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1) DIRECTORATE FOR TECHNOLOGICAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONES Based on Article 12 paragraph 4 indent 8 of the Law on Technological Industrial Development Zones (“Official Gazette of Republic of Mаcedonia” no.14/07, 103/08, 130/08, 139/09, 156/10, 127/12, 41/14, 160/14, 72/15, 129/15, 173/15, 192/15 and 217/15), the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones on behalf of the Government of Republic of Macedonia as founder of the Technological Industrial Development Zone “Skopje 2“, on 24.11.2015 adopted the following: SCHEDULE OF FEES of the Founder of TIDZ “SKOPJE 2“ for services delivered to the Users of TIDZ “SKOPJE 2“ I 1. Description of service Monthly lump-sum payment for maintenance of the infrastructure in TIDZ “Skopje 2” - maintenance of the infrastructure within the boundaries of the Zone and maintenance of public areas; - maintenance of street lighting in the public area of the Zone; - 24/7 security control of the Zone ; - 24/7 control of the entrance and exit of the Zone; -provision of working conditions for the customs authority. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Issuance of entry/exit Record and parking fee for using the terminal while performing import, export, re-export and evidence on entry and exit of goods in TIDZ in accordance with the Rulebook of the Customs Administration for mandatory recordings. The payment is conducted according to the number of issued Records for entry/exit in and out of the TIDZ “Skopje2” Vehicle scale weighing Fees for issuing documents for entry and movement in TIDZ "Skopje 2" ID card for User’s employee Temporary visitor ID card (multi-entry) ID card for User’s visitor (single-entry) ID card for User’s vehicle ID card for User’s employee vehicle ID card for User’s visitor vehicle (single-entry) ID card for vehicle for group transport 5. Rent of 1m2 closed warehouse area 6. Rent of 1m2 open warehouse area 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. Setting up containers (by third party) for servicing Users - up to 5 м2 Setting up containers (by third parties) for servicing Users – up to 15 м2 Setting up containers (by third parties) for servicing Users – up to 30 м2 ≈ Price in EUR ≈ 0,08 EUR/m² per leased area ≈ 7.31 EUR per Record ≈ 7.31 EUR ≈ 5.69 EUR ≈ 5.69 EUR Free of charge ≈ 16.26 EUR ≈ 16.26 EUR Free of charge ≈ 16.26 EUR ≈ 3.25 EUR per month ≈ 0.97 EUR per month ≈ 97,56 EUR per month ≈ 138.21 EUR per month ≈ 203.25 EUR per month 1

2) 10. Construction land under a long-term and short-term lease for infrastructure facilities in the zone, which are constructed by the entities public service providers in charge of construction of electrical energy, water supply, sewage, gas and telecommunication infrastructure. ≈ 9.75 EUR per month *The amounts are without VAT II The fee for setting up installations within the scope of the area in accordance with the Law on Construction Land is determined by the Regulation for the price of building land owned by the Republic of Macedonia and the amount of procedures for sale and lease and the conducting procedures for establishing the real easement. III The fees for the services referred to in Part I of this Schedule of Fees are paid within 15 (fifteen) days from the receiving date, as archived by the User. The fees for the services referred to in Part I, items 1, 2 and 4 of this Schedule of Fees, shall be paid by the User as of the date of receiving the Decision for starting with operation issued by the Directorate for TID Zones. IV The preparation of the Record for entry/exit to and from the TIDZ “Skopje 2” referred to in Part I item 2 of this Schedule of Fees is performed upon a selection of the User, as follows: per transportation means or per invoice for goods transported with several transportation means with unlimited number of entry/exit of transportation means during the day, latest by 24:00 o’clock. Any goods with value less than 6.200,00 Denars are exempted from payment of Record for entry/exit to and from TIDZ “Skopje 2” and measuring scale vehicle referred to in Part I items 2 and 3 of this Schedule of Fees. As an exception in paragraph two in this part domestic goods which with total amount of the consideration for the completed supply without the value added tax is equal or less than 60.000 Denars, as well as in the cases of supply of domestic goods intended for consumption, in accordance with the Law on Value Added Tax, is exempted from payment of the Record for entry/exit to and from the TIDZ “Skopje 2” referred to in Part I items 2 and 3 of this Schedule of Fees in accordance with Article 41 of the Law on Technological Industrial Development Zone. The goods intended for research, analysis or testing pursuant to Article 196 item 8 of the Customs Law are exempted from payment of the Record for entry/exit to and from TIDZ “Skopje 2” referred in Part I items 2 and 3of this Schedule of Fees. V The ID cards from Part I point 4 of this Schedule of Fees are valid for two calendar years. The User is obliged to inform the Directorate for TID Zones for every change of the employees and transportation means for which the ID card has been issued for the purpose of their annulment or issuance of new ID card within a period of 5 (five) working days. 2

3) VI With the entry into force of this Schedule of Fees, the Schedule of Fees of the founder of TIDZ “Skopje 2” (“Official Gazette of Republic of Mаcedonia” no.32/15) shall be repealed. VII This Schedule of Fees shall enter into force on the date of its publishing in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia and shall be published after obtaining approval from the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. 3