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1) Invest in Finland Taxation in Finland Corporate taxation in Finland For businesses, taxes comprise a corporation tax (profit tax) and a real estate tax. Corporation tax is paid on annual taxable income minus tax-deductible expenses and losses. Corporate tax in Finland is reduced from 24,5% to 20% from 2014 on. Taxation for individuals in Finland Individuals have to pay a progressive income tax from their salaries. Foreign personnel working in Finland for longer than a six-month period are also required to pay Finnish income tax. If a foreign person works in Finland for less than six months, withholding tax of 35% is paid. Other taxes consist of an assets transfer tax (formerly stamp duty) and a withholding tax. The employers are also required to make a social security contribution. If the employer is a foreign company without a permanent office in Finland and the salary is paid through a bank, taxes are paid in the home country, Finland cuts corporate tax to 20% in 2014 Finland 2014 20 Estonia 22 UK The Finnish income tax guarantees that all residents continue to receive top-level public health care, free schooling for children, and other valuable public services. Private individuals’ income tax has come closer to the European average level in recent years in Finland. A preliminary tax on an employee’s income is deducted and paid monthly by the employer who also pays social security and other compulsory premiums. 21 Sweden not in Finland. Key foreign personnel, even if in Finland for longer than six months but not longer than 24 months, also pay the 35% income tax, when their monthly salary exceeds € 5800. 23 EU27 23,2 Netherlands 25 Denmark 25 Italy 27,5 Norway 28 Germany 29,8 France 33,33 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Preliminary tax deduction covers: – The national income tax (progressive, marginal tax rates vary from 6.5 to 31.75 % in 2013) – The municipal income tax (e.g. in Helsinki 18.5 % in 2013) – The church tax (a flat rate from 1.00–2.00 % in 2013, depending on the municipality). The church tax is waived in cases where the employee is not a member of the Evangelical Lutheran or Orthodox churches. 35 Invest in Finland, Finpro ry Porkkalankatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 204 695 555 Fax +358 204 695 201 www.investinfinland.fi

2) Invest in Finland Tax rates in Finland Value added tax (VAT) VAT is an indirect tax assessed as a percentage of the value of all goods and services, unless specifically exempted. It is a consumption tax paid by the end consumer. VAT-registered businesses can deduct VAT paid on purchases for business activities from their VAT liability. The Finnish acronym for VAT is ALV. R&D Tax break for companies 2014 The Finnish government is supporting research and development activities by offering companies an additional tax deduction based on the salaries of their R&D personnel during the period 2013–2014. The additional tax deduction is for 100% of the salaries paid, and it comes on top of the normal tax deduction of salaries from the company’s profits. The maximum tax deduction is EUR 400,000 and the minimum amount is EUR 15,000. The tax deduction is only applicable to limited companies and cooperatives. Sources and further information Finnish Tax Administration www.vero.fi/en-US The Taxpayers’ Association of Finland (TAF) www.veronmaksajat.fi/fi-FI/inenglish/ Examples of tax rates in Finland in 2013 Tax Sub classes Corporate income tax Value added tax (VAT) Tax rate 24.5% (20% from 1.1.2014) 14% Books, medicines, admissions to commercial sporting facilities, sporting events, cultural and entertainment events 10% Real estate tax rates vary in different districts 0,60%–1,35% The rate for residential houses used for living (year-round living, which does not mean summer cottages) Transfer tax, securities 24% Foodstuffs, restaurant and catering services and animal feed Tax on real property 2012 Standard 0,32%–0,75% corporate stock of business companies 1,6% Transfer tax, single family houses and other real estate 2% Excise tax Varies, usually less than percentage Invest in Finland, Finpro ry Porkkalankatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 204 695 555 Fax +358 204 695 201 www.investinfinland.fi