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1) Minutes SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE AUTHORITY – Monthly Meeting Friday, February 19, 2016 09:42 a.m. BOARDROOM 2024 2nd Floor CAYMAN ISLANDS GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Present: Glen Daykin, Deputy Chairman Marcus Cumber, Director Mitzi Watson-Jervis, (DCI) Designate Director Philip Scott, (Ministry of Education) Designate Director Charles Clifford (Customs), Director Haroon Pandohie, (Planning) Director Sophia Harris, Director Heidi Whittaker, (DCI) Acting Assistant Secretary Marva Scott, (DCI) Apologies: Jon Hall (Lands & Survey) Designate Director Ryan Rajkumarsingh (DCI), Director Absent: Samantha Bennett, (Immigration) Designate Director Guests: Charlie Kirkconnell - Present for CEC/EC update only Hillary Cahill- Present for CEC/ EC update only Meeting began at 9:42a.m. 1. Matters Arising: 1.I. AMP Distributors: The board has requests that the secretariat follow-up on the request for Information on Mr. Purdom as per its request last meeting. 2.II. Secretariat Expenditure: The board has requested that the secretariat provide the information requested last meeting regarding the comparison between the Secretariat’s expenditure and fees collected from CEC. 3.2. Minutes for January 2016 meeting were read and GD moved a motion to approve. MC seconded. 4.3. Licensing Committee Update: GD moved a motion for the Board to accept and ratify the Licensing Committee’s decision of approved Companies that have supplied Corporate Documents and whose Trade Certificates were issued. All members voted to accept with no objections as follows: I. ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· 704 Avant-Garde Wealth Management SEZC : 04 Feb 2016 Meeting 04/2016: Approved in Principle 02 Feb 2016: Corporate Documents Received Cayman Commodities &Derivatives Park Description: Company will operate a business whose principal activity will be to engage in financial services activities relating directly to the trading of derivative products. 1 Formatted

2) II. ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· 705 Real Vision SEZC : 15 Feb 2016 Meeting 05/2016: Approved in Principle 08 Feb 2016: Corporate Documents Received Cayman Media Park Description: Company will engage in programming and broadcasting activities. 5.4. CEC/ EC Update Update began at 10:16 AM. I. HC began the marketing initiative update which included the following: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· The Internet Marketing Association is planning a 2-day conference at the Ritz Carlton which is tentatively scheduled for April 6-7, 2016. It is hopeful that this will become an Annual event that will draw prospective clients. The IMA is looking to bring a delegation of approximately fifty (50) person who will join fifty (50) of CEC’s zone company CEO’s. CK is scheduled to begin a media tour in New York City starting next week. CEC’s PR Company is working on setting up interviews with several significant NYC publishing companies to line up interviews for potential stories on CEC. CEC continues to target the following cities/ countries:  Toronto  Australia  Vancouver  New Zealand  California  South Africa  Austin  UK  NYC  Europe  Boston  Kitchener/Guelph/ Waterloo Qualified inbound leads have more than doubled since the new consolidated web platform was launched last year. CEC’s redesigned e-newsletter has been very successful and has generated more than twice the industry norm in traffic. CEC will continue to work on expanding their global partnership network and sponsor a few carefully targeted conferences including IMPACT16 LAS VEGAS. CEC is attempting to partner with CAYFilm for the CAYFilm festival and Cayman Film Academy. If all goes well they will be first tenant of the Cayman Academic Park. The hope is to partner with UCLA who will offer this as part of their accredited university offerings. CEC is working with the CI Shipping Registry and Maples to create CI Shipping Week. CEC has secured international brands such as digital ship and Transas. This conference is scheduled to take place in May at the Marriott. There is expected to be a substantial number of professionals from the Maritime industry. CEC continues with their local initiatives including the Schools program. CEC recently visited both Clifton Hunter and John Gray High School with one of their clients and the response from students was so astounding that CEC will have a booth and be bringing some of their clients to the Chamber of Commerce jobs fair. The Summer in the City internship program will take place much earlier this year and CEC now has a dedicated resource to manage this program. Jobs/ Job Portal Update: Fabrilink has interviewed a Caymanian with a Ph.D. in Fiber Optics and flew him to Thailand to view their facility. He is expecting to hear back from them by the end of this week. 2

3) II. CK’s update ended at 10:54AM. 5. Any Other Business: None 6. I. AMP Distributors: The board has requests that the secretariat follow-up on the request for Information on Mr. Purdom as per its request last meeting. II. Secretariat Expenditure: The board has requested that the secretariat provide the information requested last meeting regarding the comparison between the Secretariat’s expenditure and fees collected from CEC. 7.6. The next board meeting will be held on either Friday March 18, 2016 or Wednesday March 23, 2016. To be confirmed. 8.7. With no further matters arising, the meeting was adjourned at 11:02AM 3 Formatted: No underline Formatted: Font: Bold, All caps Formatted: No underline Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25", No bullets or numbering Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.13", No bullets or numbering