Public Invited to Take Surveys on Sunday Trading, Daylight Savings Time

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1) BULLETIN BOARD Date: Monday, 15 September 2014 Contact: Angela Piercy Direct line: (345) 244-2266 Tel: (345) 525-2266 • Fax: (345) 949-6374 E-mail address: angela.piercy@gov.ky Twitter: @CaymanFinServ Official Websites: www.gov.ky; www.caymanfinance.gov.ky FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Public Invited to Take Surveys on Sunday Trading, Daylight Savings Time Government invites the public to participate in a survey on Sunday Trading, and also a survey on Daylight Savings Time. Both surveys are available in hard copy, at the Trade and Business counter in the Government Administration Building, and also online at www.dci.gov.ky. The Sunday Trading survey ends Tuesday, 30 September. To take the online survey, visit www.dci.gov.ky and click on the link on the right side of the homepage. Meanwhile, the Daylight Savings survey ends Thursday, 30 October. To take this online survey, click on the ‘New Developments’ menu on the www.dci.gov.ky homepage. Again, both surveys also are available at the Trade and Business Counter in the Government Administration Building. The consultations are being conducted by the Ministry of Commerce. -end- 1|Pag e