The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) (Amendment) Order, February, 2012

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1) CAYMAN ISLANDS Supplement No. 3 published with Extraordinary Gazette No. 12 dated 3 February, 2012. . THE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES LAW, 2011 (LAW 22 OF 2011) THE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES (CAYMAN ENTERPRISE CITY) (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 2012

2) The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) (Amendment) Order, 2012 2

3) The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) (Amendment) Order, 2012 CAYMAN ISLANDS THE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES LAW, 2011 (LAW 22 OF 2011) THE SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES (CAYMAN ENTERPRISE CITY) (AMENDMENT) ORDER, 2012 In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 10 of the Special Economic Zones Law, 2011, the Governor in Cabinet makes the following order 1. This Order may be cited as the Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) (Amendment) Order, 2012. Citation 2. The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) Order, 2011 is amended in paragraph 2 as follows - Amendment of paragraph 2 of the Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) Order, 2011 declaration of special economic zone (a) by renumbering paragraph 2 as paragraph 2(1); and (b) by inserting after paragraph 2(1) as renumbered the following subparagraph “ (2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (1), where the lands and property declared pursuant to subparagraph (1) are declared to be temporary spaces for the special economic zone known as Cayman Enterprise City, the declaration shall expire after five years from the date of commencement of this Order unless such period is extended by Cabinet on the recommendation of the Authority.”. 3. The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) Order, 2011 is amended by repealing Schedule 1 and substituting the following Schedule - 3 Amendment of Schedule 1 of the Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) Order, 2011 declaration of special economic zone Cayman Enterprise City

4) The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) (Amendment) Order, 2012 “SCHEDULE 1 DECLARATION OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE - CAYMAN ENTERPRISE CITY (Paragraph 2) 1. All those parcels of land, buildings, units or areas, namely the Units of the building registered as Block 20B, Parcel 384 known as Breezy Castle designated as the first of the temporary spaces for the special economic zone known as Cayman Enterprise City for which Cayman Enterprise City Limited has by agreement with the owner agreed to lease for the carrying on of special economic zone business by special economic zone enterprises which hold a trade certificate. 2. All those parcels of land, buildings, units or areas, namely the Units of the building registered as Block 12C, Parcel 190 known as Grand Pavilion designated as the second of the temporary spaces for the special economic zone known as Cayman Enterprise City for which Cayman Enterprise City Ltd has by agreement with the owner agreed to lease for the carrying on of special economic zone business by special economic zone enterprises which hold a trade certificate. 3. All those parcels of land, buildings, units or areas, namely the Units of the building registered as Block 20B, Parcel 342 known as The Mirco Centre designated as the third of the temporary spaces for the special economic zone known as Cayman Enterprise City for which Cayman Enterprise City Ltd has by agreement with the owner agreed to lease for the carrying on of special economic zone business by special economic zone enterprises which hold a trade certificate. 4. All those parcels of land, buildings, units or areas, namely the Units of the building registered as Block 13E, Parcel 164 known as Baytown Plaza designated as the fourth of the temporary spaces for the special economic zone known as Cayman Enterprise City for which Cayman Enterprise City Ltd has by agreement with the owner agreed to lease for the carrying on of special economic zone business by special economic zone enterprises which hold a trade certificate.”. 4

5) The Special Economic Zones (Cayman Enterprise City) (Amendment) Order, 2012 Made in Cabinet the 31st day of January, 2012. Kim Bullings Clerk of the Cabinet. 5