Setting up a business - Setting up a business in Finland

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1) Setting up a business Setting up a business in Finland Finland’s business-friendly government welcomes foreign companies to do business in Finland. Setting up a business in Finland is easy, for example the incorporation process usually takes about 2–3 weeks. Financial arrangement Select the company form Tips: Investor’s own capital or loans from commercial banks, public funding from Finnvera, EU-funded support from ELY Centres or R&D and innovation incentives by Tekes. The Financial Supervisory Authority • www.finanssivalvonta.fi /en Finnvera • www.finnvera.fi /eng ELY Centres • www.ely-keskus.fi /en Tekes • www.tekes.fi /en Tips: A foreign-based company can begin business activities in Finland by opening a limited liability company or by starting a Finnish branch. Check a valid company name from Business Information System. Enterprise Finland • www.enterprisefinland.fi The Business Information System • www.ytj.fi /english Tips: Business names are registered in Finnish or Swedish in the Finnish Trade Register. Registration at Trade Register and Tax Administration Look for premises, recruiting new employees The National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland • www.prh.fi /en The Finnish Tax Administration • www.vero.fi /en-US Free service for establishing a business in Finland • www.perustayritys.fi Tips: Recruiting services can be found from recruitment companies, or free services from the national employment offices. Employers have to take into account such issues as employees’ social security, pension, unemployment and accident insurances. Employment and Economic Development Office • www.mol.fi /mol/en/ Ministry of Employment and the Economy • www.tem.fi /en Bookkeeping, auditing and other services Tips: Information related to bookkeeping can be found from the Association of Finnish Accounting Firms, to auditing from HTM-auditors’ association and to other services for enterprises from Finland Chamber of Commerce. Association of Finnish Accounting Firms • www.taloushallintoliitto.fi HTM-auditors’ association • www.htm.fi /english_summary Finland Chamber of Commerce • www.kauppakamari.fi /en Invest in Finland, Finpro ry Porkkalankatu 1, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland Telephone +358 204 695 555 Fax +358 204 695 201 www.investinfinland.fi