quality, project management and commerce. o Rashied Majiet, who is a South African businessman and entrepreneur and spent 30 years in senior executive positions in corporates such as Oceana and Coca Cola. o Abraham Dawson, who is a legal practitioner in commercial contracting with a great understanding and background of economic development and social responsibility. o Columbus Stainless Steel, which is integral to the raw material supply process in this project. o Shabeer Adam, who is a leading local entrepreneur with various SMME businesses existing in the Port Elizabeth area. o 40 Eleugene Henry Human, who has been in the automotive industry (Director JCI) for the past 25 years, with business experience in commerce, project management, production, supply chain and procurement, finance and plant management spanning across the globe. The project technical team includes John Herbst (United States), Clive Bailey (South Africa, ex Columbus director), George Gerard (Philippines), and Won Jun Lee (Korea). This is a very competent technical team that has between them set up most of the precision stainless steel strip mills around the globe in the last 10 years. Recommendation and request • SAMRT sees this project as strategic to the development of the country’s strategic raw materials, adding value and increasing the ability to create a whole new industry within South Africa. This type of project speaks directly to the Government’s stated plans and goals. All details on project can be provided by contacting Eleugene Human at +27 84 643 5545 or e-mail: eleugene@samrt.co.za Seagold-Wildcoast Abalone Farm Project name Seagold-Wildcoast Abalone Farm Location Eastern Cape/Nelson Mandela Bay District Municipality (NMBM)/Port Elizabeth/Coega IDZ/ Zone 10/33° 46’ 39’’ S; 25° 43’ 22’’ E Implementing Agent Seagold Abalone and Wildcoast Abalone (as technical partner)

41) Project Value US$10.7 million (R150 million) excluding seawater infrastructure Project schedule 18 months from kick-off to Start of Production in October 2017 Project status and documentation available Prefeasibility for Zone 10 aquaculture complete. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping phase complete – EIA phase to commence Existing partners and commitments Seagold Abalone – project initiator Wildcoast Abalone – technical expertise Coega Development Corporation – land owner Incentives and funding available From the dti – ADEP Applicable SEZ incentives Responsible Institutions Coega IDZ/SEZ. The Coega IDZ, as an implementing economic development agency of the dti, is acting as a catalyst for attracting investments by bringing financial and technical knowledge and skills transfer through sustainable projects and economic activity. The location of Seagold-Wildcoast Abalone, through the development of the Coega IDZ, will be realising a government strategic objective. CDC: Gustav Meyer Business Development Manager Tel: +27 41 403 0485 E-mail: gustav.meyer@coega.co.za the dti: Manone Madyo Deputy Director: Resource-Based Economy Tel: +27 12 394 3856 E-mail: Mmadyo@thedti.gov.za Job creation 150 operational permanent jobs 100 jobs during construction Addressing social and spatial imbalances Locating the abalone farm in the Coega IDZ, Zone 10, will contribute to job creation, reintroducing processes previously done in the region to Port Elizabeth. This area has a very high unemployment rate, with high social imbalance. The project will contribute to the development of the NMBM and the Coega IDZ. Promoting rural development Direct operational and construction jobs as well as indirect jobs, with potential entrepreneurial opportunities available. Industrial development and localisation Aquaculture development in South Africa. South Africa produces only 1 400 tons of farmed abalone and this project will seek to initially add 150 tons (10 %) per annum. Economic performance of poorest provinces The abalone farm will be located in the Eastern Cape, one of the poorest provinces in the country. 41

42) Promoting greener economy As abalone will be cultured on land, the company will decrease dependence on the ocean’s resources. This will ensure the protection of the ocean/wild abalone. Further, by replenishing abalone in the ocean through ranching, the company will also protect the resource for future generations. The company will look at technology (e.g. solar) for heating water, if required. Regional integration Wildcoast Abalone, on the Eastern side of the Eastern Cape of South Africa, has been operational for about 15 years. This project will link what has been done at Wildcoast Abalone to a successful abalone farm in the NMBM region of the Eastern Cape. The CDC has earmarked 440ha of land in Zone 10 of the Coega IDZ for aquaculture development. Of this, 100ha is low-lying land (<40m above sea level) and is earmarked for marine aquaculture, while 250ha of higher lying land (>60m above sea level) has been earmarked for freshwater aquaculture. the dti has made R1.62 million available to the CDC to do a feasibility assessment, including some technical studies, and an EIA for land-based aquaculture activities on the assigned 440ha. By doing this EIA, the CDC allows investors to focus on their core business without being delayed by non-core/regulatory/compliance activities as well as saving them the cost of an EIA (i.e. up to R1 million). In the meantime, the CDC earns the socio-economic dividends quicker. To date, the CDC has completed: 1. a feasibility study for marine aquaculture in the Coega IDZ; 2. a technical assessment of a non-operational Abalone Farm situated in Zone 10 (on Transnet land) inside the Coega IDZ. The CDC has appointed service providers that are currently engaging in the following activities: 3. an EIA for land-based aquaculture activities. This activity is scheduled to be complete in Q3 2016; 4. a technical and cost assessment of a seawater pipeline (i.e. an abstraction pipeline and discharge outlet including ancillary infrastructure). This study will conclude November 2015; and 5. an EIA for a marine pipeline servitude (MPS). This will give an indication of the alignment of the seawater pipeline relative to the ADZ. This activity is scheduled to complete in Q2 2016. Other comments 42 All details on the project can be obtained by contacting Dr Keith Du Plessis at +27 82 740 7654 or e-mail: Keith.DuPlessis@coega.co.za Advancing Readiness Project Project name Advancing Readiness 2 500MW Gas-to-Power Project – power generation Location Coega IDZ Implementing Agent CDC

43) Project Rationale The DOE’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP2010) outlines gas-driven projects, totalling close to 3,000 MW in the envisaged energy mix for SA. Consequently, the indication is that the DoE is looking to trigger the procurement process for gas driven baseload projects. CDC has done preliminary work on Coega readiness for a Gas to power project in the IDZ. This Project is based in the Coega IDZ (power station) and Port of Ngqura (Liquified Natural Gas facility). There has been a positive response from potential investors in this sector. The preliminary work looks into the readiness for a CCGT power station and associated terminals and peripheral infrastructure (grid connectivity, cooling water, etc.) in the IDZ. It is critical that CDC provides a more apt proposition that Coega emerge the most preferred location by the DoE and the potential investors. Focus areas include: • Institutional readiness, clarification of roles and demystification • Communication and public-awareness building • Local content manufacture and service provision • Skills training • Human capital and facilitated labour provision • Coordinated ancillary infrastructure development and logistics requirements • Harnessing ancillary SMME opportunities Project Value US$2.9 billion (R40 billion) (investment size) for the gas-to-power facility. The estimated costs for CDC to advance project readiness is R25 000 000. Project schedule 2016/17 and extends beyond this current financial year (the Nuclear Programme is targeted for 2023-30). DOE-driven request for information (RfI) on Gas-to-Power solution submissions in July 2015. On the back of RfI, DOE will release RfP – estimated Q2, 2016. The CDC project readiness is under way and expected to extend into financial year 2016/17. Project Status and documentation available In progress. The CDC submission to DOE RfP, which outlines the extent of preparatory work towards Gas-to-Power projects conducted. This further makes reference to existing feasibility and environmental studies related to gas-driven power generation. Existing partners and commitments CDC is engaging with Government, State-Owned Entities (Transnet, the CEF, Eskom) and private-sector industry players (project developers, technology owners and EPC /professional service providers). There are several NDAs/MOUs in place. Responsible Institutions The CDC SHEQ facilitates the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) programmes to assist Coega investors. Interconnections to the municipal services, CDC provides bulk infrastructure services (road, sewer systems, water and electricity) to the boundary of investor sites, thus effectively a plug-in environment. This includes the provision of ICT infrastructure and services; labour (human capital solutions), e.g. skills training centre and training management; Customs-Controlled Area (CCA) Job creation 8 200 (direct and indirect created opportunities) Addressing social and spatial imbalances Socio-economic (skills development, jobs, SMME participation). To boost the development of South Africa’s local energy sector, there is a need for further R&D with tertiary institutions to improve the product for its operating environment, with aspects relating to quality assurance and process optimisation. The implementation of curricula must be prioritised to build a pool of engineering workforce. This will provide the basis for the building of skills capacity in the advanced manufacturing arena. Furthermore, this presents opportunities for black industrialists and SMMEs, and the outlay of these development interventions. 43

44) Promoting rural development Industrial development and localisation Natural gas is a game changer for the country – energy security and diversification, stabilisation of energy grid. The Government aims to achieve universal access to electricity, thus the proposed gas-to-power plant will help provide for the electricity required to reach the target. The existing potential investors in the Coega IDZ will have a secure supply of electricity. The availability and security of electricity in the province will attract new industrial investments and increase business opportunities. Furthermore, there are strong linkages between the Shale Gas prospects, LNG terminal and gas infrastructure and the realisation of impactful socio-economic development. Economic performance of poorest provinces Power generation and expansion of gas value chain in South Africa market. Reduced energy constraint as gas can be used directly in industrial complexes – Gas can be used for chemical products manufacturing (job creation and skills development). Promoting Greener economy Gas emissions will be lowered. This may include power from the existing grid and new clean power sources from independent power producers. Switching from coal to gas is considered to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, since the carbon content of natural gas per unit of primary energy content is only 60% of that of coal. The latter effect would contribute an additional 30% emission reduction. Increased electricity generation in the province and balancing the renewable energy load – stability of electrical grid, leading to confidence in province, thus stimulate economic growth. Regional integration 44 An instrument to promote sustainable development of the country. During the construction phase skilled and unskilled labour will be from the surrounding local areas, more artisans will be trained and equipped with more skills that can be utilised in other related industries. The CDC has a training department where artisans, electricians, boiler-makers and related can acquire training. The linkage between industrial productive capacity, economic growth and level of development is an important consideration especially for the SADC, as the region has low levels of industrialisation and ranks among the poorest in the world. Other comments The National Development Plan (NDP) envisages a South African energy sector that promotes economic growth, social equality and environmental sustainability by 2030. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) outlines gas-driven projects, which was further asserted by the 2012 Ministerial Determination allocation of 2,652MW to be generated from Natural Gas (including Liquefied Natural Gas) between 2021 and 2025. This also supports the objectives of the Integrated Energy Plan (IEP), namely to: ensure the security of supply; minimise the cost of energy; increase access to energy; diversify supply sources and the primary sources of energy; minimise emissions from the energy sector; promote localisation and technology transfer and the creation of jobs. All details on the project can be provided by contacting Sandisiwe Ncemane at +27 82 314 5853 or e-mail Sandisiwe.Ncemane@coega.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Renewable Energy Component Manufacturing Project name Renewable Energy Component Manufacturing – Readiness Study Location Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) Implementing Agent Coega Development Corporation (CDC)

45) Project Rationale The Department of Energy’s (DoE) Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP), with more than 40% local content requirements, has seen the Eastern Cape establish a wind hub over the last four bid rounds. This includes more than 17 projects (1509MW) and the DCD wind tower manufacturing facility. According to this trend, it follows that an Eastern Cape location is the most prudent location for a wind Blade manufacturing facility. The CDC intends to perform a pre-feasibility study in a programme that entails project development to enable the manufacturing of components for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Wind Rotor Blades in the Coega IDZ. The DOE’s revised Integrated Resource Plan 2013 draft proposes an increase to the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) allocation, and both the dti and the IDC have conducted studies on the localisation of CSP. This presents another opportunity for localisation of renewable energy components manufacturing Focus areas include: • Institutional readiness, clarification of roles and demystification • Communication and public-awareness building • Local content manufacture and service provision • Skills training • Human capital and facilitated labour provision • Coordinated ancillary infrastructure development and logistics requirements • Harnessing ancillary SMME opportunities Project Value RE Component Manufacturing Facility is estimated at US$22.1 million (R310 million) (based on DCD facility costs for 23,000m² in 2013/14). The estimated costs for the Feasibility Study are at US$0.11 million (R1.5 million). Project schedule Project development studies will occur over the financial year(s) 2015/16 and 2016/17. Project Status and documentation available In Progress Desktop Assessment conducted Engagement with potential Investors in progress and stakeholders Existing partners and commitments The driver of the market is linked to current DOE initiatives to implement RE generation sources, and thus the strengthening of interoperable partnerships with Government, state-owned enterprises and the broader RE industry is essential. CDC is engaging with Government (DOE, the dti, DEDEAT), State-Owned Entities (IDC) and private sector industry players (Independent Power Producers, RE technology owners and manufacturers and EPC/ professional service providers). There are several NDAs/MoUs in place Incentives and funding available Projects located within a SEZ, namely Coega IDZ, enjoy a bouquet of incentives and benefits as identifies in the SEZ Bill. These include: 15% corporate tax rate; building tax allowance, employment tax incentive and customs-controlled area (CCA): VAT exemption and duty-free. 45

46) Responsible Institutions The CDC SHEQ facilitates the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) programmes to assist Coega investors. Interconnections to the municipal services, CDC provides bulk infrastructure services (road, sewer systems, water and electricity) to the boundary of investor sites – thus effectively a plug-in environment. This also includes the provision of ICT infrastructure and services; labour (human capital solutions), e.g. skills training centre and training management; CCA. CDC: Gustav Meyer Business Development Manager Tel: +27 41 403 0485 E-mail: gustav.meyer@coega.co.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances Socio-economic (skills development, jobs, SMME participation, public awareness). Artisans are a scarce skill in South Africa, therefore further value attained is the alleviation of this scarcity threat and the supply of related industries with excess trained personnel. The project will bring about local training opportunities for the Eastern Cape people in a highly specialised field. Promoting rural development 46 To unlock the permanent opportunities that will be provided by the renewable component manufacturing facilities and the associated upstream and downstream activities in the distribution and logistics channel and in the internal components supply chain, support and aftercare. An instrument to promote sustainable energy development of the country. Value can be viewed in the context of the developmental impacts that will result for the region, the economic regeneration of the Eastern Cape. Industrial development and localisation There is an opportunity for Technical systems/software installation and maintenance services to be sourced from local service providers. Raw material and input component supply, packaging and distribution, and transport services could be sourced from local SMMEs. Value can be viewed in the context of the developmental impacts that will result for the region, the economic regeneration of the Eastern Cape province and fuelling of the emerging renewable energy industry in South Africa at large. The growth of the advanced manufacturing sector will promote skills retention within the Eastern Cape. Economic performance of poorest provinces Power generation and expansion of renewable energy value chain in South African market. The envisaged market is not only within the country, but the components will also be exported to the Southern African region (SADC) and other parts of the continent. Promoting Greener economy A clear and unambiguous intention to unlock the country’s potential for green growth by introducing renewable energy in a systematic way. The Renewable Energy Sector is directly related to the Green and Energy saving industry. Globally, there is a huge demand to reduce the carbon footprint and mitigate climate change, renewable energy technologies are critical in achieving this goal Regional integration The linkage between industrial productive capacity, economic growth and level of development is an important consideration especially for the SADC, as the region has low levels of industrialisation and ranks among the poorest in the world. Other comments The key focus is on the manufacturing of components to enable South Africa’s 17,8 Gigawatts renewable energy generation programme for energy security & diversification, stabilisation of energy grid. On completion of the study, CDC’s Business Development unit will engage with various companies and continue to convince this sector to locate their operations within the Coega IDZ, critically armed with the new information. This will assist in the further development of this sector and entrenching South Africa as a renewable energy technology provider. All details on the project can be provided by contacting Sandisiwe Ncemane at +27 82 314 5853 or e-mail: Sandisiwe.Ncemane@coega.co.za

47) Newco Auto SA Vehicle Semi Knocked Down (SKD) Assembly Plant Project name NEWCO AUTO SA Vehicle Semi Knocked Down (SKD) Assembly Plant Location IDZ, Coega Development Corporation (CDC), Port Elizabeth Implementing Agent the dti/ CDC Project Value US$27.1 million (R380 million) Project schedule Planned over 12 months as follows: M1: Project Financial Approval M1: Formalise Shareholders’ Agreement and all statutory compliance M1: Begin design of building and design of assembly lines M9: Building completion M10: Importation of Assembly Equipment M12: Commissioning of Assembly Equipment M13: Begin assembly of SKD vehicle units in completed facility Project Status and documentation available Currently available: • Business Plan • Business Financial Forecast • Cooperation agreement with Chinese partner • Awaiting approval for project funding from the dti/IDC Existing partners and commitments Chinese partner awaiting finalisation of cooperation agreement – dependent on project approval from South African financiers and the dti. Incentives and funding available the dti incentives will be available for new vehicle assembly plant as follows: AIS incentive from the dti Tax incentive – 15% tax rate Training grants from the dti IDZ benefits, including Custom-Controlled Area advantages Responsible Institutions the dti and IDC CDC: Gustav Meyer Business Development Manager Tel: +27 41 403 0485 E-mail: gustav.meyer@coega.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation Additional 1 400 jobs in the 140 service centres, primarily in the townships and rural areas. • 200 jobs in the dealership network • Additional volume for South African suppliers of components such as carpets, tyres, exhaust systems, glass and electrical harnesses Addressing social and spatial imbalances Black women’s group as shareholder – must be Eastern Cape-based Regional benefits of new assembly plant, i.e. employment for Black South Africans Promoting rural development The following can be considered for the Eastern Cape rural communities in terms of CSI responsibilities: • Rural schools upgrades • Water reticulation to rural areas that do not have potable water • Health services via company’s own ambulances assembled at plant to be constructed at Coega Industrial development and localisation The new vehicle assembly plant will create jobs and economic benefit to the region • Support downstream suppliers, thus enhancing localisation • Setting up of rural vehicle service centres thus spreading economic benefits far and wide •Training of new staff adds to the skills base in the country Economic performance of poorest provinces •Plant to be situated in the Coega IDZ, Port Elizabeth, in the poorest province in the country • Rural vehicle service centres will bring benefits to diverse, previously-excluded communities countrywide 47

48) Promoting Greener economy IDZ “Greening Environment” benefits sustainable business Regional integration The company’s project adds impetus to the transformation agenda for the country, and particularly in the automotive sector, thus bringing greater integration of business owners and communities into a primarily white, foreign-owned automotive business sector. Other comments This project is a black industrialisation initiative and commercial enterprise intended to benefit black people and uplift rural communities. The project owners are also committed to the upliftment of black youths via employment, skills development and localisation. All details on project can be provided by contacting Gustav Meyer, Senior Manager, Transport Industries at +27 82 373 5763 or e-mail: Gustav.Meyer@coega.co.za SAFCO – Soya bean processing project Project name Location Eastern Cape/Nelson Mandela Bay District Municipality (NMBM)/Port Elizabeth/ Coega Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) / Zone 3. Implementing Agent South African Food and Commodities (SAFCO) Project Value 48 SAFCO – Soya bean processing project US$42.9 million (R600 million) Project schedule Start construction early 2016; start production mid-2017 Project Status and documentation available Funding application in progress Documentation available Existing partners and commitments SAFCO – M January, R O’Neill – project initiator Coega Development Corporation (CDC) – land owner Incentives and funding available Applicable incentives of the dti and SEZ Responsible Institutions SAFCO; IDC; CDC All details on project can be provided by contacting Dr Keith Du Plessis Tel: +27 82 740 7654 E-mail: Keith.DuPlessis@coega.co.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1238 E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Job creation 160 operational permanent jobs 100 jobs during construction Addressing social and spatial imbalances Locating the processing facility in the Coega IDZ, Zone 3, will contribute to job creation. New processes will be introduced into the region. This area has a very high unemployment rate with high rates of social imbalances. The project in general will contribute to the development of the NMBM and the Coega IDZ. Promoting rural development Soybean has not been produced on a large scale in the Eastern Cape due to its distance from markets. This processing plant will advance cultivation within the Eastern Cape, including extension of contracts and support to the homelands that are ripe areas for the intended commodity. Industrial development and localisation This project falls within the agro-processing industry, a strategic industry for the South African Government. The product has mainly been imported from Argentina and Brazil, however, domestic factors are advantageous for a local processor. Economic performance of poorest provinces The processing facility will be located in the Eastern Cape, one of the poorest provinces in the country. Promoting greener economy The company will look at the latest technology for its energy requirements

49) Regional integration Over and above, while reviving the Eastern Cape, product will be sourced from: a. Mpumalanga; b. Free-state; c. Northern Cape; d. Gauteng; and e. Western Cape Other comments Among many advantages of being in Port Elizabeth, the following justifies the means: a. Access to harbour for exporting purposes; b. Access to return loads for the transport divisions; c. Strategic position to domestic markets; and d. Raw material can be sourced from local farmers throughout the Eastern Cape thereby boosting local and agri-development within the province and surrounding regions. All details on project can be provided by contacting Dr Keith Du Plessis at Tel: +27 82 740 7654 or e-mail: Keith.DuPlessis@coega.co.za PRASA Cape Town International Airport Link Project name Cape Town international Airport Link Location Western Cape Region Implementing Agent PRASA Project Value US$87 million (R1.216 billion) is required to roll out the airport Express inclusive of rolling stock, Adding to this a further investment of R719.3 million is required for network upgrade which will be used both by the airport Express and current Metrorail service Project schedule Estimate construction duration of two years Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study complete, business case is complete; review of funding option to be concluded; memorandum of action with City of Cape Town. Existing partners and commitments PRASA, Airport Company( ACSA), City of Cape Town, National Treasury and Department of Transport Incentives and funding available Cost of time saving due to the use of the train as opposed to other modes of transport, accident reduction saving due to the reduction in the number of cars on the road, carbon emission savings and additional indirect DGP impact from the Economic Impact Assessment. The lack of reliable public transport service to the airport No funding Responsible Institutions National Treasury, Department of Transport PRASA: Mr Piet Sebola c/o Ms Thandi Kunene Office of the Acting Group CEO Tel: +27 12 748 7014 E-mail: tjkunene@apx.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation Generated 44 896 person years of new employment Addressing social and spatial imbalances The reduction in the number of accidents due to less cars being on the road and the resultant saving due to the health cost implications, cost to Government. Promoting rural development Importing of local sub-contractors and skilled labour Industrial development and localisation Local tender, localisation and B-BBEE imperatives. Would support to new rolling stock factory for south Africa. 49

50) Economic performance of poorest provinces Projected to add a further R8.5 billion to the Western Cape economy Promoting Greener economy Reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) being emitted. This stems from the deference in GHG emission-intensity of rail travel compared to road travel on a passenger-km basis. Regional integration Integration of the city and the Cape Town international Airport to reduce travel time, reduce traffic and car accidents. Reduce parking congestion at the airport. Other comments The provision of a rail connection to the Cape Town airport will be achieved by building a +/4,5km rail link between the airport and the existing Bellville ??. Moloto Rail Corridor Project name Location Western region of Mpumalanga Implementing Agent PRASA (SIP7) Project value Estimated at US$3.21 billion (R45 billion) Project schedule Feasibility study complete, detailed design phase to follow with an estimated construction period of seven years. Project Status and documentation available 50 The Moloto Rail Corridor National Treasury (NT) Approval one review process. NT appointed service provider to undertake a rapid review of the feasibility study. Existing partners and commitments National Treasury, Department of Transport, PRASA, Governments of Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo; Political Oversight Committee. Incentives and funding available High quality transport service; growing public transport passenger market, Tshwane integrated public transport network; safe and efficient travel of passenger and improved quality of life. Reduce traffic congestion and accidents on the road. Responsible Institutions National Treasury, Department of Transport, PRASA PRASA: Mr Piet Sebola c/o Ms Thandi Kunene Office of the Acting Group CEO Tel: +27 12 748 7014 E-mail: tjkunene@apx.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation 72 400 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Develop social and economic opportunities in the Moloto area. Promoting rural development Regional integration through feeder routes provides for local business opportunities and improving rural communities. Industrial development and localisation Support for local new rolling stock factory. Increase in contribution to Gross Geographic Product (GGP); a measure of the total and sectoral economic activity happening on an annual basis within the local municipalities of South Africa. Procurement to be done by PRASA through a local tender process promoting localisation and contribution to BBBEE imperatives. Economic performance of poorest provinces Jobs created local sub-contractors and labour. Local business development along the rail line. Promoting greener economy Construction of a dual rail line will reduce car and busses contributing to reduction of greenhouse gas emission targets. Regional integration Integration between Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Other comments This project involves a new integrated multi-model transport system that is to serve as a catalyst for economic development connecting Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Limpopo economic activities and communities.

51) Gauteng – KwaZulu Natal High Speed Rail Project name Gauteng – KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) High Speed Rail Location Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces Implementing Agent Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Project Value +US$14.3 billion (R200 billion) (to be confirmed during feasibility stage) Project schedule Next Step: detailed feasibility study Project Status and documentation available No detailed studies undertaken to date. A high level pre-feasibility study was undertaken that indicated the project may be feasible. Existing partners and commitments Government and Private Sector. To be identified/confirmed during detailed feasibility study. Incentives and funding available To be determined during detailed feasibility. Responsible Institutions Department of transport, Gauteng and KZN Provincial Government, Local Government (Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg and eThekwini) PRASA and Transnet Freight Rail. PRASA: Mr Piet Sebola c/o Ms Thandi Kunene Office of the Acting Group CEO Tel: +27 12 748 7014 E-mail: tjkunene@apx.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation 5 000 – 7 000 permanent jobs (high level pre-feasibility) Addressing social and spatial imbalances Rail Solution is a catalytic project; provides opportunity for densification/mixed use development and access to opportunities. Promoting rural development The corridor will traverse smaller towns offering the potential for nodal development with rail station as catalyst. Industrial development and localisation Support current rail industrialisation initiatives, e.g. rolling stock factory Economic performance of poorest provinces Still to be determined during the feasibility phase Promoting greener economy Rail mode of transport in support of green economy Regional integration Improves integration between Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal Other comments Potential for freight rail exists, which could enhance the viability of the project. The King Shaka Rail Extension can be phase one of the Gauteng- KwaZulu-Natal High Speed Rail. PRASA is currently finalising a high level feasibility study. 51

52) Gauteng – Light Rail for Durban Project name Light Rail Transport (LRT) Solution for Durban / eThekwini Location eThekwini Municipality Implementing Agent Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Project Value +US$357m (R5 billion) (to be confirmed during feasibility stage) Project schedule Next Step: Detailed Feasibility Study Project Status and documentation available No detailed studies undertaken to date. PRASA Strategic Plan and City’s integrated Public Transport Network identifies (contextual) the potential for LRT. Existing partners and commitments Government and Private Sector. To be identified/confirmed during detailed feasibility study. Incentives and funding available To be determined during detailed feasibility. Responsible Institutions PRASA and eThekwini Municipality PRASA: Mr Piet Sebola c/o Ms Thandi Kunene Office of the Acting Group CEO Tel: +27 12 748 7014 E-mail: tjkunene@apx.co.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za 52 Job creation To be determined Addressing social and spatial imbalances Rail Solution is a catalytic project; provides opportunity for densification / mixed use development and access to opportunities. LRT has the potential, as proved in many cases around the world, to revitalise Cities Promoting rural development Project located in urban/peri-urban area Industrial development and localisation Support current rail industrialisation initiatives, e.g. rolling stock factory Economic performance of poorest provinces Still to be determined during the feasibility phase Promoting greener economy Rail mode of transport in support of green economy Regional integration Improved city access and mobility Other comments Durban has been awarded the Commonwealth Games for 2022

53) Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC) Fruit Production Project name Fruit Production Location Somerset East, Karoo Eastern Cape Implementing Agent ECDC Project Value US$7 million pomegranate development (R98 million) US$3 million deciduous fruit development (R42 million) US$2 million prickly pears development (R28 million) Project Status and documentation available Status: Ready for implementation Suitable land has been identified Feasibility studies and business plans complete Incentives and funding available Available land can be leased or purchased from land owners Multi-modal transport facilities including the Port Elizabeth harbour for exports. Job creation Massive job creation potential since fruit production is a labour-intensive practice, especially during the harvesting season and jobs will also be realised during value-addition activities. Addressing social and spatial imbalances Ideal initiative to reduce social and spatial imbalances through purchase/lease of unutilised land for the benefit of local economic growth and development. Promoting rural development Through job creation and economic development through value-addition activities, which include drying, canning and juicing of fruit. Industrial development and localisation Great potential to diversify the already existing fruit production (citrus) in the area. Promoting greener economy Massive potential to promote green economy through carbon fixation while promoting economic growth and environmental conservation. Other comments The fruit production project requires partnerships, joint ventures with local farmers or Government and equity investors. Responsible Institutions ECDC: Ndzondelelo Dlulane CEO Tel: +27 43 704 5608 E-mail: ndlulane@ecdc.co.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1238 E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za 53

54) Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) God’s Window Skywalk Project Project name Gods Window Skywalk Project Location South Africa-Mpumalanga Province-Thaba Chweu Municipality Implementing Agent Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency(MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) Project Value USD 7.14m (R100m) Project schedule In the process of identifying and attracting potential Foreign Direct Investment partner. Project Status and documentation available 1. 2. 3. 54 Feasibility Study and Environment Impact Analysis (EIA) study Successfully completed Feasibility and EIA studies Expected Contractual/Commercial Structure Joint Venture/Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) Financial Feasibility Study Pending Investor Partner Incentives and funding available Incentives Provided by Provincial and Municipal Authorities The Provincial and Municipal Authorities in Mpumalanga, where required will provide assistance relating to road, water and sanitation, environment, housing, education, health and social development to the investor. These incentives will, however, be negotiated between the investor and the Provincial and Municipal Authorities on a bilateral basis. Responsible Institutions Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) MEGA: Paresh Pandya Manager: Trade and Investment Marketing Tel: +27 11 783 5907 E-mail: Paresh.pandya@mega.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The ideal Chinese investment partner would have technology and experience in projects of a similar nature and scale. A foreign direct investment is considered. Blyde River Canyon Cable Car Project Project name Blyde River Canyon Cable Car Project Location South Africa-Mpumalanga Province-Thaba Chweu Municipality Implementing Agent Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency(MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency(MTPA) Project Value USD35.7m (R500m) Project schedule In the process of identifying and attracting potential Foreign Direct Investment Partner.

55) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility Study and Environment Impact Analysis (EIA) Feasibility study has been completed and EIA to commence soon Expected Contractual/Commercial Structure Joint Venture/Build Operate and Transfer(BOT) Financial Feasibility Study Pending Investor Partner Incentives and funding available 1 2 Responsible Institutions Incentives provided by provincial and municipal authorities The Provincial and Municipal Authorities in Mpumalanga, where required will provide assistance relating to road, water and sanitation, environment, housing, education, health and social development to the investor. These incentives will, however, be negotiated between the investor and the provincial and municipal authorities on a bilateral basis. SEZ established in terms of the SEZ Act No. 16 of 2014 · Preferential 15% Corporate Tax · Building allowance · Employment incentive · Customs-controlled area Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) MEGA: Paresh Pandya Manager: Trade and Investment Marketing Tel: +27 11 783 5907 E-mail: Paresh.pandya@mega.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The ideal Chinese Investment Partner would have technology and experience in projects of similar nature and scale. A foreign direct investment is considered. Bourke’s Luck Potholes Hotel and Restaurant Project Project name Bourke’s Luck Potholes Hotel and Restaurant Project Location South Africa-Mpumalanga Province-Thaba Chweu Municipality Implementing Agent Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency(MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency(MTPA) Project Value US$7.14 million (R100 million) Project schedule In the process of identifying and attracting potential Foreign Direct Investment partner. Project Status and documentation available Feasibility Study and Environment Impact Analysis (EIA) Hotel-Prefeasibility Study has been completed Full Feasibility Study to continue EIA to commence soon Expected Contractual/Commercial Structure Joint Venture/Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) Financial Feasibility Study Pending Investor Partner Incentives and funding available Incentives provided by provincial and municipal authorities: The provincial and municipal authorities in Mpumalanga, where required, will provide assistance relating to road, water and sanitation, environment, housing, education, health and social development to the investor. These incentives will, however, be negotiated between the investor and the provincial and municipal authorities on a bilateral basis. 55

56) Responsible Institutions Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) MEGA: Paresh Pandya Manager: Trade and Investment Marketing Tel: +27 11 783 5907 E-mail: Paresh.pandya@mega.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The ideal Chinese investment partner would have experience in property and hotel development sector. A foreign direct investment is considered. Blyde River Hydro Power Project Project name Location South Africa-Mpumalanga Province-Thaba Chweu Municipality Implementing Agent Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency(MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency(MTPA) Project Value 56 Blyde River Hydro Power Project USD 7.14m (R 100m) Project schedule In the process of identifying and attracting potential Foreign Direct Investment Partner. Project Status and documentation available Feasibility Study and Environment Impact Analysis(EIA) A feasibility study needs to be conducted. Expected Contractual/Commercial Structure Joint Venture/Build Operate and Transfer (BOT)/IPP Financial Feasibility Study Pending investor partner Existing partners and commitments None Incentives and funding available Incentives provided by provincial and municipal authorities The provincial and municipal authorities in Mpumalanga, where required, will provide assistance relating to road, water and sanitation, environment, housing, education, health and social development to the investor. These incentives will, however, be negotiated between the investor and the provincial and municipal authorities on a bilateral basis. Responsible Institutions Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA)/Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency (MTPA) MEGA: Paresh Pandya Manager: Trade and Investment Marketing Tel: +27 11 783 5907 E-mail: Paresh.pandya@mega.gov.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Promoting greener economy Yes Other comments This investment project is ideal for a Chinese investment partner with technology and experience in hydro-electric engineering projects. The small scale of the project is well-suited for a large company that wants to establish its credentials and open up market share in South Africa through a low-risk, but high-profile Green Energy Project.

57) International Conference Centre Project name International Conference Centre (ICC) Location South Africa-Mpumalanga Province-Mbombela (Nelspruit) Municipality Implementing Agent Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) Project Value US$35.71 million (R500 million) Project schedule In the process of identifying and attracting potential Foreign Direct Investment partner. Project Status and documentation available The site for the ICC has already identified and the land has been bought by Government. Feasibility Study and Environment Impact Analysis (EIA) A fully-fledged feasibility study has not been conducted. It is intended to produce the Study Report in 2015. Expected Contractual/Commercial Structure A Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) arrangement or repayments using government funds for the purpose is possible. A combination of the two can also ensure a win-win situation for all concerned. Financial Feasibility Study The study will be conducted as part of the feasibility study still to be carried out. Existing partners and commitments None Incentives and funding available Incentives Provided by Provincial and Municipal Authorities The provincial and municipal authorities in Mpumalanga, where required will provide assistance relating to road, water and sanitation, environment, housing, education, health and social development to the investor. These incentives will, however, be negotiated between the investor and the provincial and municipal authorities on a bilateral basis. Responsible Institutions Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) MEGA: Paresh Pandya Manager: Trade and Investment Marketing Tel: +27 11 783 5907 E-mail: Paresh.pandya@mega.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments MEGA is prepared to partner with any potential investor in the delivery of the modern ICC facility that will enable citizens and international guests to enjoy conferencing or indoor sporting at maximum convenience. MEGA has noted that investors can get a reasonable return on their invested capital making this project a mutually beneficial one. 57

58) Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) High Speed Rail – Durban, Pietermaritzburg to Johannesburg Project name Location Durban – Pietermaritzburg – Johannesburg Implementing Agent KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport, Dube Trade Port, Trade and Investment KwaZuluNatal Project Value Est. US$2.14 billion (R30 billion) Project schedule Phase 1 – Light rail link between King Shaka International Airport and the City of Durban High-Speed Rail Link between the City of Durban and Pietermaritzburg (passenger and cargo) Phase 2 – High Speed Rail link with Johannesburg from Durban (passenger and cargo) Project Status and documentation available 58 High-Speed Rail – Durban, Pietermaritzburg to Johannesburg KwaZulu-Natal government has also proposed the development of a high-speed railway corridor linking Johannesburg to Durban. The Johannesburg–Durban High-Speed Railway Project is a priority among the strategic issues, particularly leading to the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Existing partners and commitments KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport, Dube Trade Port, Trade and Investment KwaZuluNatal Responsible Institutions KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs, KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport, Dube Trade Port, Trade and Investment KwaZuluNatal TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation 20 000 (construction) 5 000 (permanent) Addressing social and spatial imbalances The project will address the social and spatial imbalances of the region. Promoting rural development In the areas where the rail will pass through, there will be an increase of economic activity. Industrial development and localisation The project will promote industrial development. Economic performance of poorest provinces The project will improve the economic performance of the poorest areas within the provinces it will impact on. Promoting Greener economy Greener and clean technologies will be incorporated within the project.

59) Nonoti Beach Resort Project name NONOTI BEACH RESORT Location In Stanger/KwaDukuza, next to Princes Grant Implementing Agent The development is wholly owned by a Community Trust on behalf of the community. Project Value US$25.7 million (R360 million) Project schedule This development requires a strong brand to accommodate local and international markets. The project is looking for a management company with experience in international and domestic markets. A capital injection of R360.1 million is required. It requires equity of 40% and loan finance of 60%. One of the project facilitators, Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), is willing to look at long-term loan financing that can be repayable over a period of 12 years with a two-year moratorium. Project status and documentation available This proposed development comprises a beach resort on a 195ha site. It is wholly owned by the community of Nonoti, which is formed by 200 households. The community is represented by the Inqaba Community Trust. The Trust acquired the land through a successful negotiated land restitution settlement pursuant to a land claim that was lodged by the community. • 250 rooms with four-star status • 24 self-catering units with four-star status • 16 self-catering units with three-star status • Entertainment facilities • Six restaurants on a 195ha site • 200-seater conference facility Existing partners and commitments Community Trust Industrial Development Corporation Responsible Institutions TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation 500 Addressing social and spatial imbalances The project addressed social and spatial imbalances Promoting rural development The development is wholly owned by a Community Trust on behalf of the community. Woodstock Waterlands Project name Woodstock Waterlands Location This development is located in Bergville in the Drakensberg region. This surrounds the Woodstock Dam. The Bergville, Drakensberg area boasts natural heritage of generous mountains, flowing rivers and large dams. While many tourism facilities in the area have taken advantage of the beauty of the mountains, the water aspect has not been truly exploited. Implementing Agent Woodstock Waterlands Development is owned by Contento Group, which in turn enjoys the directorship of Mr Lindelani Mkhize and Ms Makhosazana Ngcobo. It is currently managed from the Johannesburg Office, however, it is planned that once the development starts, a local office at the development will be established. Contento Group is in turn in the process to enter into a joint venture agreement (Woodstock JV) with Guma Tourism Holdings Limited, which is owned by Guma Group and led by Mr Robert Gumede, a successful self-made businessman. Guma Tourism Holdings Limited in turn owns a majority stake in Tourvest. Project Value US$41 million (R576 million) 59

60) Project status and documentation available This is a water land theme-park development that offers a range of outdoor water-based activities. The first site is positioned in an 8.9ha (22 acre) plot alongside Woodstock Dam. The concept comprises Phase 1, which includes water slides, water bubbles, water skiing, white river fating, restaurants and game park. The second site is positioned in a picturesque 44ha (108 acre) plot alongside Woodstock Dam. The large state-of-the-art conference centre, the 4/5 star hotel and spa; the world-class restaurant (on water); the 1 000-seater amphitheatre with wedding facilities will be the anchor of this golf estate development. Although the golf course will be designed more along the lines of a golf academy/retreat, this is a small part of the development, and serves to enhance the ambiance of the overall development rather than as a key income stream. There will be various establishments for holiday, timeshares or permanent living for sale off-plan to the public. Existing partners and commitments Tourvest Responsible Institutions TIKZN TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances 60 500 The project addresses the social and spatial imbalances. Promoting rural development The development is wholly owned by a Community Trust on behalf of the community. Economic performance of poorest provinces The region is hard hit by high unemployment levels. Tongaat Hulett Developments: Ridgeside Project name Tongaat Hulett Developments: Ridgeside Location The Ridgeside development is strategically located between the M4 freeway and adjacent coastal forest and the Umhlanga Ridge Town Centre. It is bordered by the M41 access road and La Lucia Ridge Office Estate to the south and residential properties of Umhlanga to the north. Implementing Agent Tongaat Hulett Project Value US$571 million (R8 billion) Project schedule Currently going through regulatory compliance

61) Project Status and documentation available Ridgeside is widely regarded as one of the most significant real estate prospects to come onto the South African market. The development is strategically located on uMhlanga Ridge, adjacent to the multi-billion-rand Gateway Shopping Complex, with its 166 000m² of retail floor area and comprises 140ha of combined office, mixed-use, residential and leisure development and managed open space. Features of Ridgeside: • A four-precinct development with land sales of 255 000m² of bulk having been concluded and developed to date; • With precinct 1A, a further area of 80 000m² for a resort hotel, precinct 3, an office park and precinct 4 earmarked for future development, the last remaining prime real estate development opportunities available here are located in a portion of precinct 1 and in precinct 2. The targeted sale of 42 developable hectares is nearing completion and is set to provide for South Africa's leading mixed-use lifestyle precinct. Ø Included in precinct 1 is 72 793m² commercial bulk and 1 107 square metres for residential units; Ø Included in precinct 2 is 6 000m² bulk and 1 800 units for residential units; • Major bulk infrastructure, inclusive of an interchange, electrical sub-station and environmental and storm-water management systems, in place; • Gently sloping sea-facing aspect of all sites offers magnificent views along the coastline; • Located 10 minutes’ drive from King Shaka International Airport and attendant Dube TradePort, a public infrastructural project positioned to drive investment, increase air connectivity and provide intermodal access, anchoring an emerging provincial aerotropolis; and • Emergent blue-chip corporate capital of Durban. Existing partners and commitments Tongaat Hulett Development Responsible Institutions Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation 600 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Due to the location of the project, it will address social and spatial imbalances of the region. Promoting rural development The employment that will be created will service the rural communities surrounding the project location. Tongaat Hulett Developments: Cornubia Project name Tongaat Hulett Developments: Cornubia Location The Cornubia development is located north of Durban, between Phoenix/Ottawa and Umhlanga. It is bordered by the N2 highway in the east, the M41 arterial road to the south and the Ohlanga River to the north. The development is located on one of eThekwini Municipality’s proposed Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) routes, which forms part of its Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network initiative. Implementing Agent Tongaat Hulett Project Value US$2.1 billion (R30 billion) over 10 to 15 years Project schedule Completing regulatory compliance 61

62) Project Status and documentation available 62 Cornubia, KwaZulu-Natal's biggest mixed-use, mixed-income integrated human settlement is eThekwini and KwaZulu-Natal's first – and only – Cabinet Lekgotla-endorsed Priority Project. It is strategically located adjacent to Mount Edgecombe, the Gateway Theatre of Shopping in uMhlanga Ridge Town Centre and Dube TradePort, home to King Shaka International Airport. Features of Cornubia: • A public-private partnership that will comprise 25 000 affordable residential units and 2,6 million square metres of commercial bulk; • Positioned and tailored for those who value time and seek convenience, safety and ease of connectivity to the city, harbour, airport and primary road and rail linkages to Gauteng; • One of KwaZulu-Natal’s boldest and most significant mixed-use developments; • Winner of the Govan Mbeki Best Priority Project in both 2013 and 2014 (Housing Awards); • Identified as ideal for use as an Athletes' Village in Durban's official bid for the 2022 Commonwealth Games; • Cornubia N2 Business Estate: Ø 24ha of prime, platformed land situated adjacent to the N2 freeway, close to uMhlanga Ridge Town Centre; Ø Premium visibility and ease of access; Ø Construction completion and business access scheduled for the end of 2017. • Cornubia Business Hub: Ø 8,3ha of superior retail, office and business real estate, 50% of which has been sold out; Ø Bulk floor area of 85 000m² and sites varying between 0,5ha and 2,5ha; Ø Close to planned 'Go Durban' rapid rail route; Ø Superb location central to the Mount Edgecombe 'wealth belt'; Ø First-class and upgraded road access and public transport and a large and economically diverse surrounding population; Ø Prime position adjoining an 85 000m² shopping complex currently under construction; Ø On the doorstep of Dube TradePort, home to King Shaka International Airport, and an area registering exceptional growth. Existing partners and commitments Tongaat Hulett Development Responsible Institutions Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation 10 000 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Due to the location of the project, it will address social and spatial imbalances of the region. Promoting rural development The employment that will be created will service the rural communities surrounding the project location. Tongaat Hulett Developments: Sibaya Nodes 1 & 5 Project name Tongaat Hulett Developments: Sibaya Nodes 1 & 5 Location The Sibaya development, characterized by a dominant ridge, hilltop and valley landform, nestles on the north coast, bordered by the Ohlanga River and Hawaan Forest in the south and the M27 arterial road in the north. It stretches from the seafront in the east to the N2 highway in the west. The precinct is bisected by the M4 and situated centrally within the precinct is the Sibaya Casino complex and an adjoining petrol filling station. Implementing Agent Tongaat Hulett Project Value US$714 million (R10 billion) Project schedule Regulatory compliance

63) Project Status and documentation available Five nodes make up the mixed-use Sibaya development. It is envisaged that the development comprise predominantly residential units – generally resort-style in nature – complemented by an office park, hotels, conference and entertainment facilities, social amenities – including educational institutions and recreation elements. All statutory approvals are in place for Nodes One and Five, which enjoy 180° sea views. Node One, located east of the M4 and Sibaya Casino, and Node Five, situated immediately north of Node One and bordered by the M4, the M37 to the northand the coastal town of Umdloti to the east, provides for high-density residential, limited commercial and hotel development opportunities. Node One, with 49,6 developable hectares, has the potential to include 1 140 residential units, 130 hotel rooms and 65 800m² of commercial space. The 76,7ha of developable land that comprises Node Five makes provision for 1 185 residential units, 490 hotel rooms and 37 900m² of commercial activity. Node Four is currently undergoing the EIA process, with a view to being brought on-stream in late 2014. This node will provide for single residential sites, a small element of high density residential units, limited commercial activities and an office park development. Nodes Two and Three are destined for longer-term future development. Responsible Institutions Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation 2 000 Addressing social and spatial imbalances Due to the location of the project, it will address social and spatial imbalances of the region. Promoting rural development The employment that will be created will service the rural communities surrounding the project location. Royal Zulu Estate Development Project name Royal Zulu Estate Development Location Nongoma, Zululand District Municipality Implementing Agent The Zulu Royal Family in association with Igwalagwala Tours (Pty) Ltd. Project Promoter: Haley Sharpe Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. Project Value US$71.4 million (R1 billion) Project schedule The project is considered to have the potential to act as a catalyst for the opening up of numerous other heritage sites within the area, once operational. As well as generating funds for the future preservation of this important heritage. The Project competitive advantages are understood to include: • A world-class heritage tourist destination • An authentic traditional Zulu experience, otherwise missing in KwaZulu-Natal • A catalyst for rural economic opportunities from production through to retail, utilising: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Zululand: ‘The largest Aloe garden in the world’ Arts and Crafts Agricultural production and processing Traditional medicines and cosmetics Aimed at developing economic opportunities for the local communities, such as Nkunzana, within the Zululand area 63

64) Project Status and documentation available It has been granted funding by Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN) for technical assistance, which will enable the following tasks to be completed (collectively referred to as the Feasibility Study): • Completion of Feasibility Study, including a Market Demand Assessment • Finalisation of the institutional arrangements within which the project will be undertaken • Finalisation of the Schematic Design and Concept Plan • Operational Business Plan following which key strategic alliance partners can be identified to raise the required capital investment for the development and working capital requirements for implementation of the final phase. Existing partners and commitments Haley Sharpe Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. Responsible Institutions Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation Addressing social and spatial imbalances 64 The potential job creation for this project: 24 000 (temporary and permanent) Due to the location of the project, it will address social and spatial imbalances of the region. Promoting rural development The employment that will be created will service the rural communities surrounding the project location. Economic performance of poorest provinces The region is one of the poorest and such a project will assist to uplift the community. Kings Estate Development Project name Kings Estate Development Location Ndwedwe, KwaZulu-Natal The project is situated 7,5km north of the King Shaka International Airport and Dube Trade Port Implementing Agent KDC Projects and Development Project Value US$429 million (R6 billion) Project schedule Project is well into the design and zoning phases and is supported by the all the main government departments. Regulatory compliance is being completed and seeking investors. Project Status and documentation available KDC Projects and Development, secured a 621ha of property for the purpose of development, which is set to take place in the main KZN Aerotropolis. The development is designed to be a fully integrated township, focusing on creating employment with inclusionary housing. The second component of the project incorporates the development of general industry, commercial, retail, housing and agricultural components. Full feasibility study has been completed. The bulk of the rezoning of the property is being completed. Financial models are complete Existing partners and commitments KDC Projects and Development

65) Responsible Institutions Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Job creation 6 000 Addressing social and spatial imbalances The project will address all social ills in the region. Promoting rural development The project promotes rural development due to its location. Industrial development and localisation The project will attract companies that will be into light manufacturing. Economic performance of poorest provinces The project will impact positively in the region where unemployment is very high. CACS Multi Smelter Project 65 Project name CACS Multi Smelter Project Location Ladysmith and Newcastle Implementing Agent SINOMACH Automation China, OneSource Group local partner, TIKZN lead facilitator, Office of the Premiere Project Value US$1.57 billion (R22 billion) Project schedule 2017 construction Project Status and documentation available Land secured, due diligence conducted by DOE, coal supply secured, mineral to be processed secured, Independent Power Producer (IPP) licensing in the process, project adopted as catalytic project for KwaZulu-Natal. Documents available: Project proposal, progress report, preliminary business plan Existing partners and commitments OneSource Group local partner and BEE, SINOMACH Automation China technical, Oriental Patron Hong Kong Financier Incentives and funding available Critical Infrastructure incentive, Equity and Debt funding Responsible Institutions TIKZN,EDTEA and Office of the Premiere TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation Estimated at 8 000 permanent Addressing social and spatial imbalances Colenso old town revival, Technical school to be established Industrial development and localisation Mineral beneficiation through multi-smelting processing and power generation for the smelter to reduce dependence to Eskom.

66) Economic performance of poorest provinces The projects will impact on Ladysmith and Newcastle where unemployment is substantially high. Colenso Power Station Project name Colenso Power Station Location Ladysmith Colenso Implementing Agent Dunrose Group Project Value US$571 million (R8 billion) Project schedule 2016 construction Project Status and documentation available Land secured in Ladysmith, Environment Impact Assessment in process, Funding secured, waiting for bidding process for IPP and Eskom power purchase agreement, Mining right for coal mining. Documents available: Project business plan, project proposal and progress report Existing partners and commitments Shandong Group Incentives and funding available Critical infrastructure incentive, equity and debt funding Responsible Institutions TIKZN, EDTEA and Office of the Premiere TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 66 the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation Estimated at 3 000 permanent Industrial development and localisation Increase mining activity within the area and power generation to supply Eskom. Economic performance of poorest provinces The projects will impact on Ladysmith and Estcourt and increase job opportunities. Jindal Africa Iron Ore Project Project name Jindal Africa Iron Ore Project Location Melmoth Northern KZN Implementing Agent Jindal Africa Project Value US$5 billion (R70 billion) • • • 2013 – Scoping study 2014 – Preliminary Feasibility Study 2015 – Bankable Feasibility Study • Project schedule 2016 – Funding, Permitting, Stakeholder agreements and Relocation Action Plan and implementation 2017 – Detailed engineering and start of construction 2018 – Start Mining 2019 – 2023 … ramp up production 2019 – 2040 … and beyond … develop growth opportunities • • • • Project Status and documentation available Drilling and geological studies in the process, mining exploration right secured. Documents available: Project presentation and project concept

67) Existing partners and commitments Jindal Group and Sungu community Incentives and funding available Foreign investment grant and equity funding from Jindal Group Responsible Institutions TIKZN, EDTEA and Office of the Premiere TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Job creation Estimated at 5 000 permanent Addressing social and spatial imbalances Creating employment Infrastructure development Community development Develop the economy of the area Industrial development and localisation Primary mining and mineral beneficiation through a concentration plant eThala Biofuels 67 Project name eThala Biofuels Location Harding Implementing Agent Blume Distillation and eThala Biofuels Project Value US$357 million (R5 billion) Project schedule 2017 construction Project Status and documentation available Environmental Impact Studies in the process, financial modelling completed, land secured, application for producing biofuels in the process. Documents available: Preliminary business plan, project plan Existing partners and commitments Blume Distillation and eThala Biofuels Incentives and funding available Manufacturing grant and equity and debt funding Responsible Institutions TIKZN, EDTEA and Office of the Premiere TIKZN: Neville Matjie Executive Manager Tel: +27 31 368 9600 the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Job creation Estimated at 1 000 permanent Addressing social and spatial imbalances Create employment in Harding through plantation of sweet sorghum and production plant Industrial development and localisation Processing of sweet sorghum and local communities will be planting the sweet sorghum.

68) Tshwane Economic Development Agency (TEDA) Centurion Aerospace Village Project name Location Centurion, Gauteng Province Implementing Agent The Centurion Aerospace Village Project Value US$125 million (R1.754 billion) Project Status and documentation available Operational Incentives and funding available 68 Centurion Aerospace Village Government incentives to investors and occupiers of facilities are available at national, provincial and local level. Responsible Institutions the dti and the Centurion Aerospace Village TEDA: Imraan Bakhas Senior Manager: Investment Promotion and Aftercare Tel: +27 12 358 6519 E-mail: ImraanB@tshwane.gov.za the dti: Janine Fredericks Deputy Director: Advanced Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 5661 E-mail: jfredericks@thedti.gov.za Industrial development and localisation The main objective of the Centurion Aerospace Village is to strengthen the supply chain by bringing aerospace and defence companies in proximity to one another, such as tier 1 supplier companies and anchor partners, in a cluster type development. Centurion Precinct Project name Centurion Precinct Location Centurion, Gauteng Implementing Agent TEDA Project Value Symbio City US$1.48 billion (R20.7 billion) African Gateway: US$321 million (R4.5 billion) Project Status and documentation available Implementation Phase

69) Project description Symbio City: conversion of 10ha of land, surrounding and including the man-made Centurion Lake, into a mixed-use Symbio-City, linking the Centurion Gautrain Station with the existing Centurion Mall. African Gateway: A mixed-use development in the heart of Centurion. Located on eight hectares in close proximity to five airports, local rails and bus stations as well as the Centurion Gautrain Station. The project comprises 500 hotel rooms, 150 000m2 of offices, 35 000m2 commercial space and high end residential apartments, giving a total development of circa 240 000m2. It is intended to become a new government precinct for the City of Tshwane Council offices. Responsible Institutions TEDA: Imraan Bakhas Senior Manager: Investment Promotion and Aftercare Tel: +27 12 358 6519 E-mail: ImraanB@tshwane.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Tshwane East Capital Project name Tshwane East Capital Location Ekandustria, Ekangala, Rethabiseng, Bronkhorstspruit, Zithobeni and Bronkhorstbaai – Gauteng Implementing Agent TEDA Project Value US$3.14 billion (R44 billion) Project Status and documentation available Implementation phase Existing partners and commitments Public Private Partners Other comments This is the regeneration of the Tshwane East Capital under four key anchor projects: Green Industry, Agro-processing, Aqua – Lifestyle Estate, Ekandustria Revitalisation. Responsible Institutions TEDA: Imraan Bakhas Senior Manager: Investment Promotion and Aftercare Tel: +27 12 358 6519 E-mail: ImraanB@tshwane.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Tshwane Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network Project name Tshwane Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network Location Tshwane CBD Implementing Agent TEDA 69

70) Project Value US$400 million (R5.6 billion) Project Status and documentation available Operational Existing partners and commitments The following Public Private Partnerships were identified, but not limited to: - Infrastructure maintenance (roads, product and labour) - Supply of tyres, diesel and gas - Bus maintenance and re-upholstery - Innovative marketing and advertising on bus-ways - Security Responsible Institutions TEDA: Imraan Bakhas Senior Manager: Investment Promotion and Aftercare Tel: +27 12 358 6519 E-mail: ImraanB@tshwane.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Tshwane Agro-processing hub Project name 70 Tshwane agro-processing hub Location City of Tshwane Implementing Agent TEDA Project Value US$21.4 million (R300 million) Project Status and documentation available Pre-feasibility Existing partners and commitments Proposed PPP Responsible Institutions TEDA: Imraan Bakhas Senior Manager: Investment Promotion and Aftercare Tel: +27 12 358 6519 E-mail: ImraanB@tshwane.gov.za the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource-Based Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1238 E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Tshwane Freight and Logistics Hub Project name Tshwane Freight and Logistics Hub Location City of Tshwane Implementing Agent TEDA Project Value US$214 million (R3 billion) Project status and documentation available Pre-investment (Feasibility Study)

71) Existing partners and commitments PPP (the project is particularly well-suited to project financing and is inviting interest from project financiers.) Responsible Institutions TEDA: Imraan Bakhas Senior Manager: Investment Promotion and Aftercare Tel: +27 12 358 6519 E-mail: ImraanB@tshwane.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Ekurhuleni Municipality Afrimed Medical Precinct Project name Afrimed Medical Precinct Location Ekurhuleni Project Value US$3.57 billion (R50 billion) Project status and documentation available Feasibility study done Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Janine Fredericks Deputy Director: Advanced Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 5661 E-mail: jfredericks@thedti.gov.za Other comments Establish a world-class, the largest in South Africa, and a reliable health care community in South Africa. Alexandra Green Economy Development Hub Project Project name Alexandra Green Economy Development Hub Project Location Alexandra, Johannesburg Implementing Agent Greater Alexandra Chamber of Commerce Project Value US$214 million (R3 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies 71

72) Responsible Institutions Greater Alexandra Chamber of Commerce Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Head of Department Caiphus Chauke PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments Greater Alexandra Chamber of Commerce, together with different partners, are in a process of establishing multi-purpose development initiatives such as an industrial park (Malborough Extension), shopping mall (London Road and Lennin Drive shopping mall), fresh produce market and SMME incubator facility. These brand-new facilities have been identified in an easily accessible area and are also within reach of major road networks (M1, N3 and London Road/Vincent Tshabalala and both current and proposed public transport systems (Pan Africa area and the Rea Vaya BRT System). GALXCOC has been working with a firm of architects to develop the concepts. The facilities are to incorporate energy-efficient concepts as well as providing a comfortable working environment for entrepreneurs and the communities. Alternative Waste Treatment Technology Project 72 Project name Alternative Waste Treatment Technology Project Project Value US$143 million (R2 billion) Project status and documentation available Feasibility study in progress Responsible Institutions Gauteng Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Head of Department Caiphus Chauke PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Other comments Financing, development, implementation and operation of a waste-treatment facility at any of a number of alternative sites still being determined. Automotive Supplier Park Project name Automotive Supplier Park Location Tshwane Implementing Agent AIDC Project Value App US$143 million (R2 billion) Project Status and documentation available Proposed site is ready for top structure construction Industrial development and localisation Yes

73) Other comments The project involves the design, construct and financing of the remainders of Phases 1, 2 and the whole of Phase 3 and 5 in the Automobile Supplier Park, which still need both infrastructure and top structure to accommodate tenants fitting the AIDC profile. Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za Conhill Precinct Development Project name Conhill Precinct Development Location Johannesburg Project Value App US$143 million (R2 billion) Project Status and documentation available Proposed site is ready for top structure construction and further feasibility and heritage requirements to be undertaken Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The Constitutional Hill development is aimed at the development of blocks B, C, D, E, the Queen Vic Hospital and Nurses Home (the site) available to the private sector for development subject to certain stipulations and restrictions. Future Generation of City of Tshwane Power Stations Project name Future Generation of City of Tshwane Power Stations Location Rooiwal and Pretoria West Project Value Rooiwal – US$93 million – US$571 million (R1.3 billion to R8 billion) Pretoria West – US$21 million – US$114 million (R0.3 billion to R1.6 billion) Project status and documentation available Technical and commercial due diligence completed Responsible Institutions City of Tshwane/Tshwane Economic Development Agency Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za 73

74) Other comments The refurbishment of the 600MW Rooiwal and 200MW Pretoria West power stations, by way of any of a variety of technologies, viz. original coal-fired technology, new coal-fired technology, gas-fired plant, combination of technologies, including using a portion of the site for solar power and municipal waste to energy plant. Gauteng Agro-processing hub Project name Gauteng Agro-processing Hub Location West Rand and Sedibeng Project Value US$71.4 million (R1 billion) Project status and documentation available Project proposal; feasibility still needs to be undertaken Responsible Institutions West Rand District Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za 74 the dti: Brian Soldaat Director: Resource Based Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1238 E-mail: BSoldaat@thedti.gov.za Other comments The West Rand and Sedibeng district are close to the agricultural production areas of Gauteng and neighbouring provinces, as well as to markets in the province. The nature, scope and cost estimate of the proposed agro-processing plant earmarked for this area still needs to be determined. Gauteng Broadband Network Programme Project name Gauteng Broadband Network Programme Project Value US$107 million (R1.5 billion) Project status and documentation available In implementation Responsible Institutions Gauteng Other comments A five-year rollout and maintenance project to initially connect 400 Gauteng government buildings consisting of eight Core Nodes across the province (2 200 schools). The strategic technology infrastructure is required by Government to delivery technology-enabled services (e-government services) to stimulate economic growth by attracting new ICT Industries and improving the education environment. Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za

75) Gauteng ICT & Media SEZ Project name Gauteng ICT and Media SEZ Location Johannesburg Project Value US$764 million (R10.7 billion) Project Status and documentation available Pre-Feasibility Study completed Responsible Institutions GGDA/EPMO Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments Design, construction, financing, maintenance and operations of the Gauteng ICT and Media SEZ Project, which consists of the following elements, viz. Data Centre, Media City, Electronics Manufacturing Centre, Business Process Outsourcing, Software Development. The intended site for the establishment of the Gauteng ICT and Media SEZ will be located on the grounds of NASREC township. Gauteng Planning House Project name Gauteng Planning House Location Johannesburg Project Value US$57 million (R800 million) Project Status and documentation available Architectural guidelines completed Responsible Institutions Gauteng Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The development of approximately 24 000m² of exhibition areas, office space, restaurants, conference facility, museum space, souvenir shop, parking and ancillary facilities to house the Gauteng Planning House earmarked to showcase Gauteng, within easy reach of Jo’burg Central. 75

76) Gautrain Project name Gautrain Location Gauteng Implementing Agent Gautrain Management Agency Project Value US$207 million (R2,9 billion) Project Status and documentation available Procurement Other comments The Gautrain is a state-of-the-art passenger rail system in Gauteng. It has experienced exceptional growth since opening in June 2010 and requires 48 new train coaches as well as additional signalling, a maintenance depot and trackwork. The suppliers will be required to create and/or purchase local content and production and maintenance facilities to maintain the new rolling stock over a 15-year period. Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Nicholas Pule Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 3051 E-mail: NPule@thedti.gov.za 76 Germiston Inner City Renewal Project name Germiston Inner City Renewal Location Germiston Project Value US$214 million (R3 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies done Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments An initiative seeking to identify and package a variety of development opportunities within the city of Germiston by clustering them on to different development blocks like social infrastructure, transport and housing is promoting various packages to investors as opportunities. Jewellery Manufacturing Precinct Project name Jewellery Manufacturing Precinct Location Gauteng IDZ

77) Project Value US$50 million (R700 million) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study completed Responsible Institutions Gauteng IDZ Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Mamotseki Hall Deputy Director: Manufacturing Tel: +27 12 394 1685 E-mail:Mhall@thedti.gov.za Industrial development and localisation Yes Other comments The design, construction, financing, maintenance and operations of a jewellery manufacturing precinct of approximately 42 000m² within the IDZ of the OR Tambo International Airport. Kopanong Precinct Project name Kopanong Precinct Location Johannesburg Project Value US$321 million (R4.5 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study completed Responsible Institutions Gauteng government Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The demolishing of some existing office buildings, refurbishment of other buildings, acquisition of new buildings, construction of a new building, hard and soft landscaping, development of structured parking and maintenance and facilities management of GPG accommodation needs in the CBD of Johannesburg. Lesedi Transit Hub Project name Lesedi Transit Hub Project Value US$357 million (R5 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies 77

78) Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments Based on the concept for the development of industrial infrastructure hub targeting the N3 logisitics and other earmarked route specific initiatives like the Tambo Springs hub. This is an initiative by the Lesedi Local Municipality and is in partnership with an emerging black-owned real estate development group, Tecino. Multiple platforms of industrial land (200ha) and 22 ha of commercial land are in a process of transfer from the local government to the private sector for further development. Maropeng Hotel Project name Location Maropeng Project Value 78 Maropeng Hotel US$13.3 million (R185.6 million) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility Responsible Institutions West Rand District Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments This investment opportunity is for the expansion of the Maropeng Hotel into 125-room deluxe resort with a full service restaurant and bar, spa, fitness, wellbeing and indoor/outdoor family activity facilities. Maropeng Infrastructure Upgrade Project name Maropeng Infrastructure Upgrade Location Maropeng Project Value US$35.71 million (R500 million) Project Status and documentation available Concept report completed

79) Responsible Institutions West Rand District Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments The upgrading of infrastructure at Maropeng, the existing visitor centre at the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site. The upgrade consists of the expansion at the Maropeng Hotel from 24 to 85 rooms, facilities at the amphitheatre, expansion of student facilities, upgrade of exhibition area, creation of virtual laboratory and picnic sites. National Heritage Museum Project name National Heritage Museum Project Value US$65.4 million (R916 million) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies done Other comments National Heritage Museum (NHM) will serve as a platform to celebrate the struggle for democracy, showcase artistic and aesthetic beauty, become an iconic heritage and tourism initiative (domestic and international and earmarked as a local recreational, educational, and research resource, with contribution to the local economy and towards nation-building and pride). The NHM will incorporate the following elements in Phase 1: • Long walk to freedom – a monumental parade of more than 400 life-size sculptures of individuals across all social spectrums • Memorial gardens of remembrance • Structure housing liberation struggle archives • Visitor centre with auditorium Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Rooftop Solar Panel Programme Project name Rooftop Solar Panel Programme Location Gauteng Project Value US$250 million (R3.5 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study completed Responsible Institutions Gauteng 79

80) Other comments The design, construction, financing, maintenance and operations of a programme of rooftop solar panel installation on Gauteng provincial government’s buildings (more than 500, with a total roof surface area of approximately eight million square metres). The technology is not limited, but could consist of any mature and internationally utilised technologies, such as crystalline silicon and thin film solar photovoltaic panels. Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Sky Rink Project name Location Johannesburg CBD Project Value 80 Sky Rink TV and FILM PRODUCTION STUDIOS US$13.6 million (R190 million) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies done Other comments The TV and film industry is ever-growing due to the demand for content. The need for content has increased with the introduction of Mobile TV and the presence of BET Africa. Due to the high costs of location shooting (moving to different sites), the producers and sponsors are relying heavily on studio shoots, results in a severe shortage of studios. Gauteng has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 10 years as a film and TV production destination. It is estimated that more than 70% of the filming and television industry in South Africa is based in Gauteng, mainly in Johannesburg. Seven of the top ten most watched South African TV shows are produced in Gauteng. The province also commands 46,5% of the commercials production market. The TV and Film studio facilities will be fitted with high-end, state of the art equipment and operated by skilled technical staff to offer a high standard of service. The facilities are geared at luring and catering to local and international producers of TV and film material. To ensure maximum use of the facility and a reliable mix of service offerings, Sky Rink will facilities will be equipped with broadcasting capabilities. There is ample space for a further studio facility in Johannesburg and Sky Rink Studios is confident that it can take advantage of the shortage of studios and deliver high quality output for its customers. Sky Rink Studios is physically positioned to maximise on the advantages of downtown Johannesburg shoots for both local and foreign filmmakers. The ability to coproduce and rent out the post-production facilities at Sky Rink Studios is another advantage not many of the other big studios can cater for quickly and virtually on site. Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Vaal Logistics Hub Project name Vaal Logistics Hub Location Vaal

81) Project Value USD 42.86m (R600m) Project Status and documentation available Engineering pre-feasibility study in progress Responsible Institutions Sedibeng District Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments Design, development, financing and operating a logistics centre, home to a wide range of industrial and commercial land uses clustered to benefit from agglomeration and complementary activities. The proposed location of the freight and logistics hub is west of Van der Bijl Park in the City of Emfuleni. Tower of Africa Project name Tower of Africa High-end Group Development Location Sandton, Johannesburg Project Value US$500 million (R7 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility studies Other comments • Mix-use development in the heart of Sandton CBD • Tallest building in Africa • Most iconic structure in Gauteng • Branded International Hotels • Entertainment (Ice Rink, 4d Theatres, water park etc.) • Most exclusive retail in Africa, with international anchors • Highest planetarium and observatory worldwide • Residential apartments • Plan to initiate the “work , play and live” environment in Sandton CBD • Office component and medical offices Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Tri-generation Plant Programme Project name Tri-generation Plant Programme Location Multiple locations Project Value US$129 million (R1.8 billion) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility study completed 81

82) Responsible Institutions Gauteng Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za Other comments The design, construction, financing, maintenance and operations of tri-generation (electricity, heating and cooling) plants (approximately 2MW each) at the following six hospitals: • Chris Hani Baragwaneth • Charlotte Maxeke • Dr George Mukhari • Steve Biko • New Natalspruit • Zola Jabulani District Waste to Energy Project name Project Value 82 Waste to Energy USD121m (R1,7bn ) Project Status and documentation available Feasibility Report completed Responsible Institutions West Rand District Promoting Greener economy Yes Other comments The design, construction, operating and financing of Waste to Energy facilities of mixed municipal solid waste at landfill sites in the districts of Sedibeng and West Rand by way of treatment technologies, such as anaerobic digestion, mechanical biological treatment, thermal treatment and landfill gas extraction. Responsible Institutions Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Annelize van der Merwe Director: Green Economy Tel: +27 12 394 1170 E-mail: AVanDerMerwe@thedti.gov.za West Rand Logistics Hub Project name West Rand Logistics Hub Location Westonaria Project Value US$35.7 million (R500 million) Project Status and documentation available Engineering pre-feasibility study in progress

83) Responsible Institutions West Rand District Ekurhuleni Investment Centre: Caiphus Chauke Head of Department PA - Tel: +27 11 999 7916 E-mail: Elizabeth.nowatha@ekurhuleni.gov.za the dti: Dean Hoff Director: Services Tel: +27 12 394 1893 E-mail: dhoff@thedti.gov.za Other comments Design, development, financing and operating a logistics centre, home to a wide range of industrial and commercial land uses clustered to benefit from agglomeration and complementary activities. The proposed location of the freight and logistics hub is remainder of the farm Panvlakte 291 IQ within the jurisdiction area of the Westonaria Local Municipality. 83

84) the dti Campus 77 Meintjies Street Sunnyside Pretoria 0002 the dti Private Bag X84 Pretoria 0001 84 Contact: Letter Kaseke Assistant Director: Investment Information Tel: +27 11 394 5935 Email: LKaseke@thedti.gov.za the dti Customer Contact Centre: 0861 843 384 the dti Website: www.thedti.gov.za towards full-scale industrialisation and inclusive growth the dti Customer Contact Centre: 0861 843 384 Website: www.thedti.gov.za