Date: Monday, 15 September 2014
Contact: Angela Piercy
Direct line: (345) 244-2266
Tel: (345) 525-2266 • Fax: (345) 949-6374
E-mail address: angela.piercy@gov.ky
Twitter: @CaymanFinServ
Official Websites: www.gov.ky;
Should Cayman Adopt Daylight Savings Time?
The Cayman Islands Government is considering whether it would be beneficial to adopt Daylight
Savings Time (DST) – the practice of adjusting clocks one hour forward during the longer summer
months, and back again in the fall – and is inviting the public to give their views on the subject.
‘The move to DST has potential benefits for the traditional pillars of our economy – tourism and
financial services’, said Minister of Commerce Wayne Panton.
For tourism, he noted that DST would increase the time that cruise ships are in port; stimulate
shopping and dining experiences; and make it easier for some visitors to adapt to local time.
For financial services, he said the move would put Cayman more in sync with its large client base in
New York; and eliminate some discrepancies in travel schedules, which will simplify business travel.
DST has been in use for more than 100 years, and was first introduced by Germany as a fuel-saving
measure during World War I. Today, about 80 countries and territories around the world have some
observation of DST. Regionally, Bermuda and the Bahamas are examples of similar countries that
have found it beneficial.
The discussion on DST’s advantages or disadvantages typically focuses on energy use, public safety,
health, economic effects, and inconvenience.
The public is encouraged to read Government’s consultation paper, and to take the online survey
titled ‘Daylight Savings Time’, on www.dci.gov.ky, under ‘New Developments’. The consultation
period ends on Thursday, 30 October.
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