1) Logistics and transport
Efï¬cient logistics
boosts business
Finland’s advanced transport
infrastructure and logistics
are a key strength of the
domestic economy and
a catalyst for the country’s
lively trade with the Nordic
and Baltic countries, the EU,
Russia and Asia.
The Helsinki-Vantaa Airport offers
Leading logistics know-how and
global connections to about 120
advanced ICT infrastructure
international destinations, and is
Some of the world’s leading logistical
becoming an increasingly popular
companies are represented in Finland,
gateway to Asia.
and offer a range of specialist aircraft,
ships and vehicles, and the latest
Finland’s fully automated, state-of-the-
technology for automated warehousing
art ports are highly specialised and
and real-time monitoring for freight
rank among the safest and fastest in
the world. Car ferries and container
ships serve the region with regular daily
Finland has been an early adopter of
departures. The strategic Vuosaari
emerging digital and wireless tech-
Harbour in Helsinki provides efï¬cient
nologies, with internet, broadband
Modern infrastructure for
transport connections to a market area
and mobile phone penetration being
of some 80 million consumers.
among the highest in the world.
Finnish business and commercial life
is served by an excellent network of
roads, railways, waterways, canals and
sea lanes. Because of its geographical
location at the eastern fringe of the EU,
Finland is the natural and ideal business
gateway to Russia. The two countries
share the same rail gauge, so rail cars
do not require any technical modiï¬cations or reloading when they cross the
Finland has 27 airports for freight and
passenger transport, including the
Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, which is
recognised as one of the best international airports by industry bulletins,
Skytrax and Monocle Magazine.
Smart trafï¬c services between Helsinki and St Petersburg
the opportunity to compete in global
The E18 motorway or the Northern
intelligent transport markets.
Growth Corridor, which is currently
under construction, will link the cities
The information and communication
of Oslo, Stockholm, Turku, Helsinki
technologies from the FITSRUS pilot
and St Petersburg and bring economic
programmes will beneï¬t transport
beneï¬ts, technological innovations as
service consumers from both sides of
well as ecological and state-of-the-art
the Finnish-Russian border. The ï¬rst
transport services to Finland.
stage of the pilot project will include
the monitoring of road weather condiPart of the Northern Growth Corridor
tions and trafï¬c flow disruptions.
will include the implementation of
Up to date trafï¬c monitoring and
smart or intelligent transport services
passenger information, as well as
between Russia and Finland along
public transport information services
the Helsinki-St Petersburg axis – the
will be provided, and the ï¬rst pilot
so-called FITSRUS project, which is
programmes are scheduled for
intended as a gateway to the Russian
completion in spring 2014.
and Asian markets. The FITRUS
project offers Finnish companies
Invest in Finland, Finpro Porkkalankatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 204 695 555 Fax +358 204 695 201 www.investinï¬nland.ï¬
2) Logistics and transport
Sources and further information
Finnish Transport Agency
Infrastructure and construction
service Destia www.destia.ï¬/en/
Railways www.vr.ï¬/en
Finnair www.ï¬nnair.com
Finavia www.ï¬navia.ï¬/home
Customs www.tulli.ï¬/en
Loginfo www.loginfo.ï¬/web/en
From Helsinki
New York
St Petersburg
New Delhi
Air freight*
0.5 h
2.5 h
2.5 h
11 h
2.5 h
6.5 h
11.5 h
Road haulage
24 h
46 h
72 h
96 h
1–2 days
2–3 days
9 days
Container ship
24 h
36 h
3 weeks
5 weeks
24 h
2 weeks
2 weeks
3 weeks
* Flight time. Source: Finnish Maritime Administration
Invest in Finland, Finpro Porkkalankatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 204 695 555 Fax +358 204 695 201 www.investinï¬nland.ï¬